The world’s major oil exporters and importers have a joint interest in its security. 1 of 3 MEC-controlled CPs (Capture Points). It connects with the Persian Gulf through the shallow Strait of Hormuz. The income-tax department, which is looking into the books of CCD, and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) are probing the leads ... Can India spend its way out of the current crisis? The vessel had been putting targets out for other ships to target. Millions of Indian workers are staring at an uncertain future as Covid shuttered businesses and crashed oil. Noting that India has vital interests and links of civilisation and culture with all states in the Gulf, Singh called upon the countries in the region to resolve differences by dialogue based on mutual respect. India has “advised” its airlines to avoid overflying the airspace of Iran, Iraq and the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, after the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) barred its carriers from doing so following Iran’s missile attacks on bases housing American troops in Iraq. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... …such as the Gulfs of Oman, California, Aden, and some others, have smaller areas and are isolated to a lesser degree. The Konarak, a Hendijan-class support ship, which was taking part in the exercise, was too close to a target during an exercise on Sunday when the incident happened, the reports said. Is hope turning to despair in case of ITC? These features, in group A, Iran, a mountainous, arid, and ethnically diverse country of southwestern Asia. The Gulf of Oman is a western extension of the Arabian Sea, positioned in the Middle East between Iran, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. The gulf is 200 miles (320 km) wide between Cape al-Ḥadd in Oman and Gwādar Bay on the Pakistan–Iran border. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Yemen All Sections Oman Air to resume flights to 3 Indian cities October 8 . Gulf of Oman, northwest arm of the Arabian Sea, between the eastern portion (Oman) of the Arabian Peninsula to the southwest and Iran to the north. This pluralistic character of Oman brought it closer to India resulting in wide-ranging strategic partnership. The media said the missile struck the vessel accidentally. The government had launched the Swades (Skilled Workers Arrival Database for Employment Support) initiative to conduct a skill mapping exercise of returning workers. Gulf Oman. When is a daughter legal heir of her parent's assets and when she is not. It's the entrance to the Persian Gulf from the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean, and therefore an important (and vital) shipping route for the oil-producing countries in the Persian Gulf. Let's reshape it today, Hunt for the brightest engineers in India. It is 350 miles (560 km) long and connects with the Persian Gulf to the northwest through the Strait of Hormuz.