In Sweden, the four-page tax form comes in the mail already filled out. If someone asks you why you are here, they are obviouly curious about the answer. We actually live in Newcastle Upon Tyne. I’ve been reading emails, comments, and things online about people planning to move here, so I wanted to outline how to move to Sweden and give some of the resources I’ve written in the past. Thanks so much for the help! It MIGHT have been true in the 60is and early 1970is, but not anymore. I'm seriously thinking about moving to Sweden. The hard part comes when you start adopting Swedish customs, like learning the language and adjusting to wintertime darkness. I think salaries may be higher in Denmark than in Sweden, but cost of living is probably also higher in Denmark. You can mention your family in passing, but usually, even if you don't, people will ask you if you have some sort of connection to the country, and then they have brought it up and you can just tell them. My mother, for example, speaks fluent Swedish, is a Swedish citizen, and has lived in Sweden for going on forty years, but neither she nor anyone else thinks of her as Swedish. Best of luck with your studies, and i hope that you thoroughly enjoy our beautiful country! Swedish taxes are easy to pay, rational, and efficient. Each day, people sit down for a cup of coffee and find something sweet to nibble on as they catch up on life. I moved here from the UK a decade ago, in my experience Swede's don't really play games with people, if they ask you why you moved here they are genuinely interested in your answer. I have a cousin in Malmö and would probably live near him there. I now live in Copenhagen. Here are six reasons I have come to love Swedish taxes. If we value freedom, those of us who drive cars should pay higher gas taxes so that those who are old, infirm, too poor to have a car, or want to reduce their environmental impact can have fast and efficient bus and train service. Sales taxes are high in Sweden, but you don't see them, and that makes them easier to pay. Moving to Sweden from the UK is a dream come true for many; the perfect compromise between a happy life and an efficient one. Game studios don't pay computer science salaries, but you probably already know this. After all, every American seems to know that taxes in Sweden are high and that they want nothing to do with high. Sweden is also a world leader in liberal values, pioneering LGBT rights, gender equality and providing extensive parental and maternal privileges for employees. My wife, Betty, and I each have a PhD, but that's not enough to understand IRS instructions. The 33 million Americans who are still not covered by health insurance don't have much choice when they get sick, unless you think, "Your money or your life?" Hi all, so in two weeks I'll be moving to Sweden to study at KTH in Stockholm. Just wondering if any mention of my family in Stockholm and Gothenburg will render me obnoxious. But because Sweden has a narrower income distribution, its sales tax is less regressive than in the US. I understand that certain soft-spokenness of swedes (Not sure if that's the right word, but you know what I mean, not in a bad way at all). It's a difference in what the phrases mean. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I have no doubt that I will enjoy your beautiful country (and your great food) :). The only way you'd come off as obnoxious is if you start calling yourself Swedish. Welcome to KTH! It can be hard to get a job as a foreigner in Sweden, so your life will be a lot easier if you have experience first. A heads up though, some swedes may not talk to you so much at first because they are self conscious about their english. Sounds great. Unless he'd spent time in the US and understood the culture he'd be American-Swedish not American. How to move to Sweden and live in the future. Hello r/sweden, my partner and I (Spanish 24yo) are planning to move to Sweden in around 3yrs. The Swedes are an industrious folk, but they can't get by without taking a break or two. The envelope might as well say, "I am from the government, and I am here to make you miserable.". I love Sweden and am so excited to move there and hopefully eventually work there. One should not pretend to be something one aren't. The process is simple, fair, totally clear, and you don't have to do anything on your tax form. I'm looking for advice on living there and the difficulty of the transition and immigration. But I am wondering if it would come across as obnoxious if I told Swedes about that.. about having family there, as if it's something important. as well as other partner offers and accept our, and have conducted themselves well," according to, You must have lived together for such a period," the requirements, "In order to become a Swedish citizen, you must have conducted yourself well during your time in Sweden," the immigration office. If you do want to talk about your family's heritage you could say something like "my family emigrated from here" or talk about your relatives that live here. So pack one suit or dress — it's too casual (and too cold) for much else. It's a tradition known as fika, and it's just as much about the socializing as it is about the sustenance. Will be looking to move to Stockholm: This subreddit is moderated after the reddiquette and these community guidelines These are the choices Europeans have that we don't, because they devote more of their income to collective goods. I've also been to Norway several times. We actually live in Newcastle Upon Tyne. Health related items: zero percent. Hej and wälkommen to Sweddit! There is the infamous and eternal housing squeeze which may push you to live somewhere weird and commute to work, but you can't have everything! Also, I'm not saying this in a smugly superior "you have to earn your