This can be a difficult sign to spot, as behavioral disturbances often do not become apparent until weeks after a brain injury has occurred. What are the symptoms? The front portion of the brain (underneath the forehead) is responsible for speaking, personality,... Temporal lobe. … However, persistent headaches can sometimes be a sign of brain damage, particularly if they begin following an incident such as a fall, sports injury, or car accident. . . Headaches can come in many different forms and have various causes. More-serious traumatic brain injury can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage to the brain. Damage to the brain may result in changes to those senses. While one might think loss of consciousness would always be easy to spot, this is not always the case. These injuries are often sustained during falls or sudden impacts from contact sports or car accidents. Approximately 130,000 Americans die of st… Several symptoms of brain damage include: If you are experiencing one or more of these signs, you may have suffered brain damage, and should contact a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment options. Persistent headaches should also be taken seriously if they worsen over time, or are accompanied by other symptoms. . LinkedIn. Damage to the brain is serious and can negatively impact an individual’s quality of life, especially when left untreated. Twitter Traumatic brain injuries, or concussions, may cause a person to lose consciousness for as little as just a few seconds, making it simple for a parent or a coach on the athletic field to miss. Chiropractic, The side portions of the brain (underneath the ears) are responsible for memory, understanding spoken... Parietal lobe. And though an individual may regain consciousness very quickly, loss of consciousness for any amount of time should be taken seriously. One of the most common of these associated with brain damage is blurred vision. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2206747, '28559015-c497-43f4-aea1-05cd3041508a', {}); Another sign of brain damage is memory loss. The Northport Wellness Center's, Heal & Recover With Neurofeedback Therapy, 6 Proven Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet. Contact Us Today! While one might think loss of consciousness would always be easy to spot, this is not always the case. Traumatic brain injuries, or concussions, may cause a person to lose consciousness for as little as just a few seconds, making it simple for a parent or a coach on the athletic field to miss. The Northport Wellness Center's Concussion Recovery program can help assist those who've experienced a brain injury in healing and returning to an optimal state of health. About 52,000 die as a result of traumatic brain injury, and more than 5 million Americans who've suffered traumatic brain injury require assistance in performing daily activities. All Rights Reserved. Of the symptoms on the list, changes in speech may be one of the most serious signs of potential brain damage, but can come in different forms. When associated with brain damage, memory loss is more serious than simply being a little “forgetful” during a hectic day. Someone who is experiencing confusion might have difficulty completing thoughts, performing everyday tasks, or navigating familiar environments, such as their home or workplace. Learn about what concussions are and how they affect the brain, as well as viable treatment options to consider. Copyright © 2020 Northport Wellness Center. Wellness, Individuals might also experience increased impulsiveness, or inappropriate behavior. In the U.S., every year, about 2.6 million people have some type of brain injury -- whether as a result of trauma, stroke, tumor, or other illnesses, according to the Brain Injury Association of America. Most brain damage occurs as a result of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). While most will assume brain damage has occurred at the onset of clear symptoms, such as seizures or paralysis, some can be tougher to spot. Other sensory problems may include strange tastes and smells with no apparent causes, hearing issues, strange or lost sensations on the skin, and poor hand-eye coordination, among others. These injuries can result in long-term complications or death. However, brain damage can, in some cases, result from infections and other illnesses. An object that penetrates brain tissue, such as a bullet or shattered piece of skull, also can cause traumatic brain injury.Mild traumatic brain injury may affect your brain cells temporarily. Site by Morey Creative Studios, Terms Of Service | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Statement, Facebook Our senses dictate how we interact with the world around us. Patchogue Wellness Center. Confusion, or disorientation, is the state of feeling as though you can’t think clearly, and often comes about after experiencing brain damage. Traumatic brain injury usually results from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. It's important, therefore, to recognize how speech alterations might present themselves. If you are experiencing one or more of these signs, you may have suffered brain damage, and should contact a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment options. A person who has sustained brain damage might experience sudden mood swings, or feel as though they have lost control of their emotions. Brain damage may also alter how a person feels and behaves. Common signs might include extreme irritability, feelings of depression, and anxiety. And though an individual may regain consciousness very quickly, loss of consciousness for any amount of timeshould be taken seriously. It may manifest in a number of forms, from not remembering the injury that led to the brain damage to not retaining new information while performing everyday tasks, such as reading or having a conversation, to consistently forgetting about things you have planned, such as appointments or returning emails. Frontal lobe.