Your boarding time is 14:25 pm at gate no. Here's my passport. Words to Ponder: aisle-a walkway between or along sections of seats in a theater, classroom or airplane. Guard : Please raise your hands and keep them raised while I inspect you. Airport departing date learning English holidays, holidays - travelling to the UK and England Learning English, Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary - English lesson, At the Airport conversation Learning English, English books for SALE students learners and teachers, A to Z List of British words not used in the USA, Advantages and disadvantages of computers, Online English dictionary - English lesson, Learning basic grammar with exercises book 2. starting a conversation in english to ask about flight information Firstly, in this scenario, the tourist asks for information regarding flight tickets. You may purchase a ticket here. B: I have to be there two hours early. Firstly, you can open with a question. Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Passenger: We are two of us, here are our tickets and passports. Therefore, here are some things to keep in mind if you need to ask directions. Flight : Another name for your plane’s journey from your boarding place to the destination. But the same thing cannot be said for first-time travelers who are non-native English speakers. In this video, I’ll share with you a simple, useful English conversation that you can use immediately to start learning English quickly and without overwhelm. That is the lowest price I can get you if you want to leave today. Meanwhile, if you want to learn more stuff like this, do not forget to check out our course on Travel English. Can you put your luggage here please. It is quite far from here. Checking in desk: Have you at any time left your luggage unattended while being in the airport? Can I see your ID and the ticket please? A: I have never arrived at this airport before and need to know where to go next. Tourist: Alright. 100% free. Dan is flying from New York to Los Angeles. Agent: Could I have your passport, please?. Agent: A very good morning, sir.. I would like to check in for my flight to London. Four weeks, every workday a new learning unit; that's how we'll help you improve your English regularly. Conversation in English: Things to Say at the Airport, Login to add posts to your read later list. In this next exchange, the customer likes to book a ticket. Privacy Policy Please can I see your tickets? Build the sentence by clicking on the words. flight attendant- a person who attends and offers service in the duration of the flight. Guard : You can proceed to the security check. To view a lesson about at the airport just click on the link. And would you like an aisle or window seat? Ticketing Agent: Yes. the questions when you check-in at the airport. Here's my ID and m ticket. Airport Employee: You are currently in terminal 2. Staff: Fine Ma’am. Thank you. Main content: At the airport Other contents: airport, check-in, conversation, video, listening Add to my workbooks (669) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to … A: What do I need to have out when I pass through Customs?      Your check-in baggage is 32.5 Kg Ma’am. Also, please tie the baggage tags against all your handbags. Thank you so much for your help. No, I do not. Passenger: We have 2 bags for check-in and 1 hand baggage. B: So maybe we better leave at 8:15? Airline : An airline is a company that provides air transport services for travelling passengers and freight. These following adverbs are used to ask questions: why, where, how, when. Checking in desk: Have you have sole possession of all your luggage since you packed? You can start boarding the plane in 30 minutes and the plane will take off in 1 hour. A: When do you have to be at the airport? Teaching you English two minutes at a time. Careers Checking in desk: Is it just you two traveling or is there anyone else? Aircraft : An aircraft is a machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air. Checking in desk: yes, go straight ahead and turn left at the end turn right and A22 is there follow the signs for your gate number on the bottom of ticket. Record your answers to the dialogue (when it's your turn). Enroll now, only at! Hey there. So, where are you flying to? Floatation Cushion : Floatation cushion is a kind of life jacket that is provided to you during emergency landings in a sea, for safety measures. Correct? The Airport. Security Agent : Thank you. This is so they could avoid any unexpected problem, or readily solve those that may occur. Mr Mrs Jones: Can I have 2 seats near the emergency exit. Agent : You're welcome. Dialogue Examples: Dialogue 1 - At the Bank. Security officer: Next! Tourist: Oh, I see. Passenger : Someone who travels in the aircraft and is not a crew member. Check-in : The check- in process at airports enables passengers to check in luggage onto a plane and to obtain a boarding pass.