Both camps run from Monday until Saturday at noon. ["large-width"]=> string(74) "" The Mouratoglou Tennis Academy is designed for girls and boys between the ages of 10 and 18 years. Students can also enjoy beach volleyball at a location just 10 minutes away. ["height"]=> string(3) "png" string(56) "" int(120) ["medium-height"]=> Mouratoglou Resort – 3550 Route des Dolines, 06410 BIOT – FRANCE Do you wish to see them in Euros? The teachers are there to help the children organize themselves and optimize their learning. ["title"]=> Download some information about this camp and read it at anytime. The program includes: During the training sessions, students will learn different types of serves, how to move on the court and how to execute different shots. • Intensive tennis programs. Fanny Fracassi ), you can also choose this program and join our academy for a year to be part of our training center. Students can also enjoy beach volleyball at a location just 10 minutes away. array(18) { The Mouratoglou Academy has … Each parent wants the best for their child. In addition to the coaches, the facilities also employ eight monitors who ensure that the children are supervised 24 hours a day during their stay on campus. ["medium-width"]=> ["menu_order"]=> In addition, mental workshops, theatre classes and other creative activities are also arranged. You can obtain a certificate of equivalence for your French qualifications in the United States. int(120) ["medium_large-height"]=> string(0) "" ["thumbnail-height"]=> ["large"]=> (only for students of the Academy) Download some information about this camp and read it at anytime. Students with common ambitions and values, families who have decided to put tennis first. The student-parents bond remains a priority. int(60) This Academy has helped to shape the careers of many high-calibre tennis players including Elina Svitolina, Jelena Dokic and Alexandre Lacroix. If you have reserved the transfer service, be sure to send us an email regarding the details of your trip so we can successfully transport you to the camp. Furthermore I also assist them throughout the whole process in light of their personal profiles. } ["medium"]=> The word “boredom” cannot be associated with the Mouratoglou Tennis Academy. Before arriving at the camp, parents and children must decide what type of training is most suitable for their needs. 29016 Malaga, Spain, Calle Hermosilla, 48. ["type"]=> If you have reserved the transfer service, be sure to send us an email regarding the details of your trip so we can successfully transport you to the camp. ["medium_large-height"]=> ["date"]=> int(120) string(74) "" They also promote weekends of integration, where challenges are set in the water, in the forest or in the mountains. The Mouratoglou Tennis Academy was established in 1998 and became the first European organization to facilitate university scholarships for young tennis players. ["icon"]=> However, tennis college is also not reserved for an elite. ["menu_order"]=> Mouratoglou Scholarship USA. ["large-height"]=> ["status"]=> The American academic system offers internationally recognized degrees, including the MBA (Master Degree of Business Administration), which is the most renowned. ["modified"]=> string(3) "png" ["caption"]=> ["small-width"]=> 1º Derecha. string(74) "" If you choose to stay at the club's facilities, the price includes: At the time of booking, you can choose the type of course and accommodation you require - there are options to stay on or off campus. ["custom-size-height"]=> The training principle at the Mouratoglou Academy is based on the law of effort - that is to say, to achieve your dreams, you first have to make an effort and believe in yourself, only then can you become an artist. They also promote weekends of integration, where challenges are set in the water, in the forest or in the mountains. Change to EUR. ["medium-width"]=> Playing tables: Ping pong, Billiards or others, Paseo Reding, 23. ["large-width"]=> mouratoglou academy Considered to be one of the best training centres in the world, the Mouratoglou Academy strives to help any tennis player meet their athletic and training goals. string(9) "image/png" The student-parents bond remains a priority. }. int(60) ["large-width"]=> ["custom-size-height"]=> In addition, teachers have been teaching these subjects for more than a decade and will regularly inform the parents of the progress of the child. ["title"]=> ["subtype"]=> The training principle at the Mouratoglou Academy is based on the law of effort - that is to say, to achieve your dreams, you first have to make an effort and believe in yourself, only then can you become an artist. • Recognized degrees (Bachelor or Master) worldwide int(60) We take care of your credit transfers! In addition, many sports competitions are organized at the camp. Here are the leads why you should seize the opportunity that the Tennis School offers for your child. Tennis academies are aware of the impact that a registration in tennis college has on the life of the whole family. string(15) "Asics-logo-gris" string(9) "image/png" string(15) "asics-logo-gris" To improve learning and individualized attention, a teacher is assigned for every 8 students. ["url"]=> Registration into your American university: In accordance to the criteria agreed upon with the Mouratoglou Academy, we guarantee you a choice of universities corresponding to your expectations. int(2520) bool(true) • Free TOEFL & SATs tuition Students can practice their favourite sport on any of the 34 tennis courts at the academy (including grass and clay surfaces as well as eight indoor courts). ["author"]=> ["hide_mobile"]=> Details of the full policy coverage can be found here. ["caption"]=> string(56) "" ["uploaded_to"]=> int(90) string(9) "image/png" Do not hesitate to contact the Academy to discuss about it. ["caption"]=> A group of 19 people are responsible for training and supervising the children during the stay at the Mouratoglou France Tennis Academy. ["hide_mobile"]=> The results in competition and in tournaments are consisting a fundamental criterion. string(0) "" Traveling throughout the United States, across major States such as California, Florida, New York, Chicago or Washington, is extraordinary of the experience. string(1) "5" string(74) "" The students are distributed into groups according to the program that is chosen. • Analysing your profile and writing a CV } 14th Floor. int(90) int(60) int(120) EVERY YEAR, OF EXPERIENCE IN > Our hall of fame string(5) "image" > Why choose us? array(18) { ["medium_large-width"]=> What's the accommodation like and it is far from the training grounds? int(2520) string(81) "" ["alt"]=> int(120) string(56) "" ["thumbnail-height"]=> In doing so, the Academy gives you the chance to develop your tennis and achieve a ranking to open the door to some of America’s top universities. string(74) "" ["medium-width"]=> string(74) "" Step 2: Turn in the required documents duly completed. Here at the Mouratoglou Academy, we don’t just train tennis champions: we prepare students for life. ["medium_large-width"]=> string(0) "" array(24) { The best junior players sent to the USA through a network of more than 800 american universities thanks to the Mouratoglou Academy. string(74) "" int(60) • Registering for TOEFL & SATs ["medium-height"]=> ["date"]=> This will give you time to adapt to the American system and think through your professional project. string(64) "" ["description"]=> bool(true) ["link"]=> The semi-intensive camp includes: The intensive camp provides a greater physical challenge for the students, while helping to improve the technical, tactical and physical aspects of their game. The student-parents bond remains a priority. The camp managers organize a variety of field trips and games to amuse and stimulate the children during the weekend. > The US college sports system You have completed your bachelor’s degree or are about to and whish to start a master’s degree. Do not hesitate to contact us and come and visit the Mouratoglou Academy center, of course accompanied by your child. • Completing visa and international insurance paperwork ["filename"]=> int(60) ["width"]=>