HEre's the late news from that night - reports were that one died. As horrible as those scenes were, I'd be lying if I didn't say a part of me wishes I had made it over to the game. its in the record books as a 1-0 win (afaik?) If so, I stand corrected, didnt realise there were any casualties as such on the night. A copper came and stood in the aisle keeping an eye on things. It was unbelievable.”, Sign up to to get the latest news direct to your inbox daily at 1pm. My dad just grabs me in a headlock type hold and runs with me to the west stand and out as quick as possible. At the final whistle the fella from Hartlepool offered me his hand to shake. “You could see it on the way into Lansdowne Road,” Seamus said. Trapattoni did that for me,” referring to the former Ireland coach. Remember going to the game with my dad and in the same section. Charlie Redmond was the Dubs hero having scored the goal that eventually saw Dublin through. Jimmy Bullard - "Favorite band? Just looked at the RTE 9 O'Clock News from the night of the game on youtube, a 60 year old man died at the match from a Heart Attack and an English fella was stabbed. Nope, in the record books as match abandoned. “There was a gate close to us and I took the decision that the pitch was the safest place to be. We were at an English game three years earlier and there was no problem.”. Asked if it put him off attending international games, Seamus replied: “No. As for the game in 1980, i had my hat and scarf nicked by a couple of skinheads. That boy was James Eager, 7, who was with his father Seamus at the match. Perhaps it was just the goal then, rather than the actual 1-0 result. 708 Squad vs. Nigeria 709 710 Squad vs. Uruguay: Wednesday, 15 February 1995 International Friendly Match. It's been twenty years to the day since that infamous clash between Ireland and England in the old Lansdowne Road. I was only 8 years old, there must have been some hatred for peolple to start abusing a man going to a football match with his 8 year old son. Anyway, we got some hassle on the bus that night off a couple of arseholes. That was Lansdowne Road 20 years ago when scores of England fans caused chaos in the stadium’s upper west stand, ripping up seats and hurling anything they could find in the direction of Republic of Ireland supporters and players. His England counterpart Terry Venables was equally baffled. It was clear that he had to get his young son out of there. The walk to the car and the ride home was so quiet. The other is of a little boy crying into his Ireland scarf as the violence flared around him. When fans view soccer as war by other means, when they cause mayhem, throw metal and wooden poles, jeer at players, and shout Nazi salutes and turn a game of football into a full-scale riot. English Fella stabbed at the ground or in the town? Its part of Irish footballing history and will be talked of forever more. I just wiped the spittle away with my scarf and sat down. If so, I stand corrected, didnt realise there were any casualties as such on the night. I'd be going to games about 2 years at that point from Manchester and although I desperately wanted to get over for the game in '95, myself and my mate decided to give it a miss so that we could go to the qualifier the following month against the Nordies (1-1 game). I haven't seen it since, just Quinn's goal. 15 February 1995 - Republic of Ireland vs. England Lansdowne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin (40,000) D.Kelly: AabD: Abandoned after 27 minutes because of crowd violence. Every Englishman should be ashamed.”. The perfect storm waiting to happen finally erupted when David Kelly — one of eight English-born players in the Republic of Ireland team — put the home side 1-0 ahead 21 minutes into the match. You paint a vivid picture D69. I was only earning about £50 a week at the time and as it was I was subbing off my ma and da left right and centre to get to the home games, so squeezing in another friendly wasn't really an option.