So, it could be the mass amount of powdered sugar you don’t like the feel of in your mouth. The frosting tastes sooo good! I think the cake will be fine at room temp for several hours, make sure to cover it though, otherwise the frosting will dry out. 6,384 suggested recipes. Mini Baked Donuts with Lemon Glaze McCormick. It is okay to use brown sugar, and it ends up being a light beige icing. ®/™©2020 Yummly. That’s awesome Brandi! Add equal amounts (by volume) granulated sugar and water to a cooking pot. Hi Emily, I tried this frosting. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. You have no choice but to redo the caramelizing process. Required fields are marked *, Rate this recipe . I mean, no, Friday does not actually translate to carrot cake lol. A little milk to give it a spreadable consistency and we have frosting perfection. I think that the cocoa powder would help to thicken up the frosting so I would omit the cornstarch until the end to decide if you need it. It has a very similar texture to cornstarch, but is not made from corn and is grain free. Susan Lundman began writing about her love of cooking, ingredient choices, menu planning and healthy eating after working for 20 years on children's issues at a nonprofit organization. I want my frosting to be simple, quick, easy, and done in 10 minutes. Hi, if I wanted to add cocoa powder to make it chocolatey do you know how much I could add? Actually I’m not a frostings fan and I only bake for my kids birthdays so my experience is limited! Easy to make and adjust for consistency, this basic powdered sugar glaze gives your baked goods that little dash of sweetness for added flavor. . Once the sugar mixture boils, add the baking soda and vanilla and transfer it to the stand mixer bowl. How can I avoid this? All the recipes had powdered sugar and I didn't have, "Just the fact that you could make icing that actually tastes good without icing sugar made my day. My flour icing is curdling. My hope is that by adding extra cream cheese and butter that it will both “water” down the taste of corn starch, and thicken the frosting at the same time. ",,,,,,,,,,,,, Preparare la Glassa senza Usare lo Zucchero a Velo, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow.