There are various methods by which organic farming is practiced are as follows: Sustainable farming means farming using sustainable methods based on your understanding of the ecosystem. The list of the various methods and techniques which are used in sustainable agriculture are given below: This technique or method of farming prevents soil erosion such as reduced crop productivity, worsened water quality, lower an effective reservoir water levels, flooding and habitat destruction. This has led to humans finding a source of food inside the city which does not require much space; hence, we have Urban Agriculture. It is new term for building agricultural practices more inclined towards nature and human because it enables us to produce healthful food without compromising future generations’ ability to the same. Therefore, the diverse pests are attracted by diverse crops and some of the crops are natural predators of these pests. according to the influence from cosmos in different sun and moon cycles. Yellower eggs, better more nutritional meat and milk which is richer in vitamins and minerals. soil fertility and quality of the land. We have global certifications that audit our compliance with environmental, labor and social sustainability standards on a regular schedule. Don’t lose patience! In this article, we are giving the list of the various methods and techniques used in Sustainable Agriculture, which is very useful for the competitive examinations like UPSC-prelims, SSC, State Services, NDA, CDS, and Railways etc. 14. Use and give value/preference to renewable resources and services. Biodynamic practices can be applied to farms that grow a variety of produce, gardens, vineyards, and other forms of agriculture. 5. Sustainable farming techniques basically produce food with the least amount of burden on the environment. The word sustainable has become very popular in recent years, and it is now used to describe a lot of things. It is very noticeable that these animals are cleaner, healthier and have that spark in their eyes. These 14 advantages of sustainable farming and the fact that organic farms are more resilient to climate change because of heightened biodiversity are just some reasons they should be favored because our responsibility is to ensure food security for the future generations. If given a choice, I’m sure we would all choose to consume natural chemical-free food instead of food that is sprayed with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. High Biodiversity; Sustainable farmers often cultivate local varieties and do not particularly go after cash crops like wheat through monocropping. Farmers are encouraged to do the same on their land, which The rotation which is planned would vary from a growing season to few years and for longer periods. (And Ways To Reuse). The first step in water management is the selection of the right crops. While ripening, strawberries are not directly laid on the hard soil or else they may go bad. Smarter farming and moving food from farm-to-fork in a more efficient manner have helped everyone involved with the agriculture industry. Sustainable farming has developed as an alternative to the industrial methods that tend to focus more on profit than preservation. This means we must reconcile competitiveness and profitability with stewardship of the environment and care for our workers and their communities. in benefitting us as well as other living organisms on the farm. It helps tackle pest problems, as many pests prefer specific crops. They should be preserved because they deserved it as This groundbreaking initiative brings together producers, their organizations, trade unions, cooperatives, exporter groups, fresh produce companies, retailers, traders, public agencies, governments, research institutions and civil society organizations involved in the banana industry. (And Clever Ways to Reuse), Can You Recycle Toothpaste Tubes? Permaculture is a food production system with intention, design, and smart farming to reduce waste of resources and create increased production efficiency. Animals are under less stress when they are raised on the pasture and on preferred environment where they feel comfortable. From countries to companies, right down to consumers, we all have a role to play. Promote maximum carbon sequestration by planting perennial vegetation and trees. Many farmers choose to have crops planted in a field at all times and never leave it barren; this can cause unintended consequences. It is defined…, Agriculture is home to a vast amount of harmful chemicals that are regularly being used to increase crop…, The most essential element that defines soil fertility is topsoil. These are perfect for indoor plants. The most powerful benefit of no-tillage is improvement in soil biological fertility, making soils more of resilient. Sustainable farms produce a wide variety of plants and animals, resulting in biodiversity. Agroforestry means growing trees among other crops on the Sustainable agriculture avoids hazardous pesticides and fertilizers. It is much healthier for the animals if they are allowed to gaze and live in pasture rather than being confined. 