Too bad it took so long. On Homeland Season 7 Episode 1, Carrie and Franny are with Maggie's family in D.C, while Saul is in prison after the attempt on the President-elect's life. [1] The series started as a loosely based variation of the two-season run of the Israeli television series Hatufim (חטופים; English: Prisoners of War) created by Gideon Raff and is developed for American television by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa. After all, the whole Dante question is only a theory; there could be other explanations, other reasons why things have spun out of control. And Carrie, acting quickly, has the rest of her team come in and sweep Dante’s place. Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer, Video: The Evolution of How Horror Filmmakers Have Scared Us. She takes on the Keane administration to secure the release of the 200 members of the intelligence community who were arrested under President Keane's orders the previous season. He asks her to retrace her steps and suggests the possibility that all of her actions and suspicions have been set up from the very beginning, maybe by someone she thought was an ally. Senator Paley and his committee have offered her an ultimatum of sorts, telling her that if she resigns now, she’ll avoid the hit on her reputation and the media storm to come, because he’ll make sure Simone doesn’t testify. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. (Next: Sneaky Paley…). At the bar, she doesn’t drink and acts naturally around Dante, expertly apologizing to him and then flirting with him so he’ll go home with her. The site's critical consensus is, "Though it lacks the series' patented agonizing suspense, Homeland's seventh season remains an engaging drama by embracing its pulpier elements and pitting Claire Danes' magnetic protagonist against the White House. Paley, of course, already thinks that anonymous official must be Wellington, but Simone doesn’t budge. It’s a cruel move on Gromov’s part — and a flawed one. Thrown by Saul’s visit, he reaches out to his former colleagues, one of whom advises him to stay away — he’ll be reactivated in a year, and this risk could destroy the entire network, she warns — but Krupin isn’t one to back down. He tells the outlet, “We’re telling a bit of a parallel story to what’s happening in the real world… Obviously the Trump administration is a little embattled and a little isolated and facing their own difficulties with the national security establishment and what they call ‘the deep state.’ Our administration, the Keene administration, is facing much the same issues but from the reverse — Trump is a conservative administration, Keene is more liberal administration, but a lot of the issues are the same”. Why didn’t he play ball with Senator Paley the first time they met? Besides, Saul’s being careful, keeping his suspicions to only himself and his two partners. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy Did we really need to see that the Russian ambassador indeed knew Gromov and the whole operation or know by the end that Dante was definitively a bad guy? She catches him up on everything that’s happened so far, and Saul immediately notices the patterns. 14 action-packed shows that deserve a spot on your must-watch list, Love Never Dies: TV shows that brought back dead love interests. 'Homeland' Season 7: TV Review. ... Elizabeth Marvel will be returning to portray Keane this season. On Homeland Season 7 Episode 9, Saul and Wellington continue to work on Paley, while Carrie must figure out how to deal with problems at home. Or maybe I’m like Carrie, unwilling to accept the story unfolding before my eyes. © 2020 TV Fanatic Dante, though, just scoffs at her trying to backtrack everything they’ve done because of a “bad feeling,” and then patronizes her, instructing her to see a doctor and to eat and sleep, because those black market meds have probably addled her brain. If anything, I’d say Carrie should remain worried about the man who tried to bribe her for her hard drive. On Homeland Season 7 Episode 3, Keane and Wellington disagree, while Saul begins a negotiation, and Carrie comes to a distressing realization. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. On Homeland Season 7 Episode 12, Elizabeth Keane fights for her presidency, while Carrie and Saul's mission doesn't go as planned on the season finale. As season seven begins, Carrie has left her job in the White House and moved back to…2017-12-12T18:00:52.000Z. Watch Homeland Season 7 full episodes online, free and paid options via our partners and affiliates. Instead, Carrie in the audience grows frustrated at how this win seems far too easy considering everything she knows, so she grabs Dante and leaves the room to talk it over with him. She calls Saul immediately after dropping off Franny, asking to speak with him face-to-face. “Good,” he says. Carrie questions Dante, only to take things too far. And as she continues to sob, Paley finally looks satisfied. Because Krupin, after arriving at their meeting location, has been dragged away by his own countrymen, a group led by Gromov. [26], The seventh season of Homeland has received generally positive reviews from critics. But he doesn’t — at least, Carrie doesn’t think so. He’s blindsided by the news of Simone being granted immunity — he thought she had nothing worth telling Paley, because she’s his girlfriend and wouldn’t keep secrets, obviously — and Keane is none too happy to see him struggling to answer a reporter’s question when the headlines start rolling in. As season seven begins, Carrie has left her job in the White House and moved back to…. David Wellington Played by Linus