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There was a biting wind skimming the gently, Jade opened her mouth to retort, but the sound of a bell interrupted her, sending panic, It is best appreciated in its relaxed, complex entirety, the themes, And I could almost see Katrina nodding sadly, her long, black hair, The second fan generated a semblance of underwater movement in Atlantic, scrim, How organisers of the 17th World Cup finals would love to send more than just a minor tremor, Birds twittered in the distance, their singing blending beautifully with the sound of the, It's based on a gimmick, here the use of flags, exuberantly colored and, I made out an elderly lady, propped up, silvery hair, Rico stretched his arms, sinewy roped muscle, A cool gust of wind blew, pushing Freya's hair from her face, and, He looked down at his baby blue, skintight shirt, which was revealing his, When the couples meet for dinner, undercurrents immediately start, The highlights are brushed in with white body colour, which gives the, He watched the way she took up a pickaxe and swung it, saw the muscles, His silken hide of blood brown hue gleamed as he moved, muscles, He stood tall, with slender, but firm, shoulders and, Only the creak of the mast and the boom, the, Before the final he had his first ever spray tan to accentuate his, Chessa did a perfect swan dive off the diving board into, Inspection indicated no rock collapse or fall of trees but the surface of the normally placid water was said to be seen, The affected muscles show fasciculations that are, He speaks in a polished, precise manner, but with a bouncy Trinidadian inflection, Light percolates through an external carapace of rusted woven wire panels that are kinked and cranked like powerfully, The gamelan of Bali in particular attracted him, as it had Debussy and Ravel, with its sharp contrasts of, Annabelle finished the sonnet with one soft, At numerous points along their line smaller quakes and aftershocks were taking place, adding to the tsunamis, Most women remember a good sports bra, but forget that treadmill jogging sends rhythmic judders, Conner rose and stretched, his lupine muzzle gaping wide in a colossal yawn, the muscles, Four people eventually managed to zip him into it and he emerged belatedly into the limelight still, Abbey drifted off, the warm sun and gently, The cello is painted a warm, lightish brown, with, Slowly, the ship coasted forwards, the water, He let himself get closer to the water, watching the waterfall's little waves.