Desalinate more seawater: As an island surrounded by the sea, desalination is a natural option for Singapore. • Deep Tunnel Sewerage System – using gravity to convey wastewater, eliminating the need for pumping stations Through the years, PUB has embarked on an integrated, effective and cost-efficient way to meet the nation’s water needs with investments in research and technology to treat, recycle and supply water. Achieving a sustainable level of water consumption and managing the impact of water on the environment takes the commitment and participation of the community. ļe���eG�W�!���n�Uqg�t��=����\�Ff?�},�%�n��'�ac�!�w;�d��;(��S�����-���p?�ñtƖ�{��#� �Y�?���s&|sg~^�����ή=�p�,�-�` Qi� Public education was an important instrument to promote water conservation. Read Also: 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Do With Your SP Services Utilities Account. URA as the central planning authority that integrates urban planning across the various sectors of water, waste, transport , architecture and landscaping. • Co-locating a Water Reclamation Plant with an Integrated Waste Management Facility, to harness their synergies in water & solid waste management This high-grade reclaimed water has consistently been awarded top marks for its high quality, safety and for exceeding international standards. PE��(��钑@mX.NP��`\p������� This allows optimisation of the whole system. It should also come as no surprise that this will translate into a bigger utilities bill. F�Xbx����x ���q�>{W��ᚼм�����;�1��� ���szuF.ȕo%��:%�� ��/0-�c�-}�,A����� �,A�0�D#�����AbR@�S����w\����trIv������$Ԃ�v$�⥄DI�߻|���"���tC��m_�'ʒi�{s_3�:)@���1��8́V}F˭&�!����Б'���&$(��F�����8v�� +)���c��4�� • Designated protected catchment area, and regulations to minimise risks of pollution to water supply sources. These rebates – between $480 and $1,000 – will be paid in April 2020, July 2020, October 2020 and January 2021. These challenges inspired Singapore to strategize and seek innovative ideas thereby developing capabilities and securing a sustainable supply of water. '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' ���yZOW+�|I.�ːZ�x���Y+�Uvj�`p� !�c�s��ICZNr��U�!�ڮ��gg�M�"��w���*��ML�T�oV;�AP�_{�f�:�`y��:����ڳtK�]�~�&l�N�1��Y s�7+0v�f�G�Tئk"��u�Ō�ѻY�#� ��� +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;}}, null); javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ Water Conservation Strategies Being able to supply water to meet the country’s needs is just one part of the challenge. For example, a Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme for taps, showerheads, toilets and washing machines was introduced so that consumers could make informed choices when making purchases. “The water crisis experienced around the globe reminds me that we are blessed to have clean water every day and it should not be taken for granted. h�b```�N�� cb���������;�J�L�S Source diversification: NEWater and Desalinated water, © All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2019, International Water Association. Of course, those who want to be billed based on actual meter reading monthly can submit our meter reading by: Also, while PUB may be our national water agency, SP Services acts as PUB’s metering, billing and payment collection agent. A second change to encourage water conservation was also included, by introducing a tiered Waterborne Fee for households using above 40 cubic meters of water each month. Water demand in Singapore is currently about 430 million gallons a day. Various legislation and schemes to encourage water conservation. I look forward to more meaningful collaboration with PUB to spread environmental awareness to the SMU student population.”. It applied to domestic (household) consumption above 20 cubic metres per monthand to all non-domestic use, but the basis for determining the tax quantum was not clear. Collect Every Drop: As a city-state with limited land for rainwater collection, it is important to make every drop of rain count. %%EOF ����)]�������偱��䜓�+�=��ŗ�.��z������}�����V�`�����O/hjޮ���.��C:c4��I[-����vQ3^����=�sY��u�Ю�����=y��YF�}��^�4���C��-7Mz>n֛��Z�b}��7ůU����O[4�6�lJ����ns� L�O��3��L����g�À�9$��:�c+�V�)B^���֬��9)!���`�X�#� �Ls>��"�b��\ �c��n�����vQ���������w#~G�wB��>���>%��5�1A6���'�@q7 ��z���JGO����q�ĭDA�Z|��[ The Waterborne Fee goes towards meeting the cost of treating used water and maintaining the used water network. To increase the recycling rate, PUB plans to (i) Reclaim used water from industrial sources for non-potable use; (ii) Increase water recovery from water reclamation and NEWater treatment; and (iii) Reduce losses from PUB’s supply by encouraging seafront companies to use seawater for cooling processes. • NEWater, (high-grade reclaimed water) from advanced purification of treated used water These devices provide real-time information on water consumption during showers. • Marina Barrage, a barrage at the heart of the city, protects the upstream low lying land areas during heavy rainfall coupled with high tide SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC): A One-Off $10,000 Grant For Companies To Transform Their Business And Upskill Employees. By 2060, the total water demand could almost double, with the non-domestic sector accounting for nearly 70%. decked out in blue T-shirts and other blue-colour accessories, came together on 20 March 2019, to form a large water droplet at the Campus Green and, “The water crisis experienced around the globe reminds me that we are blessed to have clean water every day and it should not be taken for granted. • The National Environment Agency (NEA) evaluates all pollution impacts from all proposed development. The target is to lower it to 140 litres by 2030. Since 2003, Singapore has built 4 NEWater plants and they are producing water to meet 30% of the country’s water needs. 