Now you have a skinny “turning chain” that will sit right next to the double crochet you will make in the first stitch. They will CH 3 and double crochet in the first stitch of the row. The linked double crochet does exactly what it’s called. At the end of each row turn your work clockwise or counterclockwise, but be consistent. Keep it coming. Thank you for being you! For double crochet, ch 2, insert Scrubbing the ugly water spots off my wood table is getting old. It’s called a linked double crochet. All of the swatches are made with a double crochet. The last dc will be in the last st not the turning ch. There’s more than one way to prevent those ugly gaps at the beginning of crochet rows. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I experimented with 4 different ways to start the rows. This technique is super simple and is the same for any stitch you use it for. Your last dc will be in the top of the turning ch. All you will simply do instead of making your normal turning chain, is make a super extended single chain. But, it is better to make it a little shorter than taller than the stitch you are making. Switching between the two will twist your turning chain. (Yarn over, pull through P.S. It eliminates the gap you get when you have a ch 2, double crochet in the first stitch. The best way to get rid of the gap when crocheting in rows is to crochet in each stitch across. Now your project will have nice edges and no gaps! This will move it more into the position of a regular stitch. Different yarns and stitch patterns will create different results, so the solution in one project might be different from the solution in a different project. This stitch pulls each of the double crochets apart to meet each other rather than bulking them up to close the gaps. The result will be a nice flat edged project with no gaps. no-chain starting double crochet Sometimes using turning chains when beginning a new row can leave spaces or bumps on the edge of your work, and it doesn’t really even look like a dc. Instructions typically tell you to chain 3 for a double crochet or chain 4 … You now have 4 loops on your hook. You now have 3 loops on your hook. If you leave it out and just start double crocheting, your first stitch will be squashed down and not look the same as the rest. I hope this is helpful! Check out the video below on how to work it and lefties can click here to see their version. Have any other great turning chain tips. This technique can be substituted whenever you want and for any stitch you want. over and pull up a loop, insert the hook into the back bump of the next chain, Put the first stitch into the very The awful gap at the beginning of each row. The appearance of this alternate stitch is almost indistinguishable from all the other double crochet stitches in the rest of the piece. The vest has an airy feel so the gaps work right in with the stitch pattern. If you leave it out and just start double crocheting in your first stitch, that stitch will be squashed down and not look the same as the rest. I drink iced coffee (always), love Jesus, & need to have a moment of silence for all the yarn I've added to my cart but never bought. Put the last stitch of the next row into the top of the last “real” stitch, ignoring the turning chain. Then as normal crochet goes, you make your first double crochet in the stitch after (the 2nd stitch of the row) and you end up with this gap that results from the distance of the chain 3 to your first stitch. Let me show you. the hook into the back bump of the 2nd chain from the hook, yarn over and pull up a loop. And Marianne, thank you for giving us your method for alleviating the gap. Count this linked stitch as a stitch, and be sure to work into the top of it when you get to it on the next row. Method 2 God Bless You. Your email address will not be published. Let me show you. You will end up with the wrong stitch count. Use a regular turning chain (chain-2 or chain-3 for double crochet, chain-3 or chain-4 for treble crochet),  but put the first stitch of the row into the stitch at the base of the turning chain. thank you so much. These 5 ways to prevent gaps at the beginning of crochet rows are by no means the only ones you have available to you, but they are the ones I use most often. ( if you are crocheting treble crochets, add 1 more sc to the stack). Hi! When working the first and last stitch of the row it’s important to know where to insert your hook. When you come back to this stitch at the end of the next row, be sure to work into the top of it. You’ve just put another single crochet into the left-most leg of the previous stitch. The dainty design is pretty unless you are needing perfectly straight edges. Scroll to the bottom of the post to watch a video on this technique. Your stacked single crochets will be thicker than a turning chain leaving no room for a hole in your crochet rows. The scalloped edging didn’t need a border and added a feminine touch. I would have to see more of the pattern to understand exactly what the designer means in context. Enjoy the patterns! You make this turning chain so your row will have the proper starting height it needs to keep the entire row even. While the beginning chain 3 counts as your first double crochet, it still has different qualities than a “real” double crochet and it might become a little holey-looking as you work up. They are so encouraging. If you continue to use this site you consent to the use of cookies. I Love it. Instead of starting with a turning chain you will stack two single crochets on top of each other. Knit and Crochet Designs and Tutorials by Deja Joy. The foundation turning stitch is the best way to crochet even edges without the awful gap. If you are looking for more crochet video tutorials I’m currently taking this Aran Crochet Class. Melissa goes over the importance of turning chains and all the basics along with more advanced techniques. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. This technique can be substituted whenever you want and for any stitch you want (above a single crochet). I’ve only just discovered you and your generous heart. When it comes time to work into the last stitch of the row, it has the typical configuration of the two loops at the top, so you can work the final stitch under those two loops. I have another variation to add to the discussion. Let us know which ones work for you. Standard Turning Chain. When the turning chain is used as a double crochet or a treble crochet, it sits in the location of that stitch, but it’s a lot skinnier than the stitch it’s standing in for. Thank you, Edie, for these turning chain gap tips and tricks. I hate that chain-3 gap on a finished project and any tip to remedy it is so very welcome! I made a cardigan with this turning technique. G-d bless. Can you tell me what a spike single crochet st is from your book Beyond the Square motif 29, pg 68 Count this alternative turning chain as a stitch, and continue working across the row. This technique can be substituted whenever you want and for any stitch you want. Without chaining, work a single crochet into the first stitch. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. and then go ahead and make the chain 3. The result will be a nice flat edge project with no gaps. The linked double crochet does exactly what it’s called. ch 3 (counts as a st), skip first st, 1 dc in each st across. The foundation turning stitch is my go-to way to crochet in rows. Well, I’ve been around for the past 25 years or so, but I’m glad you found me now! For a double crochet row, you should now be up to the level of the double crochet stitch. Your first step in this technique is to take the loop on your hook and pull it out to the height of the stitch you are making. I knew I didn’t want to crochet a border around the squares. This method links the turning chain directly to the first stitch. Sierra. The double crochets stay straight with this method instead of slanting like in the first and second methods. If you’ve ever worked any project in any stitch other than single crochet, you’ll know what gaps I’m talking about. Sierra. My only complaint is the gap. Normal double crochet with gaps in between each stitch. There is a fix for both of these problems. That means you don’t count the skinny turning chain as a stitch. But again, the result is not great. This technique is super simple and is the same for any stitch you use it for. However, when I go back over it in the next row, I work my double crochet into the back bump of the top of the turning chain. The cluster stitch sounds like it will be a lovely texture! The last dc will be worked in the top of the stacked sc’s. , I feel like Marsha but only 80 years of my crocheting life,thank you so much, and I am 90 and still learning., you are never too old to learn. For a treble crochet row, put one more single crochet into the left-most (right-most) leg of the single crochet, for a total of 3 single crochets, before continuing with your treble crochets. Your last dc will … This stitch is for anyone who doesn’t like the gaps in between normal double crochet stitches but love how fast it works up (compared with the more dense single crochet). Let us know below! When you are working with clusters it’s a lot harder to get a straight edge and these techniques that I discussed above aren’t a great option.