Er war ein Gegner der britischen Kolonialpolitik während des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges und einer der Gründerväter der Vereinigten Staaten. Herter | King | C. Coolidge | Politics came as natural to Samuel Adams as the air he breathed--not the petty politics that plots and plans for place or patronage, but the great politics that is the practical side of states-manship; the politics that began by teaching a crude and simple-minded people their inherent rights as freeborn men and women, and building up a spirit of opposition to any encroachments upon those rights, whether foreign or domestic; the politics that finally wrenched a handful of straggling Colonies from a great and powerful monarchy and welded them together into a compact and harmonious republic. Lewis | Remember me to my dear Hannah and sister Polly and to all Friends. It was he who outlined policies, made up slates, and saw that they were put through. Huntington | Lincoln Jr. | I thoroughly despise him and his proclamation… The Clock is now striking twelve. In dem von Robert Stevenson inszenierten Disney-Film Johnny Tremain (1957) nach dem Roman von Esther Forbes wird Samuel Adams von Rusty Lane verkörpert. The delegation was in charge of $500,000 for the use of General Washington’s army. Samuel Adams himself probably would have been quite satisfied to appear in the old red coat of 1770 in which he had been painted by Copley** and which his wife's careful darning doubtless still held together; but his townsmen arranged it differently. More than once the family would have become objects of charity if not for his wife. Dwight | Then it came out that Sam Adams had refused to sell out the last cow or pig or the last sack of potatoes or corn meal or the scant furniture of a poor man to secure his taxes. Then it came out that Sam Adams had refused to sell out the last cow or pig or the last sack of potatoes or corn meal or the scant furniture of a poor man to secure his taxes. Anschließend (1794–1797) wurde er Gouverneur dieses Staates. In July 1757, Elizabeth died soon after giving birth to a stillborn son. Bradford | Long | Samuel Adams was forty-two years old when he married Elizabeth Wells, fifth daughter of his intimate friend, Francis Wells, an English merchant who came to Boston with his family in 1723. Samuel Adams was at once elected Secretary of State. It required indeed no common virtue to do this, for while Samuel Adams superintended the birth of the child Independence, he was quite careless how the table at home was spread, and as to the condition of his own children's clothes and shoes. Times were hard, money woefully scarce, and the collections became sadly in arrears. Samuel Adams was an American statesman, politician, writer, and political philosopher, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. The case of Samuel Adams is almost without a parallel as an instance of enthusiastic, unswerving devotion to public service throughout a long life.". Romney | Even now his hair was becoming grey, and a peculiar tremulousness of the head and hands made it seem as if he were already on the threshold of old age. Elizabeth Wells's Geni Profile. Adams’s next move was to protest the Townshend Acts of 1767, which placed customs duties on imported goods. By 1760, Adams was bankrupt and working as a Boston tax collector. He had connected with the plain people of Boston, who would be ready to elect him to any office that he would accept. Image: Samuel Adams John Singleton Copley, Artist. Hurley | He remained as poor as ever. Sam was one of the first and loudest voices for independence, and was a workhorse member of the Second Continental Congress beginning in May 1775, serving on numerous committees. He had an ear for music and a pleasant voice in singing, a practice which he much enjoyed. rnum=Math.round(Math.random() * 100000); His eyes were a clear steel grey, his nose prominent, the lower part of his face capable of great sternness, but in ordinary intercourse wearing a genial expression. Coolidge | Crane | Sam Adams is best remembered for helping organize the Boston Tea Party, in response to the Tea Act passed by Parliament on May 1773. Talbot | They had no children, but Elizabeth helped raise Samuel and Hannah, the surviving children of the first Mrs. Adams. S. Adams | Robinson | Walsh | Cushing | Another of his committees laid out public works, opening streets and wharves, and furnishing work for many citizens. ", How this arrangement was brought about is told in a private letter written August 11, 1774: "The ultimate wish and desire of the high government party is to get Sam Adams out of the way, when they think they may accomplish everyone of their plans; but however some may despise him, he has certainly very many friends. ** [from pg. Crane | Brackett | A loyalist member, faking illness, was excused from the assembly and went immediately to the governor, who issued a writ for the legislature’s dissolution; but when the legislator returned to find a locked door, he could do nothing. Frothingham | After that, Adams, wary of a strong central government, was instrumental in the development and adoption of the loose government embodied in the Articles of Confederation, which he also signed in 1777. She ran her Christian race with remarkable steadiness and finished in triumph! Sometimes they were “low in cash,” as she naively put it, but with her fine sewing and Hannah’s “exquisite embroidery,” they managed to live in comfort. But the critical society of a prosperous town and the picked men of the Thirteen Colonies were to be encountered. Mary lived for only three months and nine days. Knight | Early in August 1775, Samuel Adams and the other delegates from Massachusetts hurried home to their families. His father had left him a fairly profitable malting business, a comfortable