BloombergNEF (BNEF), Bloomberg’s primary research service, covers clean energy, advanced transport, digital industry, innovative materials and commodities. Tifenn Brandily, energy economics analyst at BNEF, said: “Solar PV and onshore wind have won the race to be the cheapest sources of new ‘bulk generation’ in most countries, but the encroachment of clean technologies is now going well beyond that, threatening the balancing role that gas-fired plant operators, in particular, have been hoping to play.”. San Francisco, CA 94103. © 2020 Bloomberg Finance L.P. All rights reserved. Thanks to the leadership of companies like Xcel Energy and ENGIE, the Decarbonization Tracker will help change that.”. About Bloomberg New Energy Finance. We help corporate strategy, finance and policy professionals navigate change and generate opportunities. Solar & Storage Finance USA Virtual Summit. 12. Source: Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center . This will more than triple by 2050, equal to China’s electricity demand today. Table of contents. Privacy | Terms | Disclaimer | 沪ICP备17049401号-4, I confirm that I have read and agree to the BNEF Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. For more information and to register, go to BNEF Enter your email address below to subscribe to my newsletter. How stop a rise in drug-resistant bacterial infections? 世界で最も洗練されたデータセットとモデル。年間700本以上のレポート。全世界で活躍する250名のアナリストと業界エキスパートが、業界のトレンド、分析、市場の反応、長期予測などをタイムリーに配信。よりクリーンで競争力のある未来へ。, ブルームバーグNEF (BNEF)は、世界6大陸の拠点に約250名の調査・分析スタッフを配置し、進化するエネルギー経済環境の上質な分析、データ、解説を提供、エネルギー関連をはじめとした各事業者、市場関係者、政策立案者を支援するブルームバーグのリサーチサービスです。定評ある新エネルギー関連データセットおよび1日5000本におよぶニュース記事を通して、業界最先端の分析、予測、リスクマネジメントに関する情報をタイムリーに配信しています。, 世界17拠点にアナリストチームを配し、最先端のデータセットを駆使し、金融、経済、政策における最新トレンドや技術革新の明確な見解、詳細予測を構築します。, BNEFでは公益事業をはじめとして、大手発電、石油・ガス、機器メーカー、銀行・金融、政府機関まで幅広くサポート。ご契約者さまは、BNEFアナリストチームをはじめ、各業界最高峰のプロフェショナルのネットワークにつながることができます。, BNEFのセクタースペシャリストは、エネルギー、次世代交通、デジタル産業技術、コモディティ、先端材料および低炭素化技術のあらゆる側面について情報を収集、分析します。アナリストへコンタクト。, 特定のセクターと市場に関する綿密な調査および異なるセクターや世界における傾向を包括的に分析し、独立した見解を提供します。, 年6回開催のBNEFサミットではエネルギー、産業、交通、テクノロジー、金融、政府機関などのキープレイヤーを招き、アナリストによるプレゼンテーションや業界最先端のリーダーによるパネルディスカッション等を行います。参加者、及びスピーカーを交えたネットワーキングの場を提供することで、 よりクリーンで競争力のある未来へ向けての戦略立案や、新規事業の創造に貢献します。, BNEFの主力リポートは、エネルギーセクターと電気自動車に関する長期予測およびクリーンエネルギー投資と政府の方針に関する分析です。下記リンクからレポート(抜粋)をご覧ください。, Oil Demand From Road Transport: Covid-19 and Beyond, New Energy Outlook: Powering a changing world, BNEFは、さまざまな分野の最新トレンドをウェビナーでご紹介しています。ライブまたはオンデマンドでご視聴いただけます。, Sustainable investing – a path to returns and responsible business, BNEFは、10年以上にわたりエネルギーの将来像に関する分析を提供してきました。また世界中の名だたるジャーナリストがBNEFの提供する分析、データ、調査を活用しています。最新のプレスリリースはこちらから。, 世界のトレンド変化や市場動向を逃さずキャッチ。ウィークリーニュースレターご登録はこちらから。. Bloomberg is committed to BNEF’s mission of a cleaner more competitive future and we will continue to actively support our clients. BNEF Debate: Will Storage Technologies Ever Emerge From the Shadows of the Automotive Sector? We help corporate strategy, finance and policy professionals navigate change and generate opportunities. “We are hoping to scale up a financial strategy for cleaner and more efficient cooling systems, to support the goals of the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol. Contact us. “Investors in the Lab network picked CaaS because they see potential for it to help drive transformation in this crucial sector,” said Dr. Barbara Buchner, Head of the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance. policy . Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy and Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program launch a new initiative that will scale-up demand for much-needed efficient and clean cooling systems. We thank our clients, partners and our people for their understanding and we look forward to working with you on future Summits. Equality is the single most important ethical issue businesses today need to face head-on. After careful deliberation we’re very disappointed to take this necessary step. “Cooling as a Service can help the much needed transformation of the cooling sector so that the cooling needs of consumers, businesses and governments can be met without blowing the world’s carbon budget”, says Dan Hamza-Goodacre, Executive Director of K-CEP. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. © 2020 Bloomberg Finance L.P. All rights reserved. The Celebration of 2019 AIA Minnesota Awards Winners. Giannakopoulou said: “The low prices promised by offshore wind tenders throughout Europe are now materializing, with several high-profile projects reaching financial close in recent months. The Initiative will institutionlize CaaS through an alliance, standardize mechanisms to help the private sector implement the model; and demonstrate CaaS in flagship buildings around the world. The 1.6 billion air conditioning systems in use globally consume 2000 Twh of electricity every year, the equivalent of 760 mid-sized coal plants. 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 35 gigatonnes of CO. 2 . ブルームバーグNEF(BNEF)が提供するのは、まさにそうした情報です。