European Parliament prize aims to ‘distinguish outstanding journalism.’. Many thanks to everyone who has donated to in recent days! For the Central Powers, especially Germany, the primary threat posed by the Dutch border was the movement of people and information from occupied Belgium via the Netherlands to the Entente. But people who cannot demonstrate why their travel is essential "will be sent back when they try to enter Belgium," De Crem said at a press conference. Montag bis Freitag: 08.00 - 18.00 Uhr, Im­pres­sum ‘We are doing the work, and that’s it,’ he said. Hailed as an example of good diplomacy and successful negotiated solutions to border problems, the treaty for the territorial swap and border realignment was signed in 2016. A Belgian police officer | Stephanie Lecocq/EFE via EPA. Belgium has decided to close its borders for "non-essential inbound and outbound travel" to slow the spread of the coronavirus, Interior Minister Pieter De Crem said on Friday. If the traveller is entering with a visa, the recognition of foreign documents will be decided in advance at the German diplomatic mission as part of the visa issuance process. The same applies to checks at Germany’s external air and sea borders. Because institutions of higher education are organising the 2020/21 winter semester as a combination of online and in-person instruction, it is not necessary to provide any separate documentation of the need to attend in person. Travellers should, however, be able to show their valid travel document within the Schengen area; this is to combat illegal immigration and all forms of criminal activity. Germany’s border control officials only check for compliance with the requirements for entering Germany. Belgians who are currently abroad are also allowed to return. The checks apply to travel by road, air and rail. The following provisions apply to third-country nationals who are immediate family members of holders of diplomatic or official passports issued by Germany, other EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or the United Kingdom. For persons in compliance with passport and visa regulations, an urgent need to enter Germany is considered to be present in the following cases since 2 July: The decision whether to allow entry at the border is at the discretion of the border officials. Personnel of the RNLM receive special training to carry out these specific tasks humanely and with respect for all those involved. Nationals of non-EU countries (third-country nationals) may enter Germany to travel to another EU member state, another Schengen member state or the United Kingdom as their country of final destination if the following conditions are met: (1)  there are no other reasonable direct routes to the country of destination; (2)  the traveller remains in Germany (as country of transit) only as long as absolutely necessary to travel directly to the country of destination or another transit country; (3)  the traveller is permitted to enter the country of destination or another transit country (in accordance with Annex II of the Council Recommendation of 30 June 2020 or with individual confirmation of permission to enter issued by the country of destination; see below).