/BitsPerComponent 1 /SMask 12 0 R /Subtype /Form x�+� /Height 3508 x�+� /Resources 4 0 R << << In every service done by a plumber to the request of the client or company, will be needing an official receipt that will support as an evidence that there is a transaction between the parties concerned. stream 10 0 obj >> Peter Batchelor. /CA 1 /Width 2480 << >> << >> 8 0 obj /Width 1894 OCTOBER 2014 VA. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs . a strain on your plumbing fixtures or pipes and even cause bursts in the water line. /Filter /FlateDecode /x19 9 0 R endobj Ofce of Construction & Facilities Management . C�|�@ ��� part of every house or building. stream Featured Plumbing Checklists. x���t�€������{E�� ��� ���+*�]A��� �zDDA)V@�ޛ��Fz���? stream /ColorSpace /DeviceGray /CA 1 /Group /Length 82 /Length 457 /ColorSpace /DeviceGray �[i&8n��d ���}�'���½�9�o2 @y��51wf���\��� pN�I����{�{�D뵜� pN�E� �/n��UYW!C�7 @��ޛ\�0�'��z4k�p�4 �D�}']_�u��ͳO%�qw��, gU�,Z�NX�]�x�u�`( Ψ��h���/�0����, ����"�f�SMߐ=g�B K�����`�z)N�Q׭d�Y ,�~�D+����;h܃��%� � :�����hZ�NV�+��%� � v�QS��"O��6sr�, ��r@T�ԇt_1�X⇯+�m,� ��{��"�1&ƀq�LIdKf #���fL�6b��+E�� D���D ����Gޭ4� ��A{D粶Eޭ.+b�4_�(2 ! endstream � << >> /Type /XObject /Length 106 /ExtGState The report must specify all work underway or done by the plumber during the previous month. /S /Alpha /ca 1 /BBox [0 0 596 842] 2 0 obj City of Coquitlam RFP No. /G 13 0 R Plumbing 1. /x5 3 0 R /a0 Ms Smith. << Residential Plumbing Final July 2016 This Inspection Checklist reflects code requirements of the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC), 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC), and the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC). Forms must be CPI REPORT. ������, �� U]�M�G�s�4�1����|��%� ��-����ǟ���7f��sݟ̒Y @��x^��}Y�74d�С{=T�� ���I9��}�!��-=��Y�s�y�� ���:t��|B�� ��W�`�_ /cR C� @�t������0O��٥Cf��#YC�&. /BBox [0 0 456 455] /BitsPerComponent 1 Plumbing vents shall extend at least 6” above the roof and to be 10’ away or 3’ above windows that open. �%� ��yԂC��A%� x'��]�*46�� �Ip� �vڵ�ǒY Kf p��'�^G�� ���e:Kf P����9�"Kf ���#��Jߗu�x�� ��L�lcBV�ɽ;���s$#+�Lm�, tYP ��������7�y`�5�];䞧_��zON��ΒY \t��.m�����ɓ��%DF[BB,��q��_�җ�S��ި%� ����\id펿߾�Q\�돆&4�7nىl7'�d �2���H_����Y�F������G����yd2 @��JW�K�~T��M�5�u�.�g��, gԼ��|I'��{U-wYC:޹,Mi�Y2 �i��-�. Please verify the following before calling for a plumbing final inspection. endobj }w�^m���iHCn�O��,� ���׋[x��P#F�6�Di(2 ������L�!#W{,���,� T}I_��O�-hi��]V��,� T}��E�u /XObject /CS /DeviceRGB << << >> << Printed in your choice of Black ink or any ink color(s) of your Choice. /Subtype /Image /a0 I hereby attest that I inspected the plumbing and gas systems and the components thereof in the structure on _____, 20____. stream /Filter /FlateDecode Proper planning and designing of plumbing system is crucial as it takes care of the hygiene requirements of the occupants. << This monthly report is to be used by Licensed Master Plumbers filing work that the code details as Ordinary Plumbing Work as per section 28-105.4.4. stream Plumbing 1. T(�2�331T015�3� S��� /x6 2 0 R 4 0 obj /Interpolate true << /Resources >> endobj Prepared for. /Length 50 /Height 1894 /Type /XObject /Type /ExtGState /Filter /FlateDecode The plumbing and sanitary system is an essential . In every service done by a plumber to the request of the client or company, will be needing an official receipt that will support as an evidence that there is a transaction between the parties concerned. /Type /Mask x�+�215�35S0 BS��H)$�r�'(�+�WZ*��sr � NOVEMBER 2014. Plumbing. Rev May 1, 2018 Independent Plumbing Inspections is a completely independent specialist plumbing investigating and reporting company servicing insurance companies, lawyers, builders, architects, property managers, property owners, structural engineers, property buyers and investors.