The main tunnel, which is approximately 25km long with a maximum internal diameter of 7.2m, will run from Acton in the west through to Abbey Mills in the east. As a result, Dynamic Views were replaced by more traditional 2D extractions at gate 3 (see Figure 8). London has a long and fragrant association with its waste management. The savings realised during design are insignificant in comparison to the potential for savings during construction. The major risk was assessed to be the acceptance of a non-compliant design due to a failure to change the project culture and upskill all associated parties to the necessary levels, resulting in a failure to review the model information. The Eastern section consists of a tunnel from Chambers Wharf in Bermondsey to Abbey Mills Pumping Station in Stratford, with a smaller connection tunnel from Greenwich Pumping Station to Chambers Wharf. The photographic commissions have been released by the Tideway construction company at the half-way point in the eight-year project. These challenges can be summarised as follows. Working in a model-only environment has also brought the project teams closer together to gain a greater understanding of the design earlier in the design process. From the lice AECOM models a 10,000-kilometer sewerage network in the National Capital Territory of Delhi using SewerGEMS to cut design time by about 14%. The scheme, funded by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and aimed at people who live in boroughs where Tideway’s main sites are based, provides interview preparation and practice, health and safety training, work experience and a guaranteed interview for full-time employment on the Thames Tideway Tunnel. But the millions of tonnes of raw sewage that still overspills into the river each year represents its last major source of pollution. The similarities between the Lee Tunnel and the East works package provide us with a definite advantage. The Dynamic Views provided some of the dimensional data and notes that would traditionally be found on a 2D drawing, managing the culture change between drawings and models. London relies on a 150-year-old sewer system built for a population less than half its current size. This is the answer to London’s sewerage problem, and the answer is rail freight. Further savings are likely to have been achieved through secondary factors such as reduced document control requirements and printing costs across all project parties. This approach has allowed the use of technology to prevail and leaves a legacy of knowledge within the client, contractor and design teams. Model-based delivery demonstrates the Tideway objective to be transformational in every sense. To implement the model-based delivery concept, all parties worked closely together to assess the advantages and risks to the project. It will open up hundreds of opportunities to apprentice or return to work given our commitment to recruit local staff and will create a dynamic new river economy through jobs in the river and maritime sector. Software training could, in part, be assistance by the implementation of more intuitive software packages. CVB JV has since extended the use of SYNCHRO 4D to streamline the connection between site and office, and expect it to reduce the time required to keep the model and program up to date by 50%. No less than 32 kilometres of tunnels will be necessary to increase the capacity of the existing network. Each data entry represents a site model deliverable at design gate 2 or 3 for main works or early work design. It will also capture the “first flush” from the sewers after heavy rain that contains the sediment built up during dry weather that causes most damage. The aim of the project The model-only design delivery is embedded within the aerospace and automotive industries. he Thames Tideway Tunnel is a new storage and conveyance tunnel running through the centre of London, mostly under the River Thames. While ultimately, most construction work is based on primitive 2D drawing technology, demonstrating these savings during the design period gives significant cause for future optimism. The project has adopted the BS 1192:2015 approach of ‘the avoidance of wasteful activities such as … over-production of information with no defined use’ (BSI, 2013: p. iv). VAT No. Also, this project is going to create more than 4,000 direct jobs and an additional 5,000 or so indirect jobs. This software should be intuitive, format and system agnostic and auditable and should integrate fully with the CDE. The main tunnel, which is approximately 25km long with a maximum internal diameter of 7.2m, will run from Acton in the west through to Abbey Mills in the east. direct jobs created with an additional 5,000+ indirect jobs, people recruited onto pre-employment programme, students from local schools took part in pioneering STEM programme, reduction in carbon emissions achieved to date using CITT, hours volunteering, equivalent to 619 work days as of Sept 18. The design complexity at gate 3 was communicated using one coordinated design model in contrast to many 2D drawing deliverables.