Half of Israel’s irrigation water, about 500 million cu meters or 405,000 acre-ft per year, is treated wastewater. Another example is the Ma’ayan Tzvi water reservoir in the north of Israel, providing twelve million cubic meters of purified effluents to irrigate local agricultural fields thereby alleviate the water shortage in Israel. Trees in KKL-JN... » These blue pools make an economic-ecological-environmental contribution that can only be described as priceless. The reservoirs were built in the direction of the water flow from south to north. Removing the vast majority of the solids helps make the UV process more efficient and effective by minimizing particles that can scatter or absorb germicidal wavelengths, foul lenses and shield microbes. Gate to the Nor... » In addition to unconventional water sources, water policies in Israel encourage smart water management, and ongoing research and development in the water sector focuses on water efficiency aspects such as leak detection and drip irrigation. While Israel’s use of desalination is well known, it is not as well known that the country has also revolutionized its water recycling system to provide 25% of its water. The recycled water reservoirs are actually the final stage in a complex process for purifying sewage that includes breakdown of organic pollutants, removing suspended particles by sedimentation and then storing the recycled water in reservoirs from where it can be piped out for use in irrigation. The water crisis that Israel faces today has increased pressure on farmers to use alternative sources of water. Besides prayers for more rain before the winter is over, the people of Israel know that they can rely on KKL-JNF and its friends around the globe to do whatever is possible to provide the means and the knowledge to discover new and innovative ways of alleviating Israel's chronic water shortage. “Reclaimed water transformed Israel’s water profile,” Siegel writes. KKL-JNF From Ye... » The Grove of Na... » KKL-JNF’s collects and treats water from agriculture, sewage, flash floods and urban runoff for recycling, saving precious fresh water sources for drinking. Preventing and... » The combination of nighttime application and subsurface placement minimizes the chance of contact between residents and the treated wastewater, per Israeli regulations. City streets too are often flooded after hard rain, causing injury to people and damage to property. - International W... » Although it is accepted that this sphere of KKL-JNF's activity is most welcome, development of reservoirs is generally considered a routine, technical matter and there is little awareness of the many extra advantages of these reservoirs to different sectors of society. Living Green in... » For example, despite the difference in size, Israel faces some of the same nutrient management issues in Lake Kinneret as Manitoba faces in Lake Winnipeg. Clean Up The Wo... » Choose TheBest cups and bowls means choosing professional and valuable advertising service. Think Environme... » Israeli and Jew... » | With the help of these reservoirs, all Beersheba and Ofakim's sewage will be recycled for agricultural use, thereby contributing both to agriculture and also to protecting the water quality of the aquifers that provide drinking water. | The treated water (known as “effluent water”) was pumped further south, where it is now used in agriculture. This reservoir, along with its ‘twin sister’ and the sewage purification plant located next to it, brings triple gain: They collect the sewage of the Carmel beach communities, thereby averting pollution of the streams and the ocean; they provide water for agriculture for the farmers; and lastly, they harvest the floodwaters of Nahal Dalia, thus increasing the water in the reservoirs and improving its quality. Intellectual Property Protection ©2020 Scranton Gillette Communications. To prepare the water for efficient UV disinfection, the flow is directed from the primary clarifier through 25-micron Amiad SAF automatic self-cleaning screen filters , then through a 7-micron Amiad automatic micro fiber (AMF) filter . | Showroom It change the structure of crystal and promote hard scale loose. KKL-JNF in Publ... » Alipay Projects undertaken with the help of friends of KKL-JNF from Australia during 2010 include construction of six new reservoirs in the Negev for storing purified effluents from Beersheba and nearby villages, along with sewage from the Palestinian Authority in the Hebron region. Sustainable Par... » Youth and Educa... » International R... » 50 Ways to Conserve Water; Benefits of Water Conservation » Water Technolog... » In this manner, KKL-JNF contributes to the recovery of one of the most valuable fresh water sources that Israel has. by | Now that freshwater quotas are being cut and orchards are being uprooted, this water is the hope for agriculture in the future. Wastewater may undergo secondary or tertiary treatment, depending on the crops and application techniques where it will be used. Treated water is stored in a buffered reservoir next to the plant and directed back to Lehavim at night, where it is applied via buried drip lines to public parkland. But Israelis have led the way in another revolution in water technology: The recycling of waste. Contact us. Festivals in Is... » International W... » JNF Australia is funding a significant proportion of the costs involved in integrating the topic in Israel’s local government structure. Israel’s pioneers set out to make the desert bloom, and they have succeeded.