The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at Euro Disney. The UK would win, eventually, but France would put up a fight. Musically England is the epicentre yet again – have you heard of a band called the Beatles! I should have just said Shakespeare and proved my point! England can hold her own in a scrap – Nelson, Wellington, Liz fighting the Spanish armarda, for a couple of years England stood alone against Nazi Germany after France fell in a couple of weeks. But I've got to say, modern day (yes the French have surrendered at the first sight of Nazis and the English would have fought down to the last man but that's not the point. But, if this mythical war were to remain conventional, it is generally acknowledged that the military forces of the UK are second only to those of the United States (in terms of total strategic and tactical capability). Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Britain is a very good island to hold, strategically speaking, so the French would find it tough to launch a successful attack against us. Would you be willing to live in a country that didn't have nuclear weapons. Why weren't Britain and Germany a Superpower after WW2? Do you mean in the short term or in the long term? We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. Well war is a horrible thing but as the French never want to get involved in anything I think the UK. France? France is very good at getting others to fight their battles, such as the French Foreign Legion. In a navy war ship, do sailors have a room of their own, or do they share a room with another sailor? At least it will be quick. war between UK and france... who would win? Who would win? 806 8067 22 Registered Office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. France vs Britain - no nukes, no America, no Russia. What percentage of the UK population has a degree? How many nukes does it take to cripple a country? So, in an all-out nuke lobfest, the nation that struck first would likely win. I don't think so, the UK "liberated" france from Hitler. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Also the UK was the largest empire ever known to humanity - born from England. That shows that the UK are better than the french in military speaking. The channel is the busiest shipping route in the world, and if it suddenly became a war zone once again I expect quite a few countries, corporations, and of course the UN, would have something to say about it. And as part of the UK even better. So Britain and France declare war over an oil deal gone wrong, the rest of the world doesn't want to get involved either they are too scared (this is not your usual military intervention against a tinpot African dictator with a budget army) or because it could trigger a chain of other nations getting involved aka WWIII. How can I convince my housemates to get a tumble dryer? England is a very small country yet punches hugely over its weight. Britain have better trained troops, and would most likely win as the French would probably surrender. Where most of France just bellied up without a fight. The only two higher levels in France are Surrender and Collaborate. Do I need arms race figures for GCSE History? If each Continent had a war with every other Continent - who would win? And by then, my fellow countrymen. does universities like further maths or not? Or others such as Charles Dickens, Noel Coward, Jane Austin, Percy Shelly, Lord Byron, Conan Doyle, George Orwell, Charlotte Bronte, Daniel Defoe, Lewis Carol. The UK would win, eventually, but France would put up a fight. And no nukes because the two countries are too close together. © Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved. Also, I'm an American I'm neutral, I swear.) The AP and UPI reported that the French Government announced after the London bombings that it has raised its terror alert level from Run to Hide. If we were to make the first move, we would have the big advantage of having a large number of troops already on the continent, mostly in Germany. :P. Historically whenever the French have attacked us the Scots have taken advantage of the situation and invaded from the north.