The data does not include estimates based on fewer than: This is to protect people’s confidentiality and because the numbers involved are too small to make reliable generalisations. ONS director of economic statistics Darren Morgan said that there had been some signs that the economy "reopened" in July as businesses including restaurants, pubs and hairdressers were allowed to trade again. all about unemployment; demographics; displaced workers; occupation and industry; earnings. Source data for ‘By ethnicity’ (CSV), Download table data for Employed Population. The impact of changing age composition on the unemployment rate can be assessed through calculation of an “age-adjusted unemployment rate.” This series is formed by multiplying each age group’s unemployment rate over time by its labor force share in a fixed base year. Unemployment rates by age group are contained in the following chart. The most recent high in unemployment for this group … Are wildfires the end of the Californian dream? Unfortunately, this is the start of the official unemployment numbers starting to go up, just ahead of the furlough scheme being phased out. Employment rates are shown for four age groups: people aged 15-64 (the working age population): people aged 15 to 24 (those just entering the labour market following education); people aged 25 to 54 (those in their prime working lives); people aged 55 to 64 (those passing the peak of their career and approaching retirement). Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. Share of employed in part-time employment, by sex and age group. So the climb has started slowly, but the concern now is, where exactly does this go? VideoFour Covid rules broken by the White House, Portrait of Victoria's African goddaughter on show, .css-orcmk8-HeadlineContainer{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-box-pack:justify;-webkit-justify-content:space-between;-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between;}Presidential debate: Trump refuses to take part in virtual TV event.css-1dedj2h-Rank{-webkit-align-self:center;-ms-flex-item-align:center;align-self:center;color:#B80000;margin-left:3.125rem;}1, Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of shelling Shusha cathedral2, Louise Glück wins Nobel Prize for Literature3, VP debate: Did gender play a role in the interruptions?4, US election 2020 polls: Who is ahead - Trump or Biden?5, Spain abortion: Government works to repeal parental consent rule6, Coronavirus in Africa: Five reasons why Covid-19 has been less deadly than elsewhere7, Covid-19: New restrictions to be announced for parts of England 'within days' - Jenrick8, Prince William and Sir David Attenborough join forces on 'Earthshot' prize9, EasyJet to make first annual loss in its history10. Workers in the 16-to-24 age range experienced the highest unemployment of all age groups, hitting 27.4% in April when the national rate was 14.7%. 850 KB, 4% of White people were unemployed in 2018, compared with 7% of people from all other ethnic groups combined, Black people had the highest unemployment rate out of all the ethnic groups (9%), the Other White ethnic group had the lowest unemployment rate out of all the ethnic groups (3%), in every region in England, Wales and Scotland, unemployment rates were lower for White people than for all other ethnic groups combined, with the biggest difference in Scotland, are available to start work in the next 2 weeks, have either been looking for work in the past 4 weeks or have found a job and are waiting to start, 30 survey respondents for data covering all ethnic groups together, 100 survey respondents for data broken down by ethnicity, by region, age group and sex over time for detailed ethnic groups, by local authority for White and Other than White groups, by disability, age and sex over time for detailed ethnic groups, confidence intervals for each ethnic group – read about, in 2018, 4% of the economically active population (all people aged 16 and over who were employed or unemployed) were unemployed, which is just under 1.4 million people, 9% of Black people were unemployed, the highest unemployment rate across all ethnic groups, 3% of the Other White ethnic group were unemployed, the lowest unemployment rate across all ethnic groups, in 2018, 4% of White people were unemployed, compared with 7% of people from all other ethnic groups combined (shown here as ‘Other than White’), in every ethnic group, the unemployment rate was lower in 2018 than it was in 2004, the unemployment rates for the Mixed ethnic group and the combined Pakistani and Bangladeshi group were more than 5 percentage points lower in 2018 than in 2004, in 2018, the unemployment rate for the Asian and the combined Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic groups was higher for women (8% and 13%) than men (5% and 6%), White women (4%) were less likely to be unemployed than women from all other ethnic groups combined (8%) –, White men (4%) were less likely to be unemployed than men from all other ethnic groups combined (6%) –, in every age group, White people had a lower unemployment rate than people from all other ethnic groups combined, 16 to 24 year olds were more likely to be unemployed than any other age group, both for the White group and for all other ethnic groups combined, among 16 to 24 year olds, 11% of White people were unemployed, compared with 18% of people from all other ethnic groups – the largest gap of any age group, at 7 percentage points, among 25 to 49 year olds, people from the White ethnic group had a lower unemployment