La gamme est produite entièrement à la main et en small batches, pas plus de 100 bouteilles à la fois. Having pledged to make each and every batch of Sipsmith London Dry Gin using the traditional one-shot method, the team took the opportunity of moving to a larger space to install their third still, Constance. À ce stade, ils sont ajoutés à 10 épice de plantes, cassia entre celles-ci, la racine de l'iris et les amandes hachées infusion espagnol dure 15 heures, après quoi la bouillie résultante est soumise à une distillation supplémentaire. In 2009, Sipsmith was launched by Sam Galsworthy and Fairfax Hall. To start, much more juniper is added to the usual recipe which is left to macerate for slightly longer than with their original gin. Every 3 months the distillery selects the 4 best gins they have trialled during tours that season – and send them directly to subscribers in 4x 90ml bottles. , Calle Pau Claris 194, 7º 1ª 08037 Barcelona, España, Comprar vino, champagnes cervezas y destilados. The distillery has a few expressions in their portfolio, along with a transient series of experimental gins that are part of the “sipping” service they offer to subscribers and for those who visit the distillery. Much larger than her sisters, Constance can make just under 1,500lt of Sipsmith Gin per day and helps future proof the distillery. If you get the chance, it’s worth visiting them and enjoying a Gin and Tonic directly next to the still. For example, less than a year beforehand Chase Distillery had been after a similar licence and had been denied, forcing them to buy in much larger apparatus off which to distil. stands for Very Junipery Over Proof – and in a nutshell describes what the product is all about. Le résultat est spectaculaire. El destilado neutro así obtenida se diluye con fuente de agua, para reducir el grado de alcohol de hasta aproximadamente 42%. The Beefeater Gin Distillery (established by the John Burrough's Company in 1863), Thames Distillers, Sacred Microdistillery, The London Distillery Company and Sipsmith are the only remaining licensed distilleries in the nation's capital. In our guide, even the most novice of kitchen distillers can master the perfect sloe gin at home. Si quieres comprar Sipsmith, en Drinks&Co encontrarás los mejores precios de Ginebras Sipsmith. Check your inbox and confirm the link to complete the process. El producto final, es nítido, con aroma a enebro, cítricos y ligeramente floral. Liste, London Dry Gin, Angleterre / Greater London, Liqueurs De Fruits, Angleterre / Greater London, Blended Malt Whisky, Ecosse / Speyside, 70cl, 52,6%, Blended Malt Whisky, Ecosse / Lowlands, 70cl, 46%, SULLIVANS COVE Old & Rare American Oak Single Cask, Single Malt Whisky, Australie / Tasmanie, 70cl, 48%, SULLIVANS COVE Special Cask American Oak Ex-Apera Cask, Single Malt Whisky, Australie / Tasmanie, 70cl, 45,7%, Single Malt Whisky, Australie / Tasmanie, 70cl, 47,5%, dès 130€ d'achats en France metropolitaine, carton protection, colis discret Assurance sous conditions, Retrouvez le meilleur de près de chez vous. Les motifs de suppression des avis sont disponibles, Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 19h et le samedi de 10h à 19h. Au meilleur prix sur Drinks&Co, facilement et avec toutes les garanties. Chaque lot est élaboré à partir d'un moût d'orge distillé suivant un processus triple distinguant la tête, le cœur et la queue du distillat. Además, ponemos a tu disposición más de 59.000 productos a la venta y somos la tienda de vinos, cervezas y destilados líder en Europa, con más de 38.000 clientes satisfechos. 5 years on from their launch and some 800+ batches later – Sipsmith moved from their original home in Hammersmith, setting up in Chiswick in late 2014. Fondée à Londres en 1820, il a toujours produit son propre gin par la méthode de « One Shot », un seul coup. To create all their spirits, Sipsmith use a one-shot method (they only mix their end distillate with water to cut it to bottling strength, whereas the two-shot method used in some larger distilleries sees the distillate being stretched with more base spirit, then cut with water). DÉTAILS DE PRÉPARATION : Gin, vous le savez, est un distillat se prête à de nombreuses variantes, composé d'épices botanistes. A fact that made the process of being granted a license a long and tiresome affair. - Les esprits sont distillés sur une main en cuivre-pot de 300 litres encore, le premier à lancer à Londres depuis 190 ans. The coriander seed and angelica root gives the Gin a more traditional London Dry profile. Sipsmith was established in London in 2009. A milestone moment in the story of British Gin distilling, in 2009 Sipsmith became the first copper-pot based distillery to start up in London for 189 years.