One good outcome of a plank is flexibility as it stretches nearly all our posterior muscle groups such as shoulder, collar bone and shoulder blades, while also expanding the hamstrings, toes and arches of our feet. It is an excellent abdominal and core exercise , Plank is one of the best body weight calorie burning exercise and beneficial exercise because it engages multiple muscle at a time. Why Plank ? The more you do them the better you’ll be! Strong and healthy muscles mean your body is constantly burning energy so it becomes less able to store calories from fat, which improves your metabolism. This is a serious oblique sizzler. Here are some Major Benefits. when you have a strong core and rock solid abdominal muscle there is less stress and load on your lower back bones. Benefits of the Plank Exercise. This abdominal muscle runs along the side of our body. While muscle soreness and fatigue after a workout may be validation that you properly worked your muscles, it’s a sensation that would widely be regarded as unenjoyable. it acts together with the rhomboid minor to keep the scapula pressed against thoracic wall and to retract the scapula toward the vertebral column. This abdominal muscle runs along the side of our body. Read our Privacy & Cookie policies for more information. When you perform a side plank, the external abdominal oblique is the most used muscle. Maintain a tight core while squeezing through your quads and chest. Benefit #2 Improved Balance, Posture, and Endurance. It also can prevent injury, and improve your performance. Don’t let your lower back arch or have your hips too high. Hold. it is a group of 3 muscles anterior medial and posterior delts. Like any exercise, doing planks can improve your mood. Complete this exercise nice and slow to get the full benefit. Got abs? Put your forearms out in front of you. That’s because your core was weak and the abdominal muscles weren’t as strong to provide the balance. Can be performed on knees (to make it easier)Get ready to feel the fire in your gluteus with the pulsing plank. Moving down your midsection, successful plank exercises actually develop the muscles in your butt! There are about 16 variations of planks, reverse plank, extended plank, side plank, modified side plank, medicine ball plank, etc. 4.contract your quads and gluteal muscle to firm your leg. These are the muscles that trace down from the thighs to the lumbar vertebrae in our lower back. abdominals, back and shoulders, erector spine, rectus abdominis (abs), and transverse abdominis. Push Up Plank Instructions. Any time you go from the floor to standing and back down again, you’ll raise your pulse. Planks are useful also because it continues to burn calories even after your stop exercising. Planks also help to prevent or reverse postural disorders like Lordosis and posterior pelvic tilt. Realistically, this assumes importance if we are spending most of our time on a desk job. In Sanskrit Plank Position is kumbhakasana and phalakasana. Maintain core stability and contract your obliques as your knee draws toward your elbow. Isometric means holding a specific position with minimal movement for a given amount of time. A normal basic plank works on many muscle group which you can’t imagine. Benefits of the Plank Push-Up. There are so many benefits of planks, some might even surprise you. Pull your bellybutton in and make sure your back doesn’t arch or dip.