rate (3%) than people from all other ethnic groups combined (6%), among 50 to 64 year olds, people from the White ethnic group had a lower unemployment rate (3%) than those from all other ethnic groups combined (5%), among people over 65, those from the White ethnic group had a lower unemployment rate (1%) than those from all other ethnic groups combined (5%), in every year between 2004 and 2018, White 16 to 24 year olds had a lower unemployment rate than those from all other ethnic groups combined, 2013 saw the biggest difference in the rate between White 16 to 24 year olds and those from all other ethnic groups, at 17 percentage points – by 2018, the gap had reduced to 7 percentage points, the highest unemployment rate for White 16 to 24 year olds was 20% (in 2012), the highest unemployment rate for 16 to 24 year olds from all other ethnic groups combined was 35% (in 2013) – by 2018, this had fallen to 18%, in almost all regions, White people were less likely to be unemployed than people from all other ethnic groups combined, the exception was in the East of England, where the unemployment rate was not significantly different between the White group and all other ethnic groups, Scotland had the largest unemployment rate gap between the White ethnic group (4%) and all other ethnic groups combined (11%), at 7 percentage points, in 2018, the total unemployment rate was 8% for disabled people and 4% for non-disabled people, disabled people had a higher unemployment rate than non-disabled people in every ethnic group except the Other Asian ethnic group, where the difference was not meaningful, among disabled people, the highest unemployment rate was in the Black and Mixed ethnic groups (both at 16%) and the lowest was in the Other White ethnic group (at 6%), the biggest gap between disabled men and women was in the combined Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic group, where 22% of disabled women and 8% of disabled men were unemployed. They recommended he get in touch with the HS2 rail project about their one-week training programmes. For European Union countries where monthly LFS information is not available, the monthly unemployed figures are estimated by Eurostat. Read about our approach to external linking. ‘By ethnicity and area (White and Other than White)’, for ‘By ethnicity and area (White and Other than White)’, Summary of Unemployment By ethnicity and area (White and Other than White), for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Source: Source data for ‘By ethnicity and gender’ (CSV), Download table data for Workers in the 16-to-24 age range experienced the highest unemployment of all age groups, hitting 27.4% in April when the national rate was 14.7%. Unemployment rate. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. This could be explained by younger workers' disproportionate presence in industries that completely shut down as cities and states enacted business restrictions in an effort to control the spread of the coronavirus. Data is aggregated for the Black, Mixed and Other ethnic groups, which means estimates are shown for these groups as a whole. Meanwhile, job vacancies in the three months to August jumped by 30% to 434,000. Answer 4 short questions to help us improve this website. Download table data for As people returned to work from being paid under the furlough scheme, the rate of decline in employee pay growth slowed. Data is shown separately for White British people and all other White people (‘White Other’ ethnic group). He also called for targeted support for vulnerable sectors such as hospitality and aviation. It's about making something of yourself, making friends and making connections.". Hundreds of workers at the plant were affected. The unemployment rate has risen slightly, but experts say it does not yet fully illustrate the full impact of the economic crisis on jobs, with the furlough scheme helping keep the numbers down. The unemployment rate grew to 4.1% in the three months to July, compared with 3.9% previously. You’ve accepted all cookies. ‘By ethnicity over time’ (CSV) But in a briefing to the Cabinet on the economy, he reaffirmed a decision not to extend the government's Job Retention Scheme which ends on 31 October. Are wildfires the end of the Californian dream? Unemployment by Age Group-May 2019 to May 2020. And in the final week of July, it increased to 4.8%. Source data for ‘By ethnicity, disability and gender’ (CSV). (csv) Latest available data for a fixed period, © Office for National Statistics. 2 MB, Unemployment by disability This is the start of what economists and academics expect will be a sustained rise. all about hours of work; full- and part-time work; work experience; technical documentation. Separate figures are also shown for 3 different Asian ethnic groups (Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi combined, and Asian Other). The unemployed are people of working age who are without work, are available for work, and have taken specific steps to find work. Use this code to embed the visualisation into your website. The president says a commission's demand for it to be held remotely is to "protect" Joe Biden. - Spreadsheet Monthly Unemployment Levels. Unemployment rates are shown for two age groups: people aged 15 to 24 (those just entering the labour market following education); and people aged 25 and over. Last updated ‘By ethnicity and age (White and Other than White)’, for ‘By ethnicity and age (White and Other than White)’, Summary of Unemployment By ethnicity and age (White and Other than White), for