padding-left: 8px; The results have been certified. In 2011, the California State Legislature re-drew the congressional districts based on updated population information from the 2010 census. With a little less than half of precincts reporting, Cuellar — who is among the few pro-life Democrats in office — narrowly leads progressive civil rights lawyer Jessica Cisneros. left: 0px; } else { Read more », Jennifer Medina, in Los Angeles March 4, 2020, California looks to be a bright spot for Sanders, the biggest prize of the night. It was just six years ago that Cotton defeated then-incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor, who went unchallenged himself by Republicans in 2008. text-align: center; California's 12th congressional district is a congressional district in California.. Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, has represented the district since January 2013.Currently, the 12th district is entirely within San Francisco, encompassing most of the city.. .results_row td { [9], 2004 The 2017 Cook Partisan Voter Index for this district was D+37, meaning that in the previous two presidential elections, this district's results were 37 percentage points more Democratic than the national average. } .results_row { Which Democrats Are Leading the 2020 Presidential Race? display: block; height: 100%; © 2020 The Philadelphia Inquirer, LLC Terms of Use/Privacy Policy, Voters make their way up to a polling station at the UCLA Hammer Museum in Los Angeles on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. } .indicate_scroll { Incumbents are bolded and underlined. padding-bottom: 3px; } There were also a number of disruptions to voters in several states. background-color: green; Thanks to a court-ordered redistricting of congressional districts, Democrats are expected to gain a handful of seats in the Tar Heel State come November. California's 12th Congressional District is located in the western portion of the state. background-color: #003388; [18], FiveThirtyEight's September 2018 elasticity score for states and congressional districts measured "how sensitive it is to changes in the national political environment." He defeated Robert Palmer (D) and Chuck Olson (L) in the general election.[17]. .race_header.libertarian { Shahid Buttar (D)✔ 4. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { } width: 90%; text-align: center; [7], 2008 padding-left: 10px; padding-left: 0; .electionsectionheading { Whomever ends up with the most votes after mail-in ballots are counted will face Ammar Campa-Najjar, who served in former President Barack Obama’s Labor Department and lost to Hunter in 2018. jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { A top-two primary took place on March 3, 2020, in California's 12th Congressional District to determine which two candidates would run in the district's general election on November 3, 2020. This made California's 12th Congressional District the seventh most Democratic nationally. } Deadly tornadoes knocked out polling places in Tennessee, fears over the coronavirus left some precincts in California and Texas short of election workers, and overwhelmed voting systems led to long lines in Los Angeles. View election results and interactive map for the 2020 California primary as the United States begins the process to elect the next president. On November 3, 1998, Tom Lantos won re-election to the United States House. The Associated Press contributed to this report. } .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { } color: #6db24f; } max-width: 75px; font-size: 0.9em; margin-top: 0px; float: left; .non_result_row { Smith and Garcia will face-off in a May special election to immediately fill Hill’s seat until November. Nancy Pelosi(D) (Incumbent) 2. Shahid Buttar(D) Primary candidates 1. } padding:7px 8px 8px; margin: 8px auto; While Democrats are fighting across the country to flip the Senate, the party didn’t even field a candidate in Arkansas to take on Republican incumbent Sen. Tom Cotton. He defeated Robert Evans, Jr. (R) and Michael Moloney (L) in the general election. vertical-align: middle; He defeated Deborah Wilder (R) in the general election. In the 25th Congressional District, Democratic state Rep Christy Smith and Republican Mike Garcia, a former Navy fighter pilot, appear to have advanced in a highly-contested primary for the seat vacated by the resignation of Democratic Rep. Katie Hill due to allegations of inappropriate relationships with her staffers. Primary candidates. max-height: 580px; [10], 2002 “We’re going to finish what President Trump started when he looked at Jeff Sessions from across the table and said ‘You’re fired,’” Tuberville said Tuesday night. = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. height: 22px; color: #888; font-size: 20px; Please enable JavaScript and reload this page. jQuery(item).html("Scroll for more "); } margin-right: 12px; The two will then be on the ballot again in November. } Sign up to receive our newsletter every Wednesday. Air Force veteran MJ Hegar could be a significant challenger to incumbent Republican Sen. John Cornyn if she wins her primary Tuesday. } } The 12th Congressional District of California held an election for the U.S. House of Representatives on November 4, 2014. background-color: #ccc; .inner_percentage.Libertarian { Fortunately for Republicans, failed 2017 special election candidate (and accused child molester) Roy Moore finished a distant fourth. background-color: #003388; position: absolute; } Our reporters are providing real-time updates. The Super Tuesday primary polls closed at 8 p.m. and results continued to come in overnight. He defeated Michael Moloney (R) and Maad Abu-Ghazalah (L) in the general election. This made California's 12th Congressional District the seventh most Democratic nationally. setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500); } .results_row td:first-child { On November 5, 1996, Tom Lantos won re-election to the United States House. text-align: left; padding-bottom: 0px; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { Former Rep. Darrell Issa, seen here alongside President Donald Trump, is hoping for a political comeback after resigning from his seat in 2018. padding-bottom: 5px; See California results », Elizabeth Warren plans to drop out of the presidential race on Thursday and will inform her staff of her plans later this morning, according to a person close to her.