Palaeoloxodon namadicus or the Asian straight-tusked elephant, was a species of prehistoric elephant that ranged throughout Pleistocene Asia, from India (where it was first discovered) to Japan. Az Palaeoloxodon namadicus, régebben Elephas namadicus az emlősök (Mammalia) osztályának ormányosok (Proboscidea) rendjébe, ezen belül az elefántfélék (Elephantidae) családjába tartozó fosszilis faj. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [10][11] Fossil elephant experts Victoria Herridge and Adrian Lister disagree with the assignment, stating that the claimed diagnostic dental features are actually contrast artifacts created due to the low image resolution of the figures in the scientific paper, which are not evident in better-quality photographs. They also argued that ritual bronze vessels depicting trunks with two "fingers" must be Palaeoloxodon (which are only known from bones; their trunk characteristics are unknown) because Asian elephants only have one. Intelligence: High Animalistic (If scaled to modern elephants who are some of the smartest animals alive). The genus originated in Africa during the Pliocene, and expanded into Eurasia during the Pleistocene. Their skull structure was also different from that of a modern elephant. Palaeoloxodon, also known as the Straight Tusked Elephant, are an extinct subgenus of elephants, containing the various species of straight-tusked elephant. Der Text dieser Seite basiert auf dem Artikel, Gewichtsreduktion: Dem Jojo-Effekt entgegenwirken, Die Paläogenetik in der Urmenschenforschung, Photovoltaik: Tierschutz und grüne Energie, Gibt es fischverträgliche Wasserkraftwerke,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Its species' remains have been found in Bilzingsleben, Germany; Cyprus; Japan; Sicily; Malta; and recently in England during the excavation of the second Channel Tunnel. Palaeoloxodon ist eine ausgestorbene Elefantengattung, die gelegentlich in die ähnliche Gattung Elephas eingereiht wird. [5], "An Ancient Elephant May Have Been Biggest Land Mammal Ever", "Proboscideans: Shoulder Height, Body Mass and Shape",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 June 2020, at 04:05. It is a descendant of the Straight-tusked Elephant. In 1924, Hikoshichiro Matsumoto [ja] circumscribed Palaeoloxodon as a subgenus of Loxodonta. Palaeoloxodon namadicus or the Asian straight-tusked elephant, was a species of prehistoric elephant that ranged throughout Pleistocene Asia, from India (where it was first discovered) to Japan. Nemének a típusfaja és egyben a feltételezett legnagyobb valaha élt szárazföldi emlősállat. [1], Palaeoloxodon was later thought to be a subgenus of Elephas, but this was abandoned by 2007. One species, Palaeoloxodon namadicus, was possibly the largest known land mammal.