house on Purchase Street, and 1000 pounds in money. A. Coolidge | In February 1768, he drafted the Massachusetts Circular Letter as a response to the Townshend Acts, which was distributed among the other colonies in an effort to achieve a united front of resistance. He attended Boston Latin School, and received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Harvard University. More than once the family would have become objects of charity if the hands of his wife had not been ready and skilful.". Elizabeth Wells Adams died in 1808. Bradford | Penn | Swift | Then as from the first and ever after there was an affectionate intimacy between them. His father had left him a fairly profitable malting business, a comfortable house on Purchase Street, and one thousand pounds in money. Another son named Joseph was born just two years later, but he died the following day. Elizabeth Adams, who had been forced to leave Boston, was living with her daughter at the home of her aged father in Cambridge, and Samuel Adams, Jr. held an appointment as surgeon in Washington’s army. Von 1765 bis 1774 war er Mitglied im Unterhaus des General Court von Massachusetts. Gaston | Samuel Adams retired from Congress in 1781 and returned to Boston, but was constantly in office in Massachusetts. Yet we hear of no complaining---no chiding because of his thriftless waste of time and talent working for other people without compensation and neglecting his own affairs and family. Brooks | King George III demanded that the contents of this letter be rescinded, but the legislature refused, which resulted in the stationing of British troops in Boston in 1768. Ab 1756 arbeitete er acht Jahre lang mit wenig Erfolg als Steuereinnehmer in Boston. Contact profile manager; View family tree; Problem with this page? Harvie | She was twenty-nine years old at the time of the marriage. Fortunately, there were no health issues with the child. By 1765, he was drafting protests against the Stamp Act that protested British efforts to tax the colonists. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. The younger Adams had served as surgeon in General George Washington’s army during the Revolutionary War, but had fallen ill and never fully recovered. Sullivan | Governor Gage had just made his proclamation offering pardon "to all persons who shall forthwith lay down their Arms and return to the Duties of peaceable Subjects, excepting only from the benefit of such pardon Samuel Adams and John Hancock, whose Offences were of too flagitious a Nature to admit of any other Consideration than that of condign Punishment." Cushman | Exactly a year after Joseph’s birth, Elizabeth gave birth to the couple’s first daughter, Mary. Samuel Adams Quotation: If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. He was uncertain about America’s next steps and where he would fit into the scheme. Mathews | In September of the following year, Elizabeth gave birth to a son named Samuel, but the infant died only eighteen days after birth. Sargent | It is not our purpose in these pages to give, even in outline, a history of the great work that Samuel Adams did for the cause of American independence. Gardner | O’Neill | His contemporaries nicknamed him “the last Puritan” for his views. The death was a stunning blow to the elder Adams, but there was joy in the happy marriage of his daughter Hannah to Captain Thomas Wells, a younger brother of Elizabeth Adams. Boutwell | Haile | Remember me to my dear Hannah and sister Polly and to all Friends… [General Thomas] Gage has made me respectable by naming me first among those who are to receive no favor from him. Nach seines Vaters Tod führte Adams die elterliche Brauerei weiter. Sumner | Writing of Adams in 1769, Hosmer says: "For years now, Samuel Adams had laid aside all pretence of private business and was devoted simply and solely to public affairs. In 1748, his father died, and Sam Adams, as he was called, inherited the family brewery and a sizable estate. Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. I cannot but be greatly rejoiced at the tryed Valour of our Countrymen who by all Accounts behaved with an intrepidity becoming those who fought for their Liberties against the mercenary Soldiers of a Tyrant. Allen | Donations were coming from far and near and were distributed by one of the committees of which Adams was chairman. On December 6, 1764, forty-two-year-old Samuel Adams married Elizabeth Wells, the twenty-nine-year-old daughter of his good friend, Francis Wells, an English merchant who came to Boston with his family in 1723. For, not long since, some persons (their names unknown) sent and asked his permission to build him a new barn, the old one being decayed, which was executed in a few days. Peabody | Cargoes of tea filled the harbor, and the British ship’s crews were stalled in Boston looking for work and often finding trouble. I thoroughly despise him and his proclamation.. He fell in the glorious Struggle for publick Liberty. Boston was as absolutely ruled by its "town meeting" as any city of today is governed by its mayor and council, and "Town-meeting Sam" Adams was absolute in his direction and control of the town meeting. Dezember stattfand, erlangte er große Popularität. A certain sumptuousness in living and apparel would be not only fitting but necessary in the deputies, that the great Province which they represented might suffer no dishonour. Sargent | Half the money he had loaned to a friend who never repaid him. Barry | Hancock | Anschließend arbeitete er als Büroangestellter und wurde später Kaufmann. Eustis | The angry reaction from all the colonies was to expedite the opening of a Continental Congress, and when the Massachusetts legislature met in Salem, Adams locked the doors and made a motion for the formation of a colonial delegation to attend the Congress.