Recently I realized that I have been receiving bills for almost twice the amount I was being billed earlier. If you check the measurement of water with your water meter and the numbers don’t add up, you have yourself a faulty meter and that needs to be replaced as soon as possible. We’ll take your meter reading at least once a year. �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� Ref: Consumer no. Tips for saving water: There's plenty of ways that customers can reduce their water bills. %PDF-1.4 your meter, it will estimate how much water you have used so that it can send you a bill. ̞ �y��#r��9� �(��Qq{�s��W���U�U�g(2�K�n�#�)���On�F|D�Hd%��{�Kkq&$�pH�犊4n�K�:��UȢ���I�{�~�Z���V�ޏ�M_��琫�aFIc�ju`T���{U�kG�"Rb�g�ZL,�O-��gӶC�o�.����C���f���FJ҅�Ȯ�R��Ƌ�([K�d�%����֥�i�(>����M:(�fb�0�c�͕�rG� �Q���ܭ�����b��s�!U9 ��s[�X��������e��7Pf1�O��տa�xؔ!T(P�Gz�=J���7��WC��B���t. Providing support to customers with additional needs, Pumping stations are changing from private to public, Learn all about water meters, apply for a meter, Simply enter your postcode or location to find out more information about incidents, We offer plumbing advice if anything goes wrong at home, Find out about the water quality in your area, Follow our useful guidelines if you have issues with discoloured water, If you notice that your water tastes or smells then please follow our advice, Find out more about water hardness in your area, Discover ways you can increase low water pressure in your home today, Videos and guides helping you save water and money, Find out how to prevent blocked drains and pipes, Fix slow draining toilets and sinks with our troubleshooting guide, Follow our advice on dealing with flooding, Find out how to deal with issues with private drains and who to contact. Straight-Reading Meter. ��/8��u�x `U�x���@�����G������Q�1i�X[w,{�^:�j��9�;�rY�����j����Y ��ҳD��;�`x u��@w��##'���(7������v2ae' �}�Վeo7�'�ZɊ��ڃ;��޴m�x-Jyg3��^ S�Fb�+��YݪĒ*|��qҬ�0��c � Տa����6�z��9D���8���J9 �yHۆf.��0VO=kت[, '�_��cik$*��f-��oFD��6�q� In the meter shown in Figure 1, the reading is taken from the figures shown under the words CUBIC FEET. <> If it’s safe to do so, it’s really simple to read your meter. If we are unable to take a reading, and your meter is inside, we’ll leave you a card so you can send us your own reading. Step 1: MINUS the previous Water Meter Reading from the current Water Meter Reading. We’ll take your meter reading at least once a year. Every now and again, you or someone you know might need a little extra help. �� C �� ��" �� Try looking under your kitchen sink or in your cellar/garage – they're not in the same place in every house so you might just need to have a good look around. stream [/PDF/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI/Text] Hints and tips, Frozen pipes, Pipework responsibilities, Find out what help & advice we provide you. Most meters now have a device that allows us to take a reading without needing to disturb you. I have been a loyal customer of your electricity company for many years. Dear Sir, My home domestic purpose electric meter not working,That's pole no z-6, consumer no. Step 3: MULTIPLY the Average Daily Water Consumption (kl/day) by 1000 to convert your water usage into litres per day. You can also provide a meter reading to your company yourself at any time. $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? How to Read Your Water Meter 1. stream Figure 1. You just need to find the black numbers shown on the meter screen, which tells us the amount of water you've used in cubic metres (1 cubic metre = 1000 litres). 4 0 obj Roadworks, Leaks and Incidents in your area. I was receiving a billing amount in the range of .......... to .......... For the last two months I have received bills for an amount much higher than the average amount. Make a note of the black numbers. I do not accept that the meter is recording accurately. ���� JFIF ` ` �� C But we always ask customers to use water carefully. If you disagree with your estimated bill and want one based on your own meter reading, the company will send you a further bill based on that reading. Managing water resources, Where does water come from? x�E�!�0Fa�S�Ѵ��V�Aa0��� ��`!��NZ5d7\3M8�=E$\�v�,Ź��;�l�/�/�8{�oza����n Most water meters are in a black, plastic box in the ground and are usually lo-cated near the road. I shall be grateful to your goodself if my complaint is addressed to at the earliest and solution is provided soon. yY��)i�ײ�l���m�,}�&x���lv���-��nL�8�� ^��:�+O�� 1�Bru=Z����~e�$^ ��x�[[y�Ff��RÌq�W[ia,ID���{Ϛ�ѧub[K`�#�0�]��ƴR��f$1�z���I&�pnH�qZPډ: ���4����h���4��a['�iE��!b��jͬi���z�^|��oL�sj�"�lf-�U�A�54���0B?�\DH��w�U�RF�E�*�ٍFg�s�K|�w�4��0�i#ҩZ�G4�ظ' u��M�H�����]0�W8kϡi �0;�5��Z���x���5F�L�����q�����3��>5 ~��4P7i7 ��-k=U���~3LKN�A$�y�"mBE+��X��9�tH��1�99���Z����&)��ʰ(���:�k���p���ur$N�ǧJϲ��i�Cdq]����)��P\s�k��*����E_F� ��;�+��70�g�30����j�źr �[��%�s��P��k'��2d�+f�r��~P>n�ָf����ب��:�u���a�剒3�~Goj�/�{};N�Ӧ�$w�C.� �W�����X�r�~Ul�Q�^����r�N��v22?ɮ:�KVo i�4W�wx���`*XG�_ծ Ղ�i��`o��$�O"��f/Q10V���M�+{⺩��.�����G����H�w�ӊ�d^��z�� �C�����dg\u�P��N���+v�/ͽ��9���I�]�6��)���U*'h; 8){��x��iBC#rTc�¼�U��r.��J��8��I�И2�����1�MkwA���s]Tkփ��zt+/sC�c�\H�*e8nqS 6�����t�΁j$y,�l�;��5͌"��2���z����J2��'F$���3:�� +��Utw�� �`�c"�e�T�h��j�K�>�����w���j.A�r�7?���j��Hm���� Keeping our customers and our colleagues safe. endstream Looking to contact Yorkshire Water? %���� (row 1 contains meter reading date). If your meter is outside then please leave it to us. 6 0 obj Most meters now have a device that allows us to take a reading without needing to disturb you. The meter is currently showing a reading of [insert reading]. We work hard to try and stop sewage leaking, but if it does, we’ll do everything we can to help.