The first section summarizes the assumptions underlying the estimates and projections for 2020–21. Country Risk Classifications of the Participants to the Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits Meeting 8 9 10 11 12 13 Country Name (1) The IMF’s Country Classification Systems; The main criteria used by the IMF in country classification are i) per capita income level ii) export diversification iii) degree of integration into the global financial system. For optimum experience we recommend to update your browser to the latest version. The country and lending groups page provides a complete list of economies classified by income, region, and lending status and links to previous years’ classifications. The IMF uses either sums or weighted averages of data for individual countries. The key IMF operational classification is eligibility for the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), its concessional lending trust fund. IMF Working Paper Strategy, Policy, and Review Department Classifications of Countries Based on Their Level of Development: How it is Done and How it Could be Done Prepared by Lynge Nielsen1 Authorized for distribution by Catherine Pattillo February 2011 Abstract The paper analyzes how the UNDP, the World Bank, and the IMF classify countries based on their level of development. Your browser is not up-to-date. New York, 2020 World Economic Situation and Prospects . The classification tables include all World Bank members, plus all other economies with populations of more than 30,000. The lending groups (IDA, Blend, IBRD) have also been updated. These meetings are organised so as to guarantee that every country is reviewed whenever a fundamental change is observed and at least once a year. sections: Assumptions, What’s New, Data and Conventions, Country Notes, General Features and Composition of Groups in the World Economic Outlook Classification, Key Data Documentation, and Statistical Tables. Statistical annex . Country risk classification Methodology. A group of country risk experts from Export Credit Agencies meets several times a year to update the list of country risk classifications.