エネルギー、次世代交通、デジタル産業技術、コモディティ、先端材料および低炭素化技術に関する情報と分析において世界をリードする独立系プロバイダー We help corporate strategy, finance and policy professionals navigate change and generate opportunities. Contact us. Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco We are also helping our clients to become zero-carbon, reducing their consumption through energy efficiency, signing green corporate PPAs with them and installing decentralized renewable generation on their premises.”. 0. Bloomberg Equality Summit. The BNEF Summit in New York has a prominent place in our and our clients’ calendars. Privacy | Terms | Disclaimer | 沪ICP备17049401号-4, Want to learn how we help our clients put it all together? If you’re interested in getting involved, please email, submit a speaker via the speaker submission form or join the conversation using #BNEFSummit. “Utilities have a critical role to play in reducing the emissions that drive climate change – and stopping the destructive effects it is already causing,” said Bloomberg, who also serves as UN Special Envoy for Climate Action. The 2019 Minnesota Conference on Architecture in Minneapolis. The latest analysis by research company BloombergNEF (BNEF) shows that the benchmark levelized cost of electricity, or LCOE, for lithium-ion batteries has fallen 35% to $187 per megawatt-hour since the first half of 2018. We Care Less About What We’re Paid Than Why, Climate changes cause economic growth problems, Humanity is called to reason and wisdom to let the earth and sky breathe: The world after the COVID -19 pandemic, A dictionary is a mirror of a language: Oxford Dictionary content gets rid of unnecessary stereotypes, “A writer is trying to communicate like a distant star sending signals”: John Steinbeck (1902 – 1968), 12th Annual Mid-America Organic Association Conference “Digging Deep”, MO, USA, “The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb”: the restored masterpiece returns to its former glory. The BNEF Summit has been convening leaders in energy, industry, transport, technology, finance and government since 2008, generating ideas, delivering insight, and making the connections that help them formulate successful strategies, capitalize on technological change and shape a cleaner, more competitive future. The BNEF Summit provides the ideas, insights and connections to formulate successful strategies, capitalize on technological change and shape a cleaner, more competitive future. CaaS offers a pay-per-service model with integrated financial tools to recapitalize technology providers who own, maintain and operate the equipment, thus aligning financial needs with support for climate change mitigation. We massively invest in renewables, aiming at adding 9GW of new capacity in the next 3 years. Nov 17 - Nov 19, 2020. Below is this year’s agenda. BASE and K-CEP are launching for the CaaS Initiative, which aims to mainstream the model among investors, providers and key stakeholders. Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world. Thank you to our 2019 Partners and Sponsors! Although the LCOE of solar PV has fallen 18% in the last year, the great majority of that decline happened in the third quarter of 2018, when a shift in Chinese policy caused there to be a huge global supply glut of modules, rather than over the most recent months. Artist Hugo Wilson on Myths, Human Nature, and Why Painting Matters. The most striking finding in this LCOE Update, for the first-half of 2019, is on the cost improvements in lithium-ion batteries. These are opening up new opportunities for them to balance a renewables-heavy generation mix. Our carbon reduction goals are bold – the most ambitious in the industry – and we’re proud to advance this clean energy transition.”, Grzegorz Gorski, Managing Director of Power Generation at major international utility ENGIE, which is in the process of selling or closing its remaining coal plants said, “ENGIE strategy is to be the leader of the zero-carbon transition. Bloomberg LP and BloombergNEF (BNEF) have been monitoring closely and carefully the spread of COVID-19 and the impact it is having on our clients and communities. The Summit considered a number of the most important issues of the present and future. BloombergNEF (BNEF), Bloomberg’s primary research service, covers clean energy, advanced transport, digital industry, innovative materials and commodities. We combine Bloomberg’s global leadership in business and financial news and data, with Quintillion Media’s deep expertise in the Indian market and digital news delivery, to provide high quality business news, insights and trends for India’s sophisticated audiences. Michael Bloomberg Calls for Leadership from Utility Sector in Global Decarbonization Efforts Our systems of transforming matter are transforming the planet. Michael Liebreich BNEF Summit, New York, 5 April 2016 @MLiebreich 17 Source: Bloomberg Intelligence; Bloomberg New Energy Finance US INDEPENDENT OIL & GAS PRODUCER SOLVENCY RATIOS In case of any further questions please reach out to