place to become Swedish" way. There is no free 15-minute ride across the strait to Basswood Island closest to the mainland, nor a $10 shuttle between the islands, as there would be in Sweden where a heavily subsidized ferry system makes the Stockholm archipelago available to all citizens — as well as to American tourists. We are working as waiter/waitress part time and customer service(me) and my partner as a behaviour assistant. It turns out the average Swede pays less than 27 percent of his or her income in direct taxes. In the US, you get a deduction on your income tax for dependents. He is a professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin Madison. A passport or similar document with an accompanying photo is fine. This subreddit is moderated after the reddiquette and these community guidelines Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What I'm trying to say is that if you “shop around” for cities before you look for jobs, you might be looking for a very long time. … Visiting redditors from elsewhere are also welcome! "You must have lived together for such a period," the requirements read, "that your spouse has knowledge of your background and life story so that your identity can be attested to without doubt.". Also, if you haven't got one you should apply for a Personal Number ASAP (basically your social security number equivalent), as every service everywhere uses that as your main ID credential. If we owned the same property in Madison, our taxes would be $18,000 a year. These stretches of cold weather mean lots of darkness and below-freezing temperatures, so best to brace yourself for the absence of sunlight. To us that just means that you were born and raised here. You basically have to be born here to (at least one) parent who is also from here. Hej and wälkommen to Sweddit! … There are certain circumstances when you can cut the five years short, like when you've already been living with a Swedish citizen for two years somewhere else. I have been living in the southern part of Sweden (Lund) from the last 3 years and have found it to be great experience. If the Swedish government wants you to do something, they give you the money. Another casualty? Tax-preparation services cost American taxpayers more than $32 billion per year. Moving to Sweden has never been more popular. As I've written elsewhere, my wife and I pay about 22 percent of our US income in taxes. The two are not the same, even though I know many in the US would use just "Swedish" or "Italian" or "Irish" when explaining their ethnicity. Applying for citizenship requires you to live in the country for five years and have a "proven" identity. Official information for UK nationals moving to or living in Sweden, including guidance on residency, healthcare, passports and the Withdrawal Agreement. Expats moving to Sweden may find the language difficult to learn, but since Swedes generally speak excellent English and enjoy practising it, the language barrier is easily overcome. We are looking for cities similar to Newcastle or better. Ya know? Housing prices have gone up a LOT but on the flipside Malmö is probably one of if not the cheapest city otherwise to live in. No, planning to travel once we have some places in mind and see how is there. I really, really don't want to come across as annoying. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Hej and wälkommen to Sweddit! I do get to choose my doctor, have high-quality care a short walk from my home, same-day appointments and short waits when I walk in unannounced. By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Business Insider Visiting redditors from elsewhere are also welcome! Or is it just another damn number on a tax form? I'm a civil code lawyer from Louisiana. Now I'm sure most of the people here are scratching their heads with the "Newcastle or better", do you have some "run-down index" in mind? Game studios in Sweden are infamous for paying substandard wages. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I rather be a blue collar poor man in Sweden but as soon as you hit middle class or above in earnings the USA far exceeds Sweden. (A friend om mine had americans visit, other friends were too nervous to talk with them besides greetings etc). Chip in as little as $3 to help keep it free for everyone. I completely understand what you're saying. Not having to pay for college gives the best and the brightest the opportunity to attend any school they choose — equalizing opportunity on merit, not parents' wealth. Having a family in 1998 started us thinking about where we would like to be long term. I’m currently studying Game Design and my partner just finish a criminology and sociology degree and now is with a master in international relations, governance and security. For Swedish to be a plus, you have to be fluent. I'm going for a … We have a total income of £2500/month and around £1500 in expenses (rent,food, transport, eating out...) and around £10k in savings. Does this feel good? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Swishade 300kr och allt jag fick var denna flair. The hub for Swedes on reddit and our community here! The Swedish mega-chain is just as much a one-stop-shop for inexpensive furnishing in its home country. Also gay. The agency looks at whether you have any outstanding debts in Sweden, committed any crimes, or pose any security threats. Swedish people are quite reserved though so don't expect "crazy Swede's" when you meet folks, in fact you may consider many of them to be a little standoffish, but in fact they are just being polite and not forcing themselves on you, if you wave to them, they'll wave back. The family of five I witnessed waiting on the dock to visit the Apostle Islands was powerless to see them. In Sweden, you get a check every month and you can use it to buy shoes.