“The secrets of the universe aren't really secrets. Only the most naive of questions are truly serious. Limitations live only in our minds. More Questions than Answers is the first and only weekly paranormal news quiz show - with host Adrian Lee and a guest panel. “Sometimes questions are more important than answers.” – Nancy Willard “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” – Decouvertes “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers” – Voltaire “Asking the right questions takes as much skill as giving the […] In some, they are resulting in increasing reports of suicide. Don't miss out on our next weekly batch. I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone. “Being religious means asking passionately the question of the meaning of our existence and being willing to receive answers, even if the answers hurt.” In many cases, it contributes to depression, school avoidance and myriad other consequences related to emotional abuse. “Seeking answers to questions is what draws us forward. About: Imagination quotes, Questioning quotes, Teaching quotes, Curiosity quotes. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unfortunately, it's now a process they're going through in public places. A lot of this experimenting and writing and connecting with other people is a very foundational aspect of coming of age, figuring out who I am, presenting information important to me and getting feedback on that. “ A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers. Bruce Lee. MQTA can also be heard as a radio show on www.DigiStreamGLobal.com on Friday at 10 pm (ct) and through the usual platforms and archives … Watch your thoughts, for they become words. ... which is often vague, than the exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise. John Tukey. They are more likely to do things online than they would in the real world. These activities are causing significant emotional distress to the victims. The limitation of riots, moral questions aside, is that they cannot win and their participants know it. Here’s a collection of my favorite quotes on questions. Knowledge brings more questions than answers - quote by Carlos Gershenson on YourDictionary. Question is defined as a sentence or phrase used to find out information. You have no more questions when you finally learn that love is the answer. It's the 'You can't see me, I can't see you phenomenon.' Love is always the answer.” Kate McGahan It is memory that provides the heart with impetus, fuels the brain, and propels the corn plant from seed to fruit.” Here’s a collection of my favorite quotes on questions. May these quotes inspire you to ask the right questions in life so that you may live your dreams.. 1. Inspirational Quotes | Isaac Newton, a true visionary of his time (the late 1600s), was a man looking in many directions for answers to questions most people didn't even know to … A question with no answer is a barrier that cannot be breached. So, ah, yeah, the off-campus activities can have significant harm. Hence, rioting is not revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. I've seen reports of children having to change schools. “Indeed, the only truly serious questions are ones that even a child can formulate. The field of memory we exist in is absolutely encompassing and is both a question and answer. 6. Start your week with a motivational kick. There's a perception of invisibility. Joy Harjo Quote: “I have more questions than answers in this world as do most poets and writers. It involves an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of futility. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. Young people don't seem to make a connection with the vulnerability that they can get into by posting themselves publicly. Add the "Dynamic Daily Quotation" to Your Site or Blog - it's Easy! It's just that humanity is too subjugated by their blissful ignorance to ask the right questions. “Sometimes questions are more important than answers.” – Nancy Willard “It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” – Decouvertes “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers” – Voltaire “Asking the right questions takes as much skill as giving the […] “Sometimes questions are more important than answers.” Nancy Willard quotes (American Poet and Writer, b.1936) Similar Quotes. Explore 1000 Answer Quotes by authors including John F. Kennedy, ... A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. {See the full Question Quotes gallery} Let’s start with this one: “The important thing is not to stop questioning.” This is actually the first part of a longer quote, which ends with the wonderful line: “Never lose a holy curiosity.” Einstein thought questioning and curiosity were the key to learning. When you have all of the answers, but are unable to ask any questions to them, then all you have are secrets.” I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. Join 48,000+ other people and subscribe to Quotefancy Weekly Digest. Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. Each episode can be viewed on MCN 6 every Saturday at 9 pm (ct) on channel 6, Roku, or streamed through www.MCN6.org. They are the questions with no answers. Or children committing suicide. Nancy Willard quotes (American Poet and Writer, b.1936), Javan quotes (Iranian born American Inventor, (invented gas laser 1960) b.1946), James Dean quotes (American motion picture actor, symbol of rebellion, 1931-1955), Jamie Paolinetti quotes (American Schroeder Iron Pro Cycling). When you have no more questions you live in the satisfaction of the present moment. “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” Voltaire. ... We're on a mission of turning inspiring quotes into beautiful wallpapers.