It is time to speak up. Common Dreams has been providing breaking news & views for the progressive community since 1997. Human rights and social justice studies are increasingly of importance in higher education. Follow her on Twitter: @medeabenjamin. The government recorded 645 killings of women on account of gender—a 2.2 percent increase from the previous year. We need you. You have Javascript disabled, but you can still. His Disease Is Theirs – and Ours, If the President Had HIV He Could Be in Prison, House Antitrust Report Is a Bold Prescription for Curing Big Tech’s Ills, 'A Definite and Sustained Increase': Europe Leads Record Single-Day Worldwide Covid-19 Infection Surge, After Trump Covid-19 Diagnosis, Pelosi and Raskin to Propose Creating Commission on Presidential Capacity, As California Burns, Climate Activists Call on Gov. If you self wan come out kuku do and stop feeding us with this ungrounded accusations about our finest pastor Ur opinion does not count.. Linda e don do now! Common Dreams brings you the news that matters. Thank you. Watch our live discussion about why now is the right time for the first Black woman SCOTUS nominee. Peter Horton | UCLA School of Law, US. Horrible horrible person. The Chicago Boys pointed to rising economic growth rates in Chile as evidence of the success of their neoliberal program, but by 1988, 48% of Chileans were living below the poverty line. by Linda Ikeji at 28/06/2019 4:15 PM | Despite only a dozen people showing up they were determined to have their voices and message heard. Crawl back to where you are coming from. They will turn this thing to Misandry. But we can't do it alone. Nicolas J.S. #kachi. Two days later, Chile's billionaire president Sebastian Piñera fired his entire cabinet and declared, "We are in a new reality. for 'Failure to Protect Frontline Workers From Covid-19', Citing 'Dubious' Practices and Possible White House Interference, Schumer and Wyden Demand IG Probe Into IRS Trump Audit. Rubbish. Gavin Newsom to Stop #FuelingTheFlames, WATCH: Sanders and Teen Vogue Host Town Hall Featuring Young Voters Surviving National Crisis, 'Catastrophic Failure to Tackle Inequality' Left World Unprepared for Pandemic: Global Index, 'Trump Has Abandoned Them': 1.3 Million New Unemployment Claims Spotlight 'Unthinkable' Consequences of Refusing Relief Package, Months After Trump Declared 'Liberate Michigan,' 13 Charged With Plot to Kidnap Governor, Storm State Capitol, Groups to Sue Trump's Fish & Wildlife Service After Officials Refuse Protections for Endangered Wolverines, Labor Unions and Green Groups Sue Trump Admin. On October 25, 2019, a million Chileans—out of a population of about 18 million—took to the streets across the country, unbowed by government repression that has killed at least 20 of them and injured hundreds more. And why hasn't this man spoken up still? I knew ese spoke the truth. His picks also won’t even say they agree with the historic Brown vs. Board of Education decision by the Supreme Court that led to the desegregation of our nation’s schools. Feel free to republish and share widely. Neoliberalism’s Children Rise Up to Demand Justice in Chile and the World. Has the serial rapist got nothing to say for himself? Thank you ma. As long as law is concern, he remain Innocent till proved otherwise. Six men charged with conspiring to kidnap Michigan governor, Trump administration asks Supreme Court to block order extending census count, Texas Supreme Court prevents vote-by-mail expansion ahead of November presidential election, Canada Supreme Court to consider constitutional rights of Native Americans with US citizenship, UN postpones Libya human rights investigation due to lack of funds, Somalian Pirates and the Law of the Sea: International Law in Crisis, Decay of The Colossal Wreck: Confederate Statues as Protected Cultural Property, Bruno Hauptmann indicted for murdering Lindbergh baby.