Danee, a YouthCare staff member for more than a decade—talks about YouthCare's impact, and why it is our shared responsibility to commit to ending youth homelessness. Gyngersnap VictoriaVAIN Thanks to everyone who made this day so special. 3. We love the staff and youth as well so enjoy serving dinner twice a month. Youth in our care requested a wide array of topics: world history, horror, psychology, and current issues. I believe that far beyond providing meals and shelters, this program is also teaching those youth about love and responsibility. 09/29/2015. This wonderful agency is staffed with incredibly capable, competent and caring individuals. Words of gratitude from Craig, our Volunteer & Community Engagement Specialist, on OPERATION: Sack Lunch and our community rushing to support food needs for youth experiencing homelessness. If you are unable to read or view this page please call Youth Care Treatment Center at (801) 396-5391. They really appreciate the effort put forth to assist them and that is due to the Youthcare staff how they operate the Orion center. It is CPS’s role to investigate whether the allegations are founded or not. ICYMI: Seattle Kraken is donating 100% of net proceeds to local nonprofits, including YouthCare, to support BIPOC youth. Each week, we are blessed by fellow nonprofit Green Plate Special with 4 to 6 big boxes filled with rescued food from their community in South Seattle: individual meals, pastries, frozen pizzas, and so much more to help feed and nourish youth during this time! Thank you for your support! Organized, consistent and always appreciative, the staff are exceptional. There was one scary week-by-week rental place on cap hill with shared bathrooms and kitchens, but theft and drugs were common there and I couldn't bring myself to risk it. Children & Youth Services. Motivated individuals working towards an important cause. Blog up soon with more details about this week’s incredible holiday festivities! Volunteer https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/6EOSL29KSEXK/, Schools are the 1st responders to children and youth in need, and these students have been among the hardest hit by distance learning and building closures. CDC informational posters are on display to provide important reminders on proper infection prevention procedures. Take action now by asking your legislators to insist that the Emergency Family Stabilization Act (H.R.7950/S.3923) be included in the next coronavirus relief package. And now? This year—THANKS TO YOU—we’re better prepared to ensure young people are warm and don’t go hungry as the storm continues. I have been involved with YouthCare since the mid-1980's, initially as an attorney representing and advocating for young people in the criminal justice and child dependency systems and later as a volunteer and donor. Children & Youth, Today I am a happy and healthy and thriving individual. Attempted union-busting. Often as we serve lunch, the youths thank us. That includes building socio-emotional well-being and reconnecting young people to education and employment pathways so they can build the skills and confidence to transition to financial security and thriving independence.”, Today is the first day of the 2020 legislative session and also a historic moment for the state: for the first time in Washington's history, we now have a woman and openly gay Speaker of the House! Thank you from all of us for the good work you do! Volunteer 04/25/2013. PLEASE believe in this organization. 10/24/2014. I have been working at YouthCare full-time. YouthCare 2500 NE 54th Street, Seattle, WA 98105 Phone: (206) 694-4500 Email: info@youthcare.org . Click to view photos from the show ❤️. “We’re often asked whether the solution to ending youth homelessness requires more resources for existing services or a new approach altogether. No matter what school looks like this fall, families, children, and youth experiencing homelessness have educational rights - and we can have a role to play in connecting them to vital resources. Powered by WordPress.com. YOUTHCARE IS ABOSOULUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Training is an absolute mess. Volunteer 11/12/2012. 11/13/2012. I am constantly impressed by the staff, kids and volunteers at YouthCare. Read the rest of the article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffraikes/2020/07/08/when-people-chant-defund-the-police-do-we-really-hear-them/. Volunteer Writer Social distancing strategies have been implemented to ensure that patients and staff maintain proper distance from one another at all times. Twitter, Causes: 2. Thanks to the SPL staff for thoughtfully curating a great selection of books, including BIPOC and LGBTQ+ authors, to fill our library shelves for youth! I do not have one complaint about any of the services I have accesed at youthcare. YouthCare is grateful to the following individuals for committing their time and energy to serving on our Board of Directors and leading us in our mission to end youth homelessness. Lindsay19 There are few things that can bring healing, light, and energy into a space like houseplants. 09/20/2013. 11/21/2012. I can see any investment of time or money in YouthCare paying off in a huge way by creating an environment and support for these kids to thrive later on in life. $50 for a 3-Day Pass. It serves as a one-stop shop for youth: five days a week it provides 3 meals a day, laundry service, a rec room, counseling, schooling, job training and much more. There's still time to make a gift at https://www.givebigseattle.org/youthcare and support homeless youth in our community. Clean underwear is an essential, daily necessity. I'm very impressed with the services they provide and feel it makes a real difference which is why I continue to volunteer, if only to help in a small way to a greater cause. The Director of Public Funding plays an integral role in YouthCare’s financial stability and organizational impact. Writer YouthCare offers GED- and high school diploma-track programs designed to help homeless youth reconnect to school and work towards post-secondary options. The government does not support homeless youth in the ways one would hope. Soak up this beautiful artwork by a former young person in UDYC's Art Hive program, along with this poignant quote from the great James Baldwin. BIG thanks to The Seattle Public Library for donating over a hundred books through their Summer of Learning program! These kids often have nowhere to turn. Aside from shelter and food, YouthCare provides useful resources for our youth. In my mind it is the best nonprofit in Seattle, period. > Children & Youth Can't say enough about how much I respect what this organization is doing and how confident I am that any time and moeny I can give them is always well invested. What impresses me the most is that within these walls, youth are given an opportunity to receive an education which is a gift. Staff are not supported or appreciated, treated at disposable, there is no opportunity for raises. The U.S. Senate has proposed a federal COVID relief package without relief. They do not give hand-outs, instead they give their clients the opportunity/skills to make them self sufficient. 1 We were able to restock their shelves with canned goods and other packaged foods. All staff has received infection prevention and control training. They were all very thankful and courteous . Any youthcare program offers a safe place with amazing staff. Through all my interactions with YouthCare, as a volunteer, donor and Board Member, I am consistently impressed with the level of care, thoughtfulness, expertise and professionalism shown by all those involved in this incredible organization. For many of the folks I work with this is their first time volunteering and the experience they have with Youth Care makes them want to sign up year after year. sanna206 Mission: YouthCare works to end youth homelessness and to ensure that young people are valued for who they are and empowered to achieve their potential. The incredible staff make every effort to guide them to healthy productive lives. Your trust is our top concern, so companies can't alter or remove reviews. Volunteer I volunteered for youth care by cooking and serving lunches at the Orion center. It has a strong mission, is well-managed, and produces results. CarolJW At the event, we premiered our brand new video! We are so sorry to hear about the challenges you are facing. The youth being helped by this organization give back as much if not more than they get. CDC updates are consistently monitored to ensure that all guidance followed is based on the latest information released. Seattle's NHL team just announced their official team name today: Seattle Kraken! Tee E. Does not recognize many holidays. Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if YouthCare is right for you. There are a ton of different ways that these kids can learn these life long skills through the various programs that they offer. Carla A