Traveling is a favorite hobby for thousands of people across the globe. Sometimes it’s everyday encounters that dish up unimaginable experiences, or wild side trips that you take on a whim, but chances are you’ll be going home with a few tales to tell. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If you’re feeling stuck in where you are, if you feel trapped in an exhausting routine that never stops, if you strive to just get away. A person who went on a long-distance journey returned home after years. Part of HuffPost News. .css-d8ali9-Footer{padding:1em;}.css-1bjgiud-SiteLink-Footer{color:#1A1A1A;padding:1em;}ExploreContactPrivacy PolicyTerms of UseSupport. Once you travel abroad you realize that especially in Europe, almost everyone you meet speaks at least two languages somewhat proficiently. Remember, you only live once, so start traveling to different places and get some life-altering experiences. The shared experience of cultures and upbringings with your travel buddy will make you see life and its teachings from a newer angle. Powered by Vocal © 2020 Jerrick Ventures LLC. Traveling to a distant place and doing exciting things that are not thought of otherwise, can rejuvenate a person, who then returns home, ready to take on new and more difficult challenges in life and work. Unleash a skill you never knew you had: The challenges and opportunities you are to encounter in your travel spree will lead you to discover who you are deep down. Every country has a unique way of life, but Iceland is just... different. Traveling is something really unique, and there are only so many things we can learn in a school environment. Traveling is the best way to get out of your comfort zone and invites you to experience life in different ways. "We never know what we have until we lose it." Here’s why traveling is important. Some cultures are outgoing and others are more reserved and stoic; but all cultures love their children, are proud of their heritage, want to improve conditions for their families and leave a legacy of some sort behind. Your email address will not be published. Traveling can therefore be an extremely enchanting and enriching experience that may help improve the quality of your life. On the surface, travel is about seeing new places and (if you’re heading abroad to volunteer) giving a bit back at the same time. Yes, outside appearances are often vastly different. A good long holiday with loved ones enables him/her to spend some quality time with them, which in turn, helps to renew and restore relationships and creates very strong one-to-one and family bonds. Perhaps you’ve never traveled alone before or being around people other than your close family and friends makes you feel intimidated. Traveling can develop a person's character, being open minded. For many people, traveling is a way to attain knowledge, and perhaps, a quest to find answers to their questions. For example, poverty is not something I had been exposed to living in Australia. This is closely related to my previous point. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. Traveling to other countries, particularly those in the developing world, can be a big wake up call and put your own life in perspective. One might wonder that if a person gets medical aid only after he reaches his/her destination, what importance does traveling hold in this case? I saw many walls with gunshot holes, as a result of the Bosnian war in '90s. Jonathan Look Jr. at the Ghost Festival (Pee Ta Khon) in Thailand. Traveling not only takes us to distant lands and acquaints us with different people, but it also tends to break the monotony of our lives. Here, we explain 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages of traveling to help you make up your own mind. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I actually had the pleasure of visiting Syros, Greece for about a month, and let me tell you; that was the moment I knew I wanted to see the world. Imagine finding a lagoon or secluded part of a beach, the joy of discovering a new place and the beauty of the site would be a moment that you will cherish for your life. Before that, I had lived a relatively ordinary American life, however at the age of 50, I found myself surrounded by possessions, but longing for adventure and endowed with an unquenchable curiosity to see far beyond my familiar little corner of the globe. I'm also determined to encourage traveling, especially to my own generation. You aren't enclosed in your bubble; you get outside of your comfort zone. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”~ Gustave Flaubert. You hear many talk about trips they’re planning on taking. Each part of my trip was amazing in its own way, but Menorca was the only place I traveled to by myself. Demonizing strangers is easy. But in some countries, many children are barefooted and are exposed to many health diseases and cuts. Traveling, getting to know the world and connecting with people helps reduce the risk that areas of conflict will spread. It is a love saga that has no end and every place you end up in teaches you more about the world. People travel for various reasons. The more different people we meet it helps us to know more about our self as through communication with them the traveler will understand how he or she relates to different people and how he or she handles emotions. Traveling also helps to heal; it can mend a broken heart. But underneath it is so much more, opening your horizons to experience completely different cultures, cuisines and landscapes. Cooking classes are a great way to learn a few techniques and better understand the ingredients used, allowing you to recreate recipes for friends and family back home. Mark Twain said it best: 'Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Here's why traveling is important. Freedom is something we talk about, but don't often exercise. As a new mom, I cannot wait to travel with my husband and son. It doesn't necessarily have to be out of the country, or an expensive trip, even a road trip is a good idea. Instead of building walls and barriers to understanding, we should be searching for common ground, celebrating our differences and encouraging humankind to be more tolerant of each other. Packing is arguably one of the most difficult parts of planning a trip and to be frank, this guide will help, but not that much: Hey, I'm not a miracle worker. It gives him a chance to think wisely and constructively. Some of them travel from richer countries to poorer ones in quest of cheaper medication; some others travel from poorer countries to more developed ones to get the right medication. No, being traveled does not make you a better person, but neither does uninformed or irrational fear. Importance of traveling For a traveler, traveling is the joie de vivre of life and the more they travel; more places are left for them to travel. I cannot stress enough, if you have the financial ability to travel… pack up today. 10127 Cassidy Downs Traveling doesn't always mean an elaborate vacation or hoping on a plane to go somewhere. Scientifically, it is shown that traveling also gains you more confidence and a great way to develop cultural sensitivity. But for some, traveling can have more disadvantages than advantages. It will be easier for you to accept and adapt to situations that are different from the one that you practice in your everyday life. I believe that there are many important aspects with traveling. All Rights Reserved. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Traveling is a great way of expanding your horizons. Top 7 California Destinations To Visit For The Ultimate Dream Vacation, The 6 Most Amazing Summer 2020 Camping Spots In Northern California Unlike Any Other, 5 of The Most Powerful Places To Reach Spiritual Enlightenment, Top 5 Best Ancient Cities To Travel To This Summer if You’re Looking For Adventure.