My headache was pretty light so I returned to work. I've got a cavernous sinus menengioma, collapsed a year ago and woke up on floor with a bump on right side of my head and still has severe pain on that side of my head everyday. One can understand why headaches may follow a moderate or severe injury to the brain such as a concussion (bruise) or laceration (tear). I did not lose consciousness but did experience some brain fog about a half hour after the accident. If memory problems continue, a battery of memory tests, called neuropsychological tests, can be obtained. I totally understand what your going through. These 3 natural cures could help eliminate your headache: Even in those situations, chances are good your headaches are not of the life-threatening variety. Wiki User Answered . A concussion occurs when head injury causes a person to be dazed and confused or knock a person out or unconscious. Do not touch the wound. Keep faith and be patient with yourself. Pain quality is typically pressure, tight, or dull aching. I wish you luck! Worker's Comp is slow to help, but I'm curious if anyone has found relief through Vision Therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? "Significant headache since hitting head on low ceiling 12 days ago. A few days later developed awful headaches and dizziness. The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Vertigo. By the way my mother is 81 yrs. Thanks, Anonymous replied on Wed, 09/30/2020 - 11:32pm Permalink. I was getting into a van and when I went to lift up I cracked my head pretty hard on the top of the van,since then I've had real bad headaches and when I sit down for more than a few minutes I get real tired and fall asleep, sometimes hours at a time.It's even affected my work a little bit also.I was wondering if it's possible I may have a slight concussion?? At the time I got a tension headache and I had difficulty thinking, but didn't lose consciousness. I hope this helps your wife. Anyone else feel like this and get better? Bumped her head on the floor. Copyright WWW.NEWHEALTHADVISOR.ORG © 2020, All rights Reserved. They never go away. You may get injured playing a sport or activity. They say everything is fine. I wonder how long these headaches will last? It can also occur with violent shaking and movement of the head or body. It only happens when I strain. I’ve had more times I can count that I feel ok with an activity only to find out after the fact I wasn’t ok and usually end up crawling into bed fighting nausea and dizziness. Blessed that I do have days without headaches. Select one or more newsletters to continue. Make sure your indoor walkways are free of debris and clutter. Brain wave tests (EEG) are not helpful unless seizures are suspected. Hello: I had a major brain injury at 20 years old and I was recently "one year ago" hit by a car I woke up in the CT scan machine.