81 Victoria Street +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ However, installing the infrastructure to supply water is only one half of the equation. Because the water quality is very high and was even awarded the Stockholm Industry Water Award in 2007, most of the NEWater is used for industrial purposes because some of the industries require water quality that is even higher than drinking water. 4 Taps that provide Singapore with clean water. Water demand in Singapore is currently about 430 million gallons a day. This means that at least one month, and maybe more, of increased usage may have passed, before we actually received the bill based on our actual usage. ;!5��{�����ƿ�mb��# PUB plans to increase Singapore’s water catchment from two-thirds to 90% of the nation’s land area. • PUB is the sole entity managing water, wastewater & drainage +'?Category=Auditing&backtype=item&ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'config') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Build a strong industry ecosystem to support PUB’s mission. With numerous people in our households staying home or working from home, our utilities consumption will likely go up. n a symbolic support of Singapore World Water Day (SWWD), about 80 SMU staff, students and faculty. Introduced in 1991, the Water Conservation Tax charges a percentage of the water tariff. The concept of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is increasingly used by sanitation practitioners. Since 1993, the United Nations has held World Water Day annually on 22 March to focus the world’s attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. We are also charged based on our water usage, with those who use more than 40 cubic meters of water charged a higher price. Supply, however, is only half of the water equation. Similarly, we pay a Waterborne Fee of $0.92 or $1.18 per cubic meter of water we use, based on whether we use over or under 40 cubic meters of water. The Singapore World Water Day (SWWD) started in 2008 and has become a platform to rally the community to celebrate and conserve water, and organise events about water. By 2060, Singapore's total water demand could almost double, with the non-domestic sector accounting for about 70%. URA’s Master Plan translates the long term strategies of the Concept Plan, integrating water considerations. Staying home and working from home more may take a toll on your water bill. h�bbd``b`�S�� ��b=,oA�� H���J �BA�?�0ybI Fe �$@�Y�1012��Lf`$���� � H9 Water Policy in Singapore Cecilia Tortajada & Joost Buurman . Organised by the student club SMU Verts which promotes environmental conservation, Office of Campus Infrastructure and Services, and national water agency PUB, the event was held to spread the message of water conservation and the need to work together to use this precious resource responsibly. With limited land to collect and store rainwater, Singapore has faced drought, floods and water pollution in their early years of nation building. '/_layouts/15/DocSetVersions.aspx' Subsequently, a further one-off $100 Solidarity Utilities Credit was provided to each household with at least one Singaporean (Fortitude Budget), for the July or August bill. Lastly, the 4th solution Singapore adopts to produce drinking water is through desalination. This figure could likely double by 2060 with the non-domestic sector accounting for about 70% of the future water demand. The efficient management of water demand includes proper handling of the transmission and distribution network to minimize losses and implementation of water conservation measures. PUB is also transitioning to a Smart Water Meter from 2021 and target to complete in 2023. Produced from treated used water that is further purified using advanced membrane technologies and ultra-violet disinfection, it is ultra-clean and safe to drink. Till date, there are 3 desalination plants providing 25% of the country’s needs. 3. Simultaneously, the Sanitary Appliance Fee (which was a fixed fee of $2.80 per toilet bowl fitting) and the Waterborne Fee were merged into a single volume-based fee. 2. Our water bill comprises three components – Water Tariff, Water Conservation Tax, and Waterborne Fee. According to PUB, the increase in water price would go towards meeting rising costs of water treatment, reservoir operations, NEWater production, desalination, used water collection and treatment, as well as the maintenance and expansion of the island-wide network of water pipelines. Water has become an issue of national security for most countries of the world, Singapore being one of them because of its dependence on imports of water from Malaysia. The Water Tariff component of our bill is meant to cover costs incurred in various stages of water production process, including collection of rainwater, treatment of raw water and distribution of treated potable water to customers. �2[��e�΢�6�A#�qL�n� �x�Q�0ᵘ-�l����RX��9%�������i��B�֌�=6�!�I��SG㪏�ҾoMo��oW��'A�M��P�q�5�Qԍ����[�^cL�:�>ét0�{�Ƿ�� ;N��DРC}�K��ϑ/�\9�+���@ 3�|C��'�����L@�87_U�ɕ�Z#�(����P}ѥ�&�!�v��¯��W;�� q�1�5���W�¯�6iHicj�D�d��Fb��!2����y���Sz"��HI���zK��/���n���;X}q�{ \�`'�(|������7]�J�S�J�{g��e��b0�D,�����߼���]�qѾ�7�ԩNF�x��B}���#O^��Ń�shM�0�r���$]& �x�K��r�c%�[th��Ѡ��ͫ�ܸ��߹����7�9կ�*�T�K��m��T�y��!,�:U������Y�f��C���|�x�+�◫ ����������0��YԐ�lS �Of����!�~�OvP�}��s������bpW�-�V3a�*y��� ��BOqE�}�b� �� ��Z���=