Gwen Boyle They detained her in an almost interrogation while making thinly veiled threats, making it clear they want their fix. This trait causes quite a few people, especially other women, to see Sally as nothing more than a selfish and deceitful “witch” who cares for nobody but herself. Appears in Eventually, Robert Byng enters Sally's house uninvited, where Sally plays music and seduces Byng in order to keep him from paying attention to Gwen's crying. That they'll be the "Two Musketeers" for now on. In both of their cutscenes with each other, Arthur abandons Sally to leave Wellington Wells on his own, as he doesn't have the time to wait around for anything anymore. wobbler. Years later they find each other again, and while everything is fine at first, Arthur remembers what had happened and grows cold towards her, though he still helps her out. We Happy Few Sally's Walkthrough: Baby Feeder. Gender Her happy face mask, unlike most wellettes, has red lipstick on top. Mrs. Boyle The two are very close to each other. Age Fearing for Gwen’s safety, Sally kept her existence a secret and left Verloc despite his protests. When she's wearing the torn suit or handling Gwen, her gloves are gone, revealing white painted nails. did Arthur hear her well enough but repress the information so he wouldn't remember abandoning her in that moment? They worked alongside each other since then, Sally knew parts of Anton's "Permanent Solution". Must buy advanced crafted gadgets from shopkeepers. When German supplies began to run out, she came up with a new compound and the idea to call it Strawberry. Sally then remembers Arthur and goes to see him, seeking help. She can also craft various psychedelic and other useful toxins. Appearances Appears in Though initially cold towards her, Arthur agrees to get her the oil, and she kisses him, causing him to run away. Arthur was Sally's childhood friend, as they began to spend more time together, they eventually developed a shared crush for each other. Must buy outfits from. Additionally, when she discovers a suicide cult in the Garden District, she voices her horror and disgust numerous times and is more than willing to kill their leader, all the while referring to him as a “sick, dying bastard” and “just a swindler who convinced himself.". We Happy Few is about an old English city, called Wellington Wells, that is haunted by the ghosts of its recent past. When she left Anton, the staff hid away her personal notes from him. This causes several compounded problems for Sally which create the basis of events in her main story quests. Baby More often than not, she's quite generalizing. Sally went on to use her chemistry expertise to create her own establishment in Wellington Wells called “Sally's Interplanetary Travel Agency” with herself as the sole employee. When Sally reveals to Arthur she has a baby the game leaves his response deliberately ambiguous: from Sally's point of view, she told him about the baby, he paused, then left without a word, whereas from Arthur's view she never said anything about the baby- just that she wanted to come with him, but he would have to wait until morning. Through memories, it's revealed that Sally and her mother did not have the best of relationships, Mrs. Boyle would find anything to judge or shame her for. When Sally was younger, her and her sisters used to live with their grandmother during the holidays, it's now that she realizes it was done so that her mother could have time off not having to worry about keeping everyone alive. Position If the player were to ignore to take care of Gwen, it will take a toll on Sally's mental health and she will do poorly at everything. Despite becoming Verloc’s main competition, Sally’s influential patron, General Byng, protected her from the authorities despite her non-conformist lifestyle. Family He figures that the baby is Verloc's, to which Sally answers with a silent affirmation. Rubbish at anything mechanical. Byng is willing to get Gwen out of the city but refuses to let Sally go, leading her to angrily rejecting him. At the start of the game, we see Sally preparing a pill mixture called "Blackberry," a form of Joy enjoyed by most of Wellington Wells' Constabulary, as well as various patrons on the black market, for her business "Sally's Interplanetary Travel Agency." She later became the assistant and lover of Anton Verloc, the chemist who usurped Haworth in power and also contributed to the creation of Joy. Charlotte Hope. He and Sally work out a deal to get him a Letter of Transit in exchange for cod liver oil. She wishes for Gwen to meet Arthur someday, even after she fucked everything up. As the game progresses more about her is uncovered, much of it unpleasant. Eddie says that Sally is good and that he can trust her. Sally Boyle is a short, slim woman with black hair and green eyes. She's a pretty well-known chemist and a downer in hiding. Rushing back home, Sally discovers that Gwen has developed a rash on her face, fever, and a runny nose. Little is known about Sally’s past at first, except that she was a childhood friend of Arthur Hastings, a boy around her age, and a neighbor of Ollie Starkey, a former soldier. During their relationship, Sally became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter she named Gwen. Unlike Arthur, Sally can also harvest the tall red-flowered plants for Foxglove Seeds. Act II Concept art for Sally Boyle, by Whitney Clayton. General Byng compliments Sally on her skill at deception, calling her “a good liar [...] who can lie with the truth." Eye Color He is initially willing to at first but decides to leave without her when she says that they'll have to leave at dawn. The same thing happens between Arthur and Ollie. During this time she quickly became friends with Arthur Hastings and they would often sneak out together. Gwen is briefly seen again with Sally in the boat, approaching land. Side Character/Game Mechanic Mr. Boyle Most of their interactions regarded Sally's relationship with other boys or girls, at one point, Mrs. Boyle tells Sally she will never be a mother. Father She offers to get him a Letter of Transit so he can exit the city, and mentions that she's close with General Byng. Sally Boyle is the second playable character in We Happy Few. Arthur was the only one who didn't expect her to be who he wanted. Greetings make people even less suspicious. And, when a man seems certain of himself, he's hiding something. Second Protagonist Green She is chubby (usual for a baby), has blue-green eyes as well as brown hair, and has freckles spread across her face. Only her head is ever visible, as her body is always in the blanket. The two escape the city, and Sally proclaims that they will be the "Two Musketeers.". As before in Act One, he brings up the fact that she slept with his father, and Sally sadly gives him the Letter of Transit in exchange for the oil. Female She is most commonly seen wearing an unusually stylish white mini dress with black curves at the front, adorned with vinyl leggings and sleeves along with black high heels that almost blend in with the leggings. She mentions that sometimes, a powerful man 'wants nothing more than a good enema.'. She recognizes him instantly and is visibly excited to see him. If she's wearing her proper suit, she'll wear cotton gloves. Sally goes to get the paper from General Byng, whom she is acquainted with on a first-name basis, and, after giving her the letter, reveals that he knows of her baby daughter.