Download a free business plan template on The Prince’s Trust website. You’ll even find a business plan template for specific industries including business plan templates in Word for healthcare providers, professional services, and retail. We provide information and software, and you are responsible for appropriately using this material. Your use of this site is subject to our Terms of Use and Cookie Policy. A business plan is a written document that describes your business. Should You Start a Business? A Business Plan, also referred to as a marketing plan, business strategy, or business proposal, is a mission statement that sets out your vision, structure, and methods, and helps you to plan for the future. You’ve accepted all cookies. Get detailed information about how to write a business plan on the Start Up Donut website. LawDepot® is not a law firm and cannot provide legal advice. The L.L.C. Under Linux, any browser using the latest Mozilla engine should work. Ownership Background____________________ (owner):________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Business Management Structure________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Organisational Timeline________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Business Assets________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Pricing________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Advertising________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. We use cookies to collect information about how you use GOV.UK. with the main purpose as a table game (foosball) operation that offers soft drinks, beer, and light food. Your business plan can look as polished and professional as this sample plan. It's fast and easy, with LivePlan. Your Business Plan should be updated whenever something changes, such as introducing a new product, branching into a new market sector, or taking on a business partner. It can also help to convince customers, suppliers and potential employees to support you. How to Create an Accurate Restaurant Sales Forecast in 2020, 10 Common Business Plan Mistakes to Avoid in 2020, See more articles in Writing a Business Plan », How to Make Your Business Plan Standout for Investors, How to Successfully Pitch Your Business Idea to Investors, The 11 Slides You Need to Have in Your Pitch Deck for 2020, See more articles in Pitching a Business ». For more information see Disclaimer Page Accept. Business Structure: How the business is owned and managed (i.e. 8 Alternative Funding Options for Small Businesses, 3 Steps to Figure Out How Much Money You Need to Start a Business, See more articles in Funding a Business », 3 Technology Trends Streamlining Operations for Healthcare Startups, How to Start a Successful Online Boutique in 2020, See more articles in Starting a Business », Why Customer Relationships Are the Key to a Successful Restaurant, See more articles in Managing a Business ». It includes a business history, a marketing analysis, a financial statement, and operational details. Sigmund's Gourmet Pasta restaurant specializes in unique and innovative pasta dishes. If your browser is not JavaScript capable, you can obtain either Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Aside from a market analysis, these are the things you need for a business plan: 1. Studio67 is a medium-sized restaurant focusing on organic foods and an intriguing atmosphere in a prime neighborhood of Portland. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services. Bplans is owned and operated by Palo Alto Software, Inc., as a free resource to help entrepreneurs start and run better businesses. Bplans is owned and operated by Palo Alto Software, Inc., as a free resource to help entrepreneurs start and run better businesses. Business Plan Information. Can You Get a Business Loan With Bad Credit? Know someone who is starting a business? Nightclub, Dance Classes Business Plan E3 Playhouse is a start-up combined entertainment venue offering live music, dancing, music and dance lessons in a nightclub restaurant format. Established businesses can also benefit from developing a Business Plan to attract further funding, manage rapid growth, or reevaluate the company's vision and goals. How to Create an Accurate Restaurant Sales Forecast in 2020, 10 Common Business Plan Mistakes to Avoid in 2020, See more articles in Writing a Business Plan », How to Make Your Business Plan Standout for Investors, How to Successfully Pitch Your Business Idea to Investors, The 11 Slides You Need to Have in Your Pitch Deck for 2020, See more articles in Pitching a Business ». Staffing_________________________________ will employ one full-time employee in the initial startup phase. In what industry will your business operate? All Rights Reserved. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Foosball Hall is an L.L.C. While many companies create a Business Plan to attract external funding, a Business Plan is also a vital internal document that can help you and your business partners to: LawDepot's Business Plan template contains the following key sections: Business Description: Your business name and address, as well as a brief history (how the business was started, how it has evolved, and any achievements to date). Though mostly a summary, this section does include a mission statement to highlight your company’s values, intentions and USPs. Disclaimer. You can also download a free cash flow forecast template or a business plan template on the Start Up Loans website to help you manage your finances. Enlist your management team, or for a sole proprietor, trusted family and friends, to contribute to your plan using a checklist business plan template in Excel.