Data table of BMI-for-age charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 40 KB] Modified 10/16/00 CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. Every baby grows at a different pace. Set 2 has the outer limits of the curves at the 3rd and 97th percentiles for selected applications. Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 58 KB] Modified 10/16/00 When routed to a color printer, the clinical charts for boys will print in blue and the clinical charts for girls will print in red. Color Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 168 KB] Modified 9/15/05 If your pediatrician determines that your baby is overweight, underweight, growing too fast, or growing too slowly, trust that your baby is in good care, and follow your doctor’s recommendations for what to do next. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Breastfed babies typically put on weight more slowly than formula-fed babies, and formula-fed infants typically go through a growth spurt and gain weight more quickly after 3 months of age. This tool is based on data specifically for children under age 2. Weight: You will be asked to undress your baby, and your provider will likely use a baby scale to get the most accurate reading. For example, if your child has always been heavier or longer than 40 percent of other children the same age and gender, but is now heavier and/or longer than 80 percent of the other children, your pediatrician may look into what has caused this increased growth. Growth standards are used for babies under 24 months old to check the following: Head circumference (the distance around the largest part of the head, as this indicates how your baby’s brain is growing). Two summary files, each with all 10 clinical charts in set 1 or set 2 are also available. Data table of Weight-for-stature charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 41 KB] Modified 4/20/01 Spanish Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 52 KB] Modified 10/16/00 Kids with certain conditions, such as Down syndrome or prematurity, may also have a different growth curve chart. Your baby's weight gain. At age 24 months and older, if children can stand unassisted and follow directions, stature should be measured and plotted on the stature-for-age chart for children (2 to 20 years). That means more than 99 percent of, Your child is above the 99th percentile for height. Get to know each phase of your cycle to get pregnant faster. These charts compare a baby’s weight with that of other babies who are the same age and sex. Clinical charts are available for boys and for girls. And if you'd like, you can find out how tall your child is likely to be with our Child Height Predictor. Data table of Weight-for-length charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 79 KB] Modified 11/21/00 Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 418 KB], Download all 10 charts in Set 2 Some families might have fast-growing babies, while others have slow and steady gainers. Your provider will assess several values over time to see the trend of how your child is growing in comparison to the average growth curve shown on the chart. Data table of Weight-for-stature charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 40 KB] Modified 10/16/00 Data table of Weight-for-age charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 48 KB] Modified 10/16/00 There is no one ideal result when viewed individually, but, ideally your child would follow along the same growth pattern (the curved line) over time and have a height and weight that grow in proportion to each other. Most charts measure length, weight, and head circumference. Follow the lines until they intersect. B&W Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 206 KB] Modified 9/15/05 Data table of Weight-for-age charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 48 KB] Modified 10/16/00 Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 40 KB] Modified 4/20/01 Why use CDC growth charts for children 2 years and older in the U.S.? Data table of BMI-for-age charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 77 KB] Modified 11/21/00 The doctor will keep tabs on this at your well-child visits. In terms of weight, the normal growth rate for a baby is to double in weight by 5 or 6 months and triple it by the time she’s 1 year old. B&W Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 157 KB] Modified 9/15/05 Data table of Weight-for-age charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 61 KB] Modified 10/16/00 The percentile lines show your baby’s measurements compared with other baby’s measurements. Color Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 180 KB] Modified 9/15/05 Data table of Head circumference-for-age charts Spanish Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 47 KB] Modified 4/20/01 These are the charts that most users in the United States will find useful for the majority of routine clinical assessments. Color Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 183 KB] Modified 9/15/05 Genetics play a major role in a baby’s physical development – as do factors like environment, nutrition, activity level, and health condition. Instead of analyzing the actual measurements, doctors pay attention to patterns and consistencies on the growth charts. It’s important to note that separate growth charts exist for boys and girls. In the example above, the child is a 3-month-old girl with a head circumference of 15.5 inches. Below you find the 24 new duplex forms with the growth-charts 2010. Spanish Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 62 KB] Modified 11/21/00 The charts are used to assess how your baby is growing compared with other children of the same age and gender and to see how your child is developing over time. What is a Baby Growth Chart? French Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 44 KB] Modified 4/20/01 CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. B&W Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 141 KB] Modified 9/15/05 Set 1 has the outer limits of the curves at the 5th and 95th percentiles. Your doctor will let you know if you need to visit more often and when to schedule appointments from then on. Data table of Weight-for-age charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 48 KB] Modified 10/16/00 Otherwise, between 24 and 36 months, length can be used in place of stature. B&W Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 186 KB] Modified 9/15/05 Download our app to put it right at your fingertips. Color Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 200 KB]  Modified 9/15/05 Spanish Version Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 52 KB]  Modified 10/16/00 French Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 79 KB] Modified 11/21/00 French Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 44 KB] Modified 4/20/01 French Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 44 KB]  Modified 4/20/01 Spanish Version, Color Cdc-pdf[PDF – 60 KB] Modified 10/16/00 Data table of Weight-for-age charts, B&W Cdc-pdf[PDF – 67 KB] Modified 10/16/00 B&W Press-Ready Cdc-pdf[PDF – 142 KB] Modified 9/15/05 Curious which baby names are already stealing the show in 2020? In all cases, the data points in the corresponding data file for each modified chart remain unchanged from the initial release on May 30, 2000. This is usually how your baby will be measured: Head circumference: A soft tape measure is wrapped around the widest part of your baby’s head from above the eyebrows, passing above the ears, to the back of her head.