6. Crop Rotation; 5. Crop rotation is one of the most powerful techniques of sustainable agriculture. We communicate the results of audits and our CSR programs on our website and social networks. Its purpose is to avoid the consequences that come with planting the same crops in the same soil for years in a row. For example, many birds and other animals are, in fact, natural predators of agricultural pests. Some examples include leaving crop residue in the field after a harvest, and the use of composted plant material or animal manure. Agriculture continues to be the biggest employer in the world, with 40% of the world’s population working in it. The environment plays a huge role in fulfilling our basic needs to sustain life. We all need to eat, but by simply reducing food loss and waste, as well as eating diets that are of lower impact, and investing in sustainable produce, we can make a difference. You can even get hydroponic farming system for your garden, just promise you’ll take care of it. Here are 10 methods that will make it easy to go green and create your own organic, sustainable garden system in your own backyard. Crop Diversity; 9. Designs should involve everything from the patterns to minimal details. Sustainable farming techniques basically produce food with the least amount of burden on the environment. Guatemalan independent banana producers have the lowest carbon print per banana produced. They are not grown in numbers Not to mention, trees protect the farm from strong winds and heavy rains. Many people are practicing urban agriculture in vacant lots and in backyards all over the country. This is because these plants have contributed and adapted precisely to make the most out of our local conditions. This is also the reason why we find so much biodiversity in such farms. A Part of produce from sustainable farming is actually planted to replenish agricultural land. (And How To Recycle Them), Can You Recycle Polystyrene? “Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Aquaponics raises the bar by combining two things; Raising fishes and growing aquaponic plants. A sustainable agriculture focuses on promoting the economy through increased productivity while … to visit our operations at AgroAmerica. It takes about 3000 years to make just…, Silvopasture is one of the many distinct forms of agroforestry, which involves the intentional integration of trees, forage…, Let us be protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and…, What are Pesticides? “Sustainable agriculture is farming in sustainable ways, which means meeting society’s present food and textile needs, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs. 7. Crop rotation involves the growth of different types of crops in the same area in rotations. Due to this, crops which can adapt to climate change, environmental Sustainable agriculture is a type of agriculture that focuses on producing long-term crops and livestock without harming the environment. By planting cover crops, such as clover or oats, the farmer can achieve his goals of preventing soil erosion, suppressing the growth of weeds, and enhancing the quality of the soil. These species often complement each other and helps produce a greater diversity of products at one plot while fully utilizing available resources. This combines the practice of agriculture and forestry for making a 10. Rewilding; Practices, Principles, Examples. Managing your farm so that it can harbor populations of these pest predators is effective as well as a sophisticated technique. This technique is similar to crop rotation that tries to mimic natural principles to achieve the best yields. It is an agricultural technique or which increases the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil and increases organic matter retention and cycling of nutrients in the soil. Unless you strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet, do remember that there really is no 'Planet B' in this whole universe. It advises to manage the plants, animals and soil Rotation breaks the reproduction cycles of pests. Sustainable agriculture promotes biodiversity of plants and animals on farmlands. Use the edges and value the marginal bits, no matter how small. When compared with the intensive farming practices done today, sustainable farming looks more to preserve the natural resources of the earth. how plants would grow in a completely natural ecosystem, like rainforests. Natural Pest Eliminators; 12. They also work in humane and fair working conditions, which include a safe work environment, food, and adequate living conditions. Sustainable agriculture differs greatly from industrial agriculture, where large volumes of crops, as well as livestock, are produced for sale using industrial techniques. Considering overpopulation is one of the major environmental problems we face today, it’s only inevitable that the demand for food would increase. Reduced exposure of farmers to chemicals used in conventional and intensive agriculture practices. Many industrial-farming practices can leave the land drained, eventually unfit for cultivation. Integrate different resources rather than segregate them. Special nutrients are added to the water to help the plants/crops grow. Your email address will not be published. reduce, or in some cases eliminate the need to apply herbicides to kill weeds. their unique traits have helped us a lot to establish future climate resistant Before farmers acquired the land, many different species would intertwine and live in harmony with each other and helped each other survive. Applying chemicals to promote food growth is not a part of long-term solution and it is harmful to health of all organism; humans or otherwise. discourages the off-farm inputs (for improving soil fertility) like organic sufficient for continued existence. the practices which interrupt pest cycles (like crop rotation). Bio-diverse species are much more adaptive changes in climate and temperature than monoculture species. #1 Permaculture Permaculture is a design system that applies principles that are found in nature to the development of human settlements, allowing humanity to live in harmony with the natural world. Some of these include: Subsistence Farming Characterized by farmers having small and scattered land areas, most farmers practicing this method …