As other passengers arrive later for the 10:30 trip, the station becomes crowded with all manner of passengers struggling to obtain tickets that are not available. Where’s the nearest unde... A. 1.Conversation at a Railway Station Ticket Office - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Are there any underground stations round here? It appears the railway bosses are part beneficiaries of the scam that goes on there. Get a ticket from the machine. Now to all the people that are standing in the doorway so that no-one else can get on at the stations – Ticket Agent : Would you like a round-trip ticket or a one-way ticket? The city service goes from platform 2. “Sometimes I come to the station as early as 6:00 am but will be told that the ticket had finished. 7. You can understand more and change your cookies preferences here. I agree that you should not leaver it too late to buy your ticket, but how much time should you allow? I wait there with my friend until his trian comes and then I get to the bus stop to get at bus. Here is the enquiry counter. Il Suo treno parte fra 20 minuti. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (photo A. Railway Station Clerk: — Here´s your ticket … Best resultsand conversation made my work easy, Headed By Jayanth Dev. I have a terrible ache in my lower ... Read the following word groups aloud several times. The man who gave me the penalty fare was very apologetic about it, and said he didn’t think I deserved one, but technically by the rules he had to give me one. ticket for. Ticket Seller: Your name please? The customers are asking about basic facts such as the ticket type, destination, price, platform it leaves from, arrival time etc. He then promptly charged me for a ticket as the train moved forward and issued a £20.00 fine, even though I hadn’t travelled anywhere without a ticket. I take the commuter train to Nungambakkom. The situation is really confusing where my parents live as there are a lot of rural stations which aren’t manned even on week days outside of peak times, so there is almost always a ticket inspector on the train who will sell normal price tickets to everyone with no questions asked. Was it a case that the fares structure is to difficult to understand for the person who unputs the data to the system? Let me find While on the queue, one of the officials who spoke on condition of anonymity, told NAN that tickets were always scarce because it had become a booming business for the workers. Have you ever heard of the idea of refusing to be bullied, taking their names.. and taking it up with head office (and the press).. including the initial £10? The person charging me even said that I’d got unlucky as they just happened to be low on staff that day! At what time does the next train leave for the city? “We were all shocked because we did not see when the tickets were being sold,” he said. came. All rights reserved. New passenger coaches are comfortable and well Get a ticket from the machine. But she had tried to find a ticket inspector onboard (there wasn’t one) and then presented herself at the ‘excess fares’ window at her destination. It arrives Ask a simple question, get a complicated answer. Said passenger was not amused to pay a penalty fare on top of buying a full fare ticket. Railways now compete favorably with the most efficient systems existing “We arrived at the station, but we were told that the tickets had finished.