John and his new friend free Sarah from the facility and narrowly avoid being sliced up by the T-1000. In the ensuing carnage, the trio destroy the Cyberdyne Systems research facility that’s developing Skynet from reverse-engineered parts harvested from the 1984 Terminator – inventor Miles Dyson is killed in the blast. She also has access to a Time Displacement device, which they all use to travel forward to 2007, the main setting for the series. For those looking to understand every Terminator, we’ve pulled together all the disparate strands of the Terminator timeline into one coherent history, all the way from the birth of Sarah Connor to the death of her son, John – aka the saviour of humanity. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The central plot involves time travel, including time travel that nullifies other time travel. They also save him from a T-1000 who’s come to sample the joys of the mid-’80s. John Connor sent Kyle Reese back to the past to save Sarah Connor. November 10, … The T-1000 is trying to track down a 10-year-old John in Los Angeles and hyper-murder him with its bodacious sword hands. I’m not sure if we’ll see more sequels, if they’ll try rebooting part or all of the timelines again, or if this is the end of the franchise, considering the abysmal box office performance of Dark Fate. After a couple of false starts, the world belatedly ends on July 24 – leaving John to take up his mantle as the saviour of mankind. — jumping ahead in time, to an alternate and unrecognizable version of the future  (most likely an alternate 2027.) ), but it moves the plot along and gets us a new Terminator buddy to hang out with. Sarah’s parents are killed by the T-1000, leaving that particular T-800 model to become an unlikely father figure known as “Pops” – and kickstart a whole new Terminator timeline. The T-800 kills Kyle. No problemo! History is repeatedly rewritten and character fates routinely altered as the Terminator saga branches off into numerous alternate timelines – there are at least three dates given for the world-ending Judgment Day, Sarah Connor has “died” a couple of times, and some instalments even pretend that previous movies never happened. Fortunately, the future Resistance also found their way back to the TDE, or Time Displacement Equipment (yes, that’s really what it’s called), and sent back a reprogrammed T-800 — who always looks like a very strong Austrian gentleman — to serve as John’s protector. The Terminator —- Terminator 2 —- Terminator 3 —- Terminator Salvation, The Terminator —- Terminator 2 —- Terminator: Dark Fate. Grace is killed in the process, and Carl is destroyed as well. As the returning Linda Hamilton told Fandom, “When you are dealing with the themes of time travel, time goes on different threads and in different directions but truly, if you’re interrupting time, something could have happened [such as] Sarah’s death – what was it leukemia or something is what they wrote in the third film? They eventually team-up, however, and embark on a mission to destroy Skynet’s T-800 facility. And that so many of them would be so bad at their jobs? (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines). (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles), 2009 (SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES TIMELINE) – Derek Reese is killed by a Terminator. So boot up for the ultimate ride through the Terminator timeline – and remember, there is no fate but what they make… Warning: spoilers for every Terminator film including Dark Fate. These are the main events depicted in the film The Terminator. So T2 ends with John and Sarah Connor destroying Cyberdyne Systems and any trace of Skynet technology, thus preventing Judgment Day from ever happening. Bizarrely, this is possibly when the Schwarzenegger-esque design and voice of the T-800 model Terminators is established – though this hilarious deleted scene may not be strictly canon… (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines), 2005 (SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES TIMELINE) – According to Cameron’s knowledge of the past/future, Sarah Connor dies of cancer in this particular branch of the Terminator timeline. The T-1000 wastes no time, taking on the persona of a police officer and killing John’s foster parents. That’s what living your life off the grid does to you…, 1973 (GENISYS TIMELINE) – A shapeshifting T-1000 arrives from the future to kill a nine-year-old Sarah Connor, but luckily a T-800 has also come back to protect her. Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. While he's widely hailed as a visionary director, James Cameron likely had no idea just how unwieldy the Terminator franchise would become when he first sent a from the future to eliminate Sarah Connor in 1984. All this does not matter, except that Sarah is the mother of a future leader of the Resistance. I won’t stop you. She has some upgrades of her own, including the ability to eat and experience some basic emotions. But this isn’t the Sarah Connor of the first Terminator, who worked in a diner and had no clue Robots of Doom were coming for her. Ultimately, however, the Terminator misses its target, failing to assassinate the one Sarah Connor who’s essential for the future survival of humanity – it ends up crushed in a hydraulic press, though crucially, a processor chip and an arm survive... Kyle Reese, who travelled back from the future to protect Sarah, dies. Great! To make it a little easier, we’ve flagged up which of the saga’s many timelines the event is taking place in: the “Prime Timeline” is the one established by James Cameron’s first two movies; the “Terminator 3 Timeline” follows on from Rise of the Machines; the “Sarah Connor Chronicles Timeline” shows the arc of the TV show; and the “Genisys Timeline” reveals the rewritten Terminator history established by the 2015 movie. However, in the 2017-set Terminator Genisys, Reese meets his 12-year-old self, which suggests he’s born in 2005. The newest film in the franchise, Terminator: Dark Fate once more wipes out everything that’s ever happened after the events of Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Seriously. The fate of the Connors has wound its way around space-time more than Bill S. Preston, Esq. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. (PRIME TIMELINE) – Skynet sends a shapeshifting T-1000 back to 1995 to kill John Connor as a kid; Connor sends back a reprogrammed T-800 to protect him. (Terminator Genisys), 1984 (PRIME TIMELINE) – A T-800 cyborg from the future arrives in mid-’80s Los Angeles, and embarks on a killing spree whose victims include several women named Sarah Connor, and a police station full of cops. Boom. But they’re wrong, and the Terminator was right. Carl joins up with Dani, Grace, and Sarah, and together they destroy the Rev-9 in a hydroelectric plant. John is fatally wounded in the battle when a Terminator stabs him through the heart, but saved when Marcus donates his own still-human heart for transplant.