Written by Ford isn't making an anachronistic statement on racism, but he's being sure we notice it. Marshal and a Texas Ranger help a stubborn teenager track down her father's murderer in Indian Territory. It's clear they loved him. A basically honest, rugged and mature saga has been sapped of a great deal of effect by an obvious, overlong and garrulous anticlimax. For an enhanced browsing experience, get the IMDb app on your smartphone or tablet. Stoddard's story flashes back 25 years. There's a few moments outside, but there's none of the grand landscape shots you might expect. |, September 29, 2019 Stoddard ramasse l'arme de la main gauche pendant que Valance le met en joue. Fandango FANALERT® Sign up for a FANALERT® and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. During the train ride back with Stoddard and his wife, the scenery is going by so fast that it is hardly recognizable, however the conductor states that they'll be there in no time because they'll be going 25mph. "For a change, no locations," Ford wrote on July 7. |. As Stoddard returns to Washington, D.C. with Hallie, and contemplates retiring to Shinbone, he thanks the train conductor for the railroad's many courtesies. Working in the restaurant is young Hallie. Quand la légende dépasse la réalité, alors on publie la légende[1] ! Additionally, as the conductor was talking with Stoddard he was perfectly still, no swaying back and forth, as anyone would've done on a train in the 1800s. Shinbone is the only Western town I've seen in a movie with no prostitutes. I don't agree, and thought he was fairly convincing in this. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? When the legend becomes fact, print the legend." [4] Others have interpreted the absence of the magnificent outdoor vistas so prevalent in earlier Ford Westerns as "a fundamental reimagining [by Ford] of his mythic West" – a grittier, less romantic, more realistic portrayal of frontier life. In a murder trial, the defendant says he suffered temporary insanity after the victim raped his wife. Ford's view of women is interesting. Il sera distribué en salles dès avril 1962[6]. Adventure, Certificate: Passed Ramson Stoddard incarne la justice au sens de la loi mais n'est pas pour autant respecté[17]. Stoddard, encore faible, parle de faire arrêter Valance, ce qui provoque les sarcasmes de Doniphon : à Shinbone, c'est la loi des armes qui prévaut. "[8][11], Ford's behavior "...really pissed Wayne off," Strode said, "but he would never take it out on Ford," the man largely responsible for his rise to stardom. Ce film comporte les principales caractéristiques des films dit "Fordiens", soit de l'humour, un héros malgré lui, la justice sous toutes ses formes, un paradoxe et de la nostalgie[17]. Le personnage du journaliste de 1910 prend clairement le parti de la légende : « On est dans l'Ouest, ici. | Fresh (44) Copyright © Fandango. De plus, le réalisateur a introduit la bande originale d'une de ses précédentes œuvres (Vers sa destinée) au sein de ce film, lorsque Vera Miles se rapproche de la maison brûlée au début de l'histoire[7]. Mais un flash-back (dans le flash-back qu'est l'histoire elle-même) vient corriger cette première version : c'est Doniphon, tapi dans l'ombre, qui a tué Valance. In 2007, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" was added to the Library of Congress National Film Registry fas being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically" significant.This story celebrates both the Old and the changed West as it tells of American courage and persistence and of American faith in democracy, law, and education -- values which resonated strongly in the United States in 1962. As played by Jimmy Stewart, Stoddard spends much of the film wearing an apron and washing dishes in the restaurant, sending a hardly ambiguous message about a man who doesn't wear a gun. [20], Liberty Valance was released in April 1962, and achieved both financial and critical success. John Wayne movies: 25 greatest films ranked worst to best, 19 May 2020 What is the truth, and will he win his case? The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. Stoddard est devenu l'ami de Peabody, le journaliste de Shinbone, qui dénonce la volonté des grands propriétaires de bétail de maintenir le Colorado en parcours ouvert, ce qui empêche le développement de la ville. John G. Avildsen - 1976. Selon Barthélemy Amengual, on retrouve dans L'Homme qui tua Liberty Valance les principales caractéristiques du western : " la comédie civique et unanimiste, le journalisme et le droit facteurs des progrès de la justice, le naif beaucoup plus fort qu’on ne croit l’éternel Monsieur Smith de la comédie sophistiquée."[17]. Tom Doniphon is a local farmer, who observes, "Liberty Valance's the toughest man south of the Picketwire--next to me." The way Ford employs the African-American Pompey is observant. "[17], Comme le montre Jean-François Rauger, la scène du duel, qui semble au premier abord classique, renferme en fait le principal élément du film : "une infamie inavouée (Valance abattu dans le dos par celui qui aurait voulu le défier face à face) qui est aussi la fin d'un pacte, tant moral qu'esthétique."[18]. and the Terms and Policies, Shinbone's men meet to elect two delegates to the statehood convention at the territorial capital. Tom regrets saving Ranse's life, because he lost Hallie to him; but, he encourages Ranse to accept the nomination and make Hallie proud. Flashing back, we learn Doniphon saved Stoddard, then a lawyer, when he was roughed up by a crew of outlaws terrorizing the town, led by Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). Action, Certificate: Passed The New York Times alla même jusqu’à le comparer à une parodie inintentionnelle « des meilleures œuvres de M. Ford »[19].