Exhaust emissions deaths from diesel emissions in Italy, Germany, France, and India were 66%. Read more about the articles related to Overpopulation below: Biodiversity is yet another casualty due to the impact of human beings on the environment. The media, public, and scientific communities are focusing more than ever on the top 30 environmental concerns the Earth is currently facing. The continued reliance on fossil fuels and the lack of alternative sources of green energy are taking their toll. Should we be doing more to preserve endangered species and their habitats? Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. Ecologist, B.Sc. Waste from industrial and agricultural activities pollute the water that is used by humans, animals, and plants. Energy conservation: Use of renewable energy for home and business, effecting energy efficiency, and avoiding fossil fuel use to mitigate climate change and protect the environment. This results in toxification to humans and death to animals and ecosystems within the bodies of water. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a huge chunk of collected debris and trash that's accumulated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 19. Dams and their impact on the environment: WWF reports there are 48,000 dams in the world, built to provide water for drinking and irrigation, and energy. Though global initiatives, like the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that was signed by 150 countries in 1992, increasingly protect ecosystems a scientific review in 2016 found nearly half of habitats are still severely threatened. 27. Yet among tropical forests the area of rainforests cleared is the maximum, and most of it is export driven. Emerging Issues in Environmental Health. We're in the midst of the sixth mass extinction as species are dying off at an unprecedented rate. We've made some changes to EPA.gov. Extreme degradation leads to desertification due to which 12 million hectares become unproductive annually. 30 Staggering Ways To Stop Water Pollution, 40 Interesting Facts About Water Pollution You’ll Wish You’d Known, Sources and Causes of Water Pollution That Affect Our Environment, Land pollution can have a huge environmental impact, Various Sources and Incredible Solutions to Soil Pollution, 10 Magnificent Ways For Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution, Causes and Effects of Soil Pollution on the Environment and Human Health, Various Causes and Effects of Soil Contamination, Causes, Effects, and Solutions of Soil Degradation, Causes, Effects, and Solutions of Soil Erosion, 20+ Remarkable Ways to Conserve and Protect Soil, Causes and Effects of Climate Change on Our Environment, 10 Simple But Powerful Solutions To Tackle Climate Crisis, Is it Possible to Reverse Climate Change? 30. However, the health risks they pose are unknown since research in this area has been deemed irresponsible and therefore unfeasible, according to the American Chemical Society. Oil spills and radiation are rabid factors, as is chemical pollution based on human activity. (And Uses of Old Egg Cartons), 15 Sustainable and Green Building Construction Materials. As increasing evidence supports the devastating effect humans have on the environment, more people are taking steps to protect the environment and educate others. As our actions have been not in favor of protecting this planet, we have seen natural disasters striking us more often in the form of flash floods, earthquakes, blizzards, tsunamis, and cyclones. Environmental protection and preservation of the planet is the responsibility of every individual and community on Earth. Read more about the articles related to Agricultural Pollution below: Noise pollution is another common form of pollution that causes temporary disruption when there is an excessive amount of unpleasant noise. In February 2019, PR Newswire reported a national survey conducted by Bluewater technology company, revealed one-third of Americans had water contamination issues over the past two years. Landfills, on the other hand, are nothing but huge garbage dumps that make the city look ugly and produce toxic gases that could prove fatal for humans and animals. In the U.S. there are 12 to 18 million water borne diseases reported in a year, half of which are spread through rains. This results in rising toxicity, compromised public health, and a polluted environment. A 2017 scientific study says global supply chains are threatening species in many biodiversity hotspots. Biological pollutants: The EPA says that "biological contaminants are, or are produced by, living things." Impact and Solutions of Nitrogen Pollution, Causes and Effects of Agricultural Pollution on Our Environment, 15 Impressive Ways to Reduce Light Pollution, Sources of Noise Pollution and Tips For Prevention of Noise Pollution, Effects of Noise Pollution on Humans Health and Animals, 20+ Easy and Practical Ways to Reduce Noise Pollution, Causes and Effects of Noise Pollution on Humans and Animals, Various Causes of Urban Growth and Differences Between Urbanization and Urban Growth, 11 Major Global Urbanization Problems That Are Affecting Our planet, Causes, Effects, and Solutions to Urbanization, Effects of Littering on Humans, Animals, and the Environment, Causes, Problems, and Solutions of Littering, Causes, Effects, and Solutions of Landfills, What is Sanitary Landfill and Difference Between Sanitary Landfill and Open Dumping, Construction, Working and Environmental Effects of Landfill, Can You Recycle Tea Bags? "Each year, 1 in 6 Americans get sick from eating contaminated food," reports Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).