Second row, Jane Sorbi, Leslie Goin, Margaret Rees, Barbara Anderson. Please check our Privacy Policy to see how we protect and manage your submitted data. Becoming a member is a way of saying ‘I feel in harmony with White Eagle’s work I would like to join in spiritual service in whatever way feels right to me’. This course is an inner journey into the Heaven World, endeavoring to bring back into our earthly lives heavenly wisdom and illumination. Visit: 2615 Saint Beulah Chapel Road, Montgomery, TX 77316. You can obtain information about this course by contacting A new course for the casual student in Astrology entitled, Understanding the Stars is now available. If you are unable to be present for a module we will provide a way for you to view the module at a later time. The basic structure of our Astrological correspondence courses, study astrology from a spiritual viewpoint Course Structure - White Eagle Lodge : Wisdom for Life 01730 893300 Students at the later stages of the Advanced Course are presented with test horoscopes to delineate as if for a client, and such testing continues until they are judged fit to practise, at which point, assuming they have satisfactorily completed the course, they are awarded the School’s Diploma. We have a lot of astrology informaton including White Eagle Astrology Courses data. Her vision and her boundless love drew those to her to help bring this Center into physical being. The Seven Rays (3): the operation of the rays at the different levels of consciousness. To view the first lesson of the Beginners' Course please click here. Always included are inspiring and uplifting messages by White Eagle. The White Eagle Lodge is a spiritual organisation first founded in England, founded by Grace and Ivan Cooke in 1936.Grace was a medium who claimed to have received the teachings from a spirit in the higher realms named White Eagle. Stella Polaris MagazineSingle copy price including postage:UK: £3.00Europe: £4.50 Other countries: £6.00, Stella Polaris MagazineAnnual Postal Subscription (6 issues) including postage:UK: £15.00Europe: £25.00 airmailOther countries: £30.00 airmail. Grace was a medium who claimed to have received the teachings from a spirit in the higher realms named White Eagle. White Eagle was the name by which Grace’s guide and teacher was known. This course is an inner journey into the Heaven World, endeavoring to bring back into our earthly lives heavenly wisdom and illumination. If you have any questions about our courses or would like to clarify something before signing up, please enquire here. We continue to offer the long established General Study course, as well as,  In-depth and Meditation courses. White Eagle Lodge is a spiritual worldwide organisation based on White Eagle's teaching - gentle, yet profound universal spiritual truths. As with the other courses, the emphasis is on the spiritual interpretation of the horoscope, the life path and lessons as shown in it and how these apply to practical life and problems.