Their social experiences were limited to the culture of American slave plantations. The UCL Legacies of British Slave Ownership Project  offers a good context for understanding the afterlives of enslavement and the transatlantic slave trade. Although many years after slave emancipation in 1834-38, these houses probably closely resemble those inhabited by slaves in earlier periods. The Barbados Museum greeting card caption specifies that this watercolour painting is attributed to Agostino Brunias, c. 1795. The central task was to remove the cultural memory of those enslaved to ensure that notions of African inferiority and white superiority could replace it within three years (Phillips 1914, p. 546). He also had interests in the East India Company and the Royal Africa Company. In stark contrast to the field hand was the life of the house slave. It was also most commonly built using wood construction when used for plantation houses, although a few brick examples, such as Kenworthy Hall, have survived. Ranged behind the women, the men are clothed in white shirts, loose blue woollen pants, red caps. House servants were threatened with flogging if they were caught interacting with field hands (Williams 1838, p. 48). They spoke indigenous languages, carried African names, and maintained a strong connection to the culture of their ancestors. Even Gaineswood, now a National Historic Landmark due to it being considered a lavish example of a plantation house, began as a two-story hewn-log dogtrot that was eventually enveloped within the brick mass of the house. Also shown were various plantation buildings, including the manor house or great house and a vertical roller sugar mill powered by water. Although large portions of Alabama and Mississippi were settled at roughly the same time, there were areas of these states, along with portions of western Georgia and southeastern Tennessee, that did not see wide-scale settlement until after the Indian removal in the 1830s. Boston: Published for the Author, 1861. Plantation owners were known to order a husband or partner to flog his own wife for an offence. Differences between the work of house servants and field hands led to sharp social class distinctions within the plantation system. Maurice Thomson (from 1604 to 1676) founded the family fortune by transporting slaves to his plantation in St. Kitts. One example was noted by Albert J. Pickett, an early Alabama historian. In 1636, he traveled to Dutch Brazil where he produced a large number of sketches and etchings, but only completed six paintings. A slightly altered and reversed version of this image is in M. Chambon, Le commerce de l'Amérique par Marseille (Avignon 1764), Vol. Plantation work required many hands. Danson House is open to the public. . Following the Revolutionary War, Federal and Jeffersonian-type neoclassicism became dominant in formal plantation architecture. "View of Cedarhall in the island of Antigua in the West Indies" (caption translation). Some women were forced to use sexual favours to white men simply to survive or to obtain better conditions, even freedom, for themselves or their children. He produced about 300 pencil drawings and watercolour of people, landscape, settlements, and flora in the island's southern parishes and the general region surrounding Kingston. [9], Rough vernacular architecture for early plantations was also true in Arkansas and Missouri although in their river regions, and in the southern portion of what became the state of Louisiana, the plantations reflected French Colonial architectural types, often with Spanish influences, well after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. This engraving of a map of Brazil includes an inset image showing a sugar plantation and enslaved people engaged in various tasks. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA).