Taking further note of the Statement of the Chairperson of the African Union, H.E. Hameed Ali, The Nigeria Custom Boss just got married to Young lady and guess what the Ex-boyfriend of …, The association suspended the strike after a notice of Action, MoA, it came to with the Federal government …, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Nigeria has designated the title of “securities” to crypto assets and hence …, DOWNLOAD PDF: ECOWAS Final Communique – 23rd April 2020, Ex-Boyfriend of Hameed Ali New Wife Demands 9m Spent On Her During Their Relationship, Nigerian SEC finally classifies Cryptocurrencies as Securities, plans on regulation. H.E. H.E. The Heads of State and Government commended the Chairperson of the Authority and the President of the Commission for convening this Extraordinary Summit. The Summit commended Member States for their individual efforts to contain the spread of the pandemic in their countries and the palliative measures introduced to alleviate the negative impact of the pandemic on the people. 22 Sep 2020 - 02 Oct 2020 [WAHO/OOAS] Invitation for Bid: Procument of Vehicule for ECOWAS Parliament 04 Sep 2020 - 05 Oct 2020 [Commission de la CEDEAO] REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - SELECTION OF SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS FOR ECOWAS INSTITUTIONS RECRUITMENT PROCESS 26 Aug 2020 - 14 Sep 2020 [Abuja, Nigeria] set up a support programme for the pharmaceutical and health protection equipment manufacturing sector, whose output covers barely 20% of the region’s current consumption needs; ix. Promoting better health through regional integration, WAHO Diaspora Health Specialist Registration Form, P03 - Epidemics and other Health Emergencies. The Peace and Security Council, 01/11/14 on the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the Region; ix. President Pierre Buyoya; also taking note of the statements made by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mali to the African Union, H.E. lssoufou Mahamadou, President of the Republic of Niger Ambassador Fafre Camara and the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Niger to the African Union, in its capacity as the Chair of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), H.E. Encourages the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) to continue supporting the Malian stakeholders, including in the implementation of the 2015 Agreement; also calls on partners to continue providing support to Mali; 8. 5. H.E. 9. Abuja, April 22, 2020. (CMXXXIV)]; [PSC/PR/COMM. (Videoconference, 23rd April 2020) FINAL COMMUNIQUE 1. ECOWAS continues to closely monitor the evolution of the Coronavirus pandemic in the world and particularly in West Africa. Our urgent collective task is to mitigate the health and economic impact that the pandemic is having on people worldwide. more effective; ii. Furthermore, the Heads of State and Government noted the outcome of the postelectoral crisis in Guinea Bissau and congratulated H.E. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, as well as the Prime Minister, H.E. 2 0 obj ECOWAS and its Institution, WAHO, continue both internal and external resource mobilisation, with a view to increasing the availability of medical materials and equipment necessary to prevent, monitor and combat this pandemic. Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, President of Burkina Faso v���A��莔��z����v�ݡ� ����#u����@.�=� $�].go>⩓or�0��K��#^���U>�L@-*�΂[o?������fF?J�����+: Encourages all Malian political actors to embrace dialogue and reconciliation, within the framework of the Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Mali, as the only viable approach for addressing the current challenges facing the country; also encourages them to continue to devote their efforts and goodwill in expediting the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement, in order to reach a lasting solution to the crisis prevailing in the country; 6. shashlm@africa-union.org, Subscribe to our mailing list to get PSD updates directly to your inbox. Jean Claude Kassi Brou, also participated in the Extraordinary Summit. In addition, the Heads of State and Government set up Ministerial Coordination Committees on Health, Finance and Transport to coordinate regional efforts to fight the pandemic, under the supervision of the Champion. In light of the spread of the pandemic, ECOWAS Commission reaffirms its solidarity with Member States and welcomes all the measures already taken to contain the spread of the pandemic and care for the sick. 碨T� �{���$�0ur((��P��撈X#}���6x�/��/to�����q�l��s1�f�[\�dK��ެW��dN�A�'�n��j��f�����%�,K�E)2p��JJf�ph#N?��Y You can also have a direct chat with PSD officers on our Knowledge Products and Services [Check the box on the lower right corner of your screen], Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), Peace Support Operations Division / ASF CPE, Crisis Management and Post Conflict Reconstruction Division, Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Division, African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA), African Standby Force (ASF) / AMANI Africa, Disarmament Demobilization Reintegration (DDR). %PDF-1.5 19. H.E. 2020 as projected by IMF. implement urgent measures to support the local production of consumer goods, including agricultural products, thereby reducing the import bill for these goods; viii. 6. 10 000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (Coveralls, Aprons, gowns, gloves, goggles, boots); 740 000 prescription tablets (Chloroquine and Azithromycin); 250,000 viral sample transport equipment; 285,100 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 268,1000 masks for medical personnel (face masks, surgical masks, full face masks); Several thousand litres of alcohol gel and disinfectants. H.E. Knowledge Management and Awareness Raising, Welcome to the website of the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE), © ECREEE 2013. ECOWAS COMMUNIQUE N° 02 OF 6 APRIL 2020 ON THE FIGHT AGAINST THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE. %���� W�nI;�?�X�;?��=/y��y�]��~��~���{W��Etb�[���Fr�Ra��r����|��4(���7Mrm��>�3m/+㴶�W�H��i#��J޼�8�O"o",_�5�� ��O8�_�/�/���ƌk:v2Z��3c��]���k��s=+�)̑��dx��y��|$��:�; H.E. H.E. Demands the Malian defence and security forces to respect the country’s Constitution, uphold their professionalism, stick to their constitutional mandate and to unconditionally return to the barracks, as well as to refrain from interfering in the country’s political processes; also demands the unconditional release of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita and Prime Minister H.E. We use cookies on our website and mobile app to improve content display and (DCCLIX)] and [PSC/PR/COMM. 2 0 obj If you have any questions please contact directly PSD web Administrator at Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas took part in the Summit as observers. Umaro Sissoco Embaló on his election as President of the Republic and wished him success. Moussa Faki Mahamat, on the situation in the Republic of Mali, of 18 August 2020, in which he strongly condemned the forced detention of the President of Mali, the Prime Minister, and other members of the Malian Government and called for their immediate release; In addition, the Authority saluted the unity and solidarity at the regional and continental levels, in particular the coordinated efforts of the African Union, through the Africa Joint Continental Strategy for the COVID-19 Outbreak. It remains committed to supporting Member States in the fight against this pandemic. 1 0 obj Long live ECOWAS Member States! 4 0 obj Ambassador Zakariaou Maiga; Communique of the 948th meeting of the PSC held on 22 September 2020, on the Common African Position on the 2020 Review of the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture, towards an enhanced global peacebuilding system, 14th Annual Joint Consultative Meeting between the AUPSC and the UNSC, Peace and Security Council (PSC) Protocol, MoU between AU and Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) policy, African Stand By Force (ASF) Framework - 2004, Peace and Security Department Brochure - 2015, Terms of