} a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)); ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "american porter"; } ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; return v var theName = "rogue santa's private reserve"; var theName = "american pale wheat ale"; var minFontSize = 10; var theName = "saint arnold elissa ipa"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "american adjunct lager"; var theName = "brewdog hardcore ipa"; var theName = "kristalweizen"; if(ts[t] < cloudMin){ ts[theName] = 1; Shame. ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "anheuser-busch incorporated"; var theName = "lagunitas cappuccino stout"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 5; ts[theName] = 2; George Howell - Master Brewer, Belhaven ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "tripel"; var theName = "independence austin amber ale"; var theName = "dubbel"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "anchor christmas ale 2008"; ts[theName] = 1; Belhaven has produced a nice ale that will go down smooth and offer you comfort, especially on a cold winter night. var theName = "great divide 15th anniversary wood aged double ipa"; Learn how your comment data is processed. var theName = "breckenridge brewing"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "rahr ugly pug"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "victory hop wallop"; ts[theName] = 1; Belhaven Scottish Ale Review Belhaven Scottish Ale advertises itself as “Rich, Nutty, and Smooth” on the bottle. And, I wasn’t disappointed. var theName = "maibock/helles bock"; var theName = "guinness draught"; var theName = "news"; var theName = "bud light golden wheat"; var theName = "bass brewers limited"; var fs = s(minFontSize,maxFontSize,ts[t]-ta,tz); ts[theName] = 2; var theName = "saint arnold amber ale"; var theName = "guinness 250 anniversary stout"; I might get a chance to go to Austin in October for work. ts[theName] = 12; ts[theName] = 2; var theName = "kölsch"; ts[theName] = 5; ts[theName] = 1; li.appendChild(span); var theName = "the session"; ts[theName] = 1; a.style.color = 'rgb('+c[0]+','+c[1]+','+c[2]+')'; ts[theName] = 3; var theName = "boulevard brewing company"; ts[theName] = 1; abnk = document.createTextNode(' '); I don’t know if I could drink this beer all night. var theName = "new belgium 1554"; ts[theName] = 4; var theName = "jester king das uberkind"; var theName = "sierra nevada celebration ale 2008"; var theName = "english india pale ale"; var theName = "abita strawberry harvest lager"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "samuel adams cherry wheat"; var theName = "russian imperial stout"; var theName = "shiner bohemian black lager"; Belhaven St Andrews Amber Ale Description. Belhaven’s Scottish is one of my favorite geographically legitimate Scottish Ales. A 4.9% classic ale inspired by a great Scottish invention. var theName = "steam/california common"; Like having a Guinness at Molly’s or Paddy Reilly’s. Have you been to the Ginger Man Austin? var theName = "southern star bombshell blonde ale"; var theName = "flying dog doggie style classic pale ale"; var theName = "rahr and sons brewing company"; ts[theName] = 3; This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "deschutes brewery"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "independence freestyle wheat beer"; Belhaven Scottish Ale advertises itself as “Rich, Nutty, and Smooth” on the bottle. ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "brewdog rip tide"; var theName = "belhaven scottish ale"; var theName = "brouwerij westvleteren"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "cellaring"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 9; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; ( Log Out /  var theName = "miller lite"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "lagunitas the hairy eyeball"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "flying dog snake dog india pale ale"; var theName = "dogfish head 120 minute ipa"; li.appendChild(a); ts[theName] = 1; While it's sad they had to sell, 286 years was a pretty damn good run. Change ). var theName = "brooklyn summer ale"; ts[theName] = 6; } ts[theName] = 3; var theName = "pumpkin ale"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 5; ts[theName] = 1; } Still, this is a smooth beer that has some weight to it. var minColor = [0,0,0]; var theName = "prairie artisan ales"; ts[theName] = 2; var theName = "guinness limited"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "boulevard double wide ipa"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "anchor summer beer"; var theName = "coors banquet"; var theName = "full sail pale ale"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "bud ice"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "spoetzl brewery"; Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I don’t think this would pair well with many summer foods from the grill though it would go well with a gourmet-type burger. ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "kona brewing company"; ts[theName] = 2; var theName = "young and co's brewery"; ts[theName] = 3; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "saint arnold texas wheat"; A website dedicated to fun, sports, beer, hobbies, and anything else we feel like writing about. var theName = "rogue chocolate stout"; ts[theName] = 1; else { After the purchase, Greene King has allowed the brewer to remain much of its independence and beer is still brewed in Belhaven. ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "redhook esb"; Packaging art for the Belhaven Scottish Ale by Belhaven Brewery Company Ltd. var theName = "sierra nevada esb"; So glad I finally got to try this! tz = labelCount.length - cloudMin; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "brooklyn brewery"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "miller brewing company"; var theName = "brooklyn post road pumpkin ale"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "sierra nevada wheat beer"; var theName = "belhaven brewery company limited"; ts[theName] = 3; ts[theName] = 2; ts[theName] = 2; ts[theName] = 1; We welcome your comments, so feel free to leave one. ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "pilsner urquell"; a.title = ts[t]+' Posts in '+t; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "american india pale ale"; Serving Method: 14.9 oz. ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "allagash curieux 2009"; var theName = "prairie standard"; span.className = 'label-count'; ts[theName] = 2; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; There's not much information out there about ingredients, process or specs, so we'll have to deal with a simple description from the brewery: var cloudMin = 4; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 20; I like to enjoy beer that good without being shoved and jostled every which way, thankyewverymuch. After my first trip (sans beer) when I saw two gents enjoying their meal and several Belhaven’s, I knew just what I had to have if I had the chance to get back there. var theName = "dogfish head fort"; Man did I love THAT beer. var theName = "boston brewing company"; var theName = "harpoon leviathan imperial ipa"; var theName = "miller high life"; var theName = "avery sixteen"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; My only regret was that I hadn’t enough time for a second beer (or an opportunity to try any of the wonderful Scotches). var theName = "southern star pine belt pale ale"; var theName = "samuel adams longshot double ipa"; ts[theName] = 3; a.href = '/search/label/'+encodeURIComponent(t); var theName = "shiner 100 commemorator"; var theName = "union jack ipa"; The bottle is what drew me to this particular brand. ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 5; var theName = "saint arnold christmas ale"; var ta=cloudMin-1; var theName = "grolsch premium lager"; var theName = "saint arnold winter stout"; var theName = "samuel adams holiday porter"; var theName = "english barleywine"; var theName = "independence bootlegger brown ale"; var theName = "oskar blues ten fidy"; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "budweiser select 55"; ts[theName] = 1; var theName = "deschutes hop henge experimental ipa"; var theName = "bud light"; ul.appendChild(abnk); ts[theName] = 2; But Robert the Bruce. Beer Review – Belhaven Scottish Ale By limpd on September 4, 2013 • ( 22 Comments ) I was in NYC for a series of business meetings and found myself with a long break between meetings.