Countries such as Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, and Angola all ranked at the bottom of the quality of life ranking. Literacy rate: no official rate, but basic literacy often held to be close to 99%, with varying rates of competence for different levels of language complexity. We don't have any banner, Flash, animation, obnoxious sound, or popup ad. Canada is a top-performing country in terms of the quality of its educational system. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Not every city has equal quality of life because of many factors. While any country’s standard of living will obviously differ quite a bit from person to person, a look at various social metrics highlight the many things Canadians have to be thankful for — as well as where improvements still need to be made. By a margin of less than 10 per cent, Canadian women are slightly less likely than men to work, though the differences become larger when the comparison involves full-time work, or the total number of hours worked per week. 1946) at a 2017 inaugural meeting of the Canada−United States Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders, a group set up by the two politicians to help North American businesswomen overcome the "unique barriers" they face. Canada is one of the safest, healthiest countries in the world, with low crime and a clean environment. The federal government has released entry requirements for extended family members and people travelling to Canada for compassionate reasons. This is especially true for Canadians who live in the country’s large cities, where real estate is extremely expensive. In fact, Canada took the top spot for the category in the latest 2019 Best Countries Rankings by U.S. News and World Report. For example, you can’t compare Edmonton to Windsor because of larger cities has bigger budgets for infrastructure, law enforcement, Public transportations and for day to day operations of the city. IRCC has released dates for the 2020 PGP intake after coronavirus delayed opening in the spring. to divisive cancel culture, corporate wokeism, and political Canada reveals how extended family, compassionate travellers can apply for travel exemptions. Canada was recently ranked the second most beautiful country in the world, and now it is being hailed for its quality of life. According to Statistics Canada, the richest fifth of the Canadian population holds close to 50 per cent of the wealth of all Canadian families, with the wealthiest one per cent holding close to 10 per cent of all wealth. Most of the other half die from a variety of other relatively common diseases and afflictions that tend to strike humans late in life, including diseases of the respiratory system, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and pneumonia (sometimes euphemistically called dying of “old age”). Likewise, the country was given a 10 for its well-developed public education system, as well as a 9.6 for its well-developed public health system. You could say USA and Canada are a tale of two developed countries side by side where one is the polar opposite of the other. A Canadian child who is orphaned without relatives or trapped in an abusive or unfit household will be placed by the government in a foster home where an unrelated family or person (or, in rarer cases, a "group home") will be paid to take care of them for anywhere from a couple months to several years. Reducing emissions caused by the extraction of Canadian oil in the Canadian prairies, particularly bitumen (or “tar sands“), as well as decreasing use of petroleum-powered automobiles is the focus of most Canadian environmental activism and public policy, which is increasingly focused on Canada’s role as a contributor to man-made climate change. ; Subway, 2006.; Economist Intelligence Unitƒ? While many poor communities, particularly ones in the North tend to have high infant death rates due to a lack of access to adequate medical care, it’s also been suggested that Canadian hospitals may be “too good” at preventing stillbirths, resulting in a high birthrate of babies who are unable to survive long-term. Out of the countries surveyed, Canada ranked number one overall for being politically stable, number two for having a good job market, and number four for having a well-developed public education system. Vancouver Courier temporarily ceasing publication, Glacier Community Media © Copyright ® 2013 -, Have the Vancouver Courier delivered to your inbox twice a week! Aboriginal and black Canadians are disproportionately overrepresented in Canada’s prison population, as are people with mental illnesses. Among western democracies, Canada has generally high levels of economic inequality, with the gap between Canada’s rich and poor having steadily increased since the 1990s. Unaffordable homes are a growing concern in many of Canada’s big cities, where real estate prices are some of the highest in the world. The most common violent offenses are assaults, beatings, and violent robberies. Canada’s crime rate has been in steady decline after reaching a peak in the 1990s, though it is still higher than in the 1960s, when the modern crime rate first began to rise. Mercer carried out a survey of quality of life in cities around the world and rated Calgary as the world’s top Eco-city on the basis of the city’s waste removal service, sewage systems, water drinkability & availability, and low air pollution. Find out if you are eligible for any Canadian immigration programs.