Roache Elizabeth Keane's chief of staff, close advisor and old friend has his hands full with the newly elected president. All seems well — until Dante begins to collapse of a heart attack. He tells her that their run-in in the coffee shop was just that, a run-in, and that he was beyond happy to see her again and to reconnect with her. By the end of the episode, Homeland jumps the rails so quickly, so wildly (not that last season ended on a high note, exactly) that I began to suspect there was, to quote the title of the series' second-best episode, "something else going on. Carrie’s become more intense than ever now that she knows something’s up with Simone, and yet she can’t make a single move without implicating herself and Max for putting up cameras inside Wellington’s home. Don't have an account? Elizabeth Marvel will be returning to portray Keane this season. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Gansa opened up about how Trump’s administration will affect the season. Though even that could be bad news. - That can't happen. The best thing she can do, he says, is to lay low and keep her head down until she hears from him again. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. And she wraps it up by saying that everything that’s happened can be undone — so please, Dante, just tell the truth. Saul then walks into an empty house, looks around, and understands that after all that work, they’ve still lost. Unlike everyone else, she has the Carrie-o-vision eyes and ears in the Wellington household showing that David is as innocent as a babe. She gathers Anson and her team for a new mission so she can figure out whether Dante really is working against her, by asking them all out to drinks as a way to “celebrate” their successful mission against Simone. Here’s hoping Franny gets to stay where she belongs. In her defense, she’s obsessed — with the case she’s found herself in the middle of, with Dante, with all of it. Someone drugged him just enough at the bar for him to make it home and pass out. It also helps that everything she says makes total sense…) Maggie had picked up Franny from school after Franny’s teachers called to say she had been crying all day, and Franny spilled the beans on what happened after Maggie assured her Carrie wouldn’t get in trouble. Season 7 begins with Carrie and Franny living with Maggie's family in D.C. Simone immediately plays defense, and Wellington believes her, but Carrie can’t stop pacing around in her bedroom. He wonders if Saul and his team know that she, as he puts it, is a “lunatic” who self-medicates — apparently not, as Saul closes his eyes in worry — then taunts her for being a “regular sh—fest” with a “f—ed up brain.” He’s full of colorful language, but when she accuses him of traveling with Simone in Eastern Europe, he goes silent. The seventh season of the American television drama series Homeland premiered on February 11, 2018, and concluded on April 29, 2018, on Showtime, consisting of 12 episodes. Is Wellington — a man who undermined the president and tries to stop Paley from questioning Simone out of blind faith in his girlfriend — really someone you’d want sitting so close to the top? At this point, that feels like too easy an answer, and it doesn’t totally work with what we know about him so far. It was hard to say ‘OK, let’s go tell a story in Paris. Actor Morgan Spector, known for his work on The Mist and Boardwalk Empire, will also be joining the cast as Dante Allen. Homeland may be closer to a cartoon than ever, but more often than not, it's still a compulsively watchable unreality. On The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 4, Saul's situation ends up going from bad to worse, while Carrie heads off to follow a new lead she's found. She agrees…sort of. But when Saul goes to meet Krupin that night, his old friend is nowhere to be found. Out of everyone, Saul’s the only one making level-headed, rational, believable choices. Saul relents and allows Carrie to come to the secure site where he and his task force are holding Dante, and when Carrie arrives, she immediately asks to be the one to interrogate him. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. So many TV thrillers have been influenced by Homeland, it's easy to forget the original is still a contender, flexing and tweaking with each series to reflect new possibilities of global doom. But Saul advises her to take a breath. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. The good news is, Keane’s presidency will at least last a little longer. Right after Clint’s tutorial, he gets a distress call from a “John Bishop” — an alias Krupin had used in the past that according to Sandy is a reference to the Orthodox cross he wears around his neck. He may have gotten a severe beating and returned her stuff, but who’s to say he doesn’t still have copies of all her incriminating files? And he does: Gromov tracks down the lawyer representing Simone and threatens her, having found out she’s put her mother on Medicaid despite their millions in assets. The characters are listed in the order they were first credited in the series. "[28], For the 70th Primetime Emmy Awards, the series received two nominations–Mandy Patinkin for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series and F. Murray Abraham for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series. Season 7 After Jamie McClendon mysteriously died in prison after being sentenced for the failed assassination attempt, Carrie suspected that Wellington may have given the order and learned that he was in an on/off relationship with a woman named Simone Martin, who lived close to the prison where McClendon died.