IMF says COVID-19 lockdowns better for quicker economic recovery. China was the first export customer for the S-400, buying the missile system in 2014 and taking delivery of the first units in 2018. Post-Russia’s announcement, China has reportedly said that Moscow was forced to make such a decision as it “is worried that the delivery of S-400 missiles at this time will affect the anti-pandemic actions of the People’s Liberation Army and does not want to cause trouble to China.”, Also Watch | ‘Closing more Chinese consulates in US always possible’: Donald Trump. Ruby Tuesday files for bankruptcy, will close 185 restaurants for good, Wisconsin opens field hospital; U.S. adds 43K COVID-19 cases, FBI: Six militia members plotted to kidnap Mich. Gov. Thank you for subscribing to our daily newsletter. In 2012, sources close to the Russian Federal Services for Military-Technical Cooperation, which regulates military-technical cooperation with other countries, said that negotiations on the purchase of … The S-400 air defence missile system is … We, however, have a request. Indore, The education department is rushing to deliver learning modules that would allow students to take classes at home, but not everyone is convinced it’s safe. With job losses mounting due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some Singaporeans are blaming Indian nationals. While China has to send personnel for training, Russia also needs to send a lot of technical personnel to put the weapons into service,” Sohu said. India is looking to buy spare parts, ammunition and weapons and the estimated cost of acquisition is over $1 billion. Trade has also grown between Russian and China, surpassing $100 billion in 2018, according to the Nikkei Asian Review. Can Japan's new PM get the economy back on track in a nation facing a global pandemic, mounting debt and adverse demographics? However, it may turn out to be China's last. In 2018, China received the first batch of S-400 missile, a military diplomatic source told Russia’s TASS news agency. In 2018, China received the first batch of S-400 missile, a military diplomatic source told Russia's TASS news agency. Oct. 8 (UPI) -- Israel and Jordan Thursday signed an agreement to allow commercial flights from each country to use their airspace. A possibility, says US envoy, Coronavirus: 1,868 dead, China's total number of cases climbs past 72,400, Galwan Valley clash: Russia rules out mediating between India and China, Access Exclusive content - articles, features & opinion pieces, Weekly Industry/Genre specific newsletters - Choose multiple industries/genres, Access to 17 plus years of content archives, Set Stock price alerts for your portfolio and watch list and get them delivered to your e-mail box, End of day news alerts on 5 companies (via email). In 2014, China had signed a government-to-government contract with Russia. To a certain extent, we can say that it is for the sake of China. Business Standard is happy to inform you of the launch of "Business Standard Premium Services". The S-400 air defence missile system is considered the most advanced of its kind in Russia, capable of destroying targets at a distance of up to 400 kilometres and a height of up to 30 kilometres. However, the development on the S-400 area hints towards more reasons. Therefore, Russia's pause on S-400 to China may have technological advantage for India. In 2015, China became the first foreign buyer of Russia's S-400 missile defense system. An S-400 regiment also possesses additional surveillance and target acquisition radars, with the unit generally plugged in to larger long-range radar stations or airborne early warning systems. It is made in Russia and is pitched as the most-efficient long-range air defense systems. China also received 120 advanced anti-aircraft guided missiles of two types, sources told Tass. "document.write("");googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot('/6516239/outofpage_1x1_desktop','div-gpt-ad-1490771277198-0').addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.pubads().enableSyncRendering();googletag.enableServices();}); "They say that the work on delivering these weapons is quite complicated. Russia has increased exports of the S-400 to other countries, including Turkey. “CPEC has been a chastening experience for China in the context of the BRI.”. However, the hold on S-400s to Beijing may hint at an answer. Russian deliveries of the S-400 system to China come at a time when Moscow is also sending a large number of missiles to Turkey for Turkey's S-400 system. North Korea scientists criticize Oracle's database system as slow, costly. In the same year, PLAAF personnel underwent training on the S-400 in Russia. North Korea claims new military milestone ahead of anniversary. How do Southeast Asian countries view intensifying geopolitical competition between the United States and China in Asia? In 2018, China received the first batch of S-400 missile, a military diplomatic source told Russia’s TASS news agency. Oct. 8 (UPI) -- More than 70 million people were directly affected by flooding in China this summer, and damages amount to more than $32 billion, Chinese authorities say. Russia is today a junior partner of China". It turns out that Russia is worried that the delivery of S-400 missiles at this time will affect the anti-pandemic actions of the Chinese army and does not want to cause trouble to China," reported a Chinese newspaper. The move can definitely be read as an advantage to India. S-400 is currently among the most coveted surface-to-air missile systems. Second, it also came at a time when China and India exchanged violent fires at the Galwan valley. While China has to send personnel for training, Russia also needs to send a lot of technical personnel to put the weapons into service," Sohu said. Valery Mitko, President of St. Petersburh Arctic Social Sciences Academy, has been alleged by Russia of handing over classified information to Chinese authorities. To a certain extent, we can say that it is for the sake of China. Currently, Russia, Belarus and Turkey too have the S-400 defense system. China received its first S-400 on May 10, 2018. The Philippines has been the perfect target for Chinese political interference – but it won’t be Beijing’s last victim. India signed a $5.4 billion deal in 2018 and is likely to get its first S-400 by 2021. A "peace hospital" should also be built at the Korean demilitarized zone, medical experts say. Follow him on Twitter. In 2015, China became the first foreign buyer of Russia's S-400 missile defense system. China ordered two Russian-made S-400 regimental sets for an estimated $3 billion under a 2014 government-to-government contract. A total of 120 missiles were recently delivered to Turkey. This is because S400 is made with Chinese electronics. It is capable of destroying targets at a distance of up to 400 kilometres and a height of up to 30 kilometres. Several other countries - Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Vietnam, Morocco have expressed interest in buying the Russian technology. It is capable of destroying targets at a distance of up to 400 kilometres and a height of up to 30 kilometres. © 2020 Diplomat Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. The hold on S-400s to Beijing may hint at an answer. The truth is China's troubles are only mounting and Russia halting the S-400 delivery may just be the latest sign of Moscow distancing itself from Beijing. “Delivery of a second S-400 regimental set (…) has been completed,” the source was quoted as saying by TASS news agency on January 27. Second, it also came at a time when China and India exchanged violent fires at the Galwan valley. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. China ordered two Russian-made S-400 regimental sets for an estimated $3 billion under a 2014 government-to-government contract. File Photo by Stephen Shaver/UPI |. Russia's S-400 system is similar to U.S. THAAD batteries. Just $5 a month. Kindly visit the Manage my subscription page to discover the benefits of this programme. Beijing reportedly ordered a couple of S-400s. Jan. 27 (UPI) -- Russia completed the second delivery of a S-400 Triumf, or Triumph, anti-aircraft missile system to China in December, according to a Russian press report. Around that time, Beijing signed a contract to deploy S-400 missiles in the country for $3 billion. Citing Chinese newspaper Sohu, UAWire reported, "This time, Russia announced the postponement of the delivery of missiles for the Chinese S-400 system.To a certain extent, we can say that it is for the sake of China.