In November it announces a further 7bn euros of cuts in 2012 and 11.6bn euros in 2013. 509 - Clovis I becomes the first King of the Franks uniting all the Frankish tribes under one rule. Pascal, 18th 2000 September - Chirac embroiled in corruption scandal. 1956 - Colonial rule ends in Morocco and Tunisia. 260 - The Gallic Empire is founded by Postumus. 2010 November - France concludes military and nuclear accord with UK. its cultural contributions, including the paintings of 2002 January - Euro replaces franc, first minted in 1360. De Gaulle sets up provisional government. 1804-1814 - Napoleon crowns himself emperor of First French Empire; series of military successes brings most of continental Europe under his control. Other countries feared coalition of Spain and France would ruin the balance of power in Europe. this was one of the factors which sparked. Initially the Germans won many victories, but Result: Peace of Utrecht and Treaty of Rastaat- Phillip became the ruler of Spain, but the thrones of France and Spain could never unite, Prussia gained respect, and England gained a lot of land (Gibralter and America). 1968 May - Student revolt against government policies and lack of social reform escalates into national strike. During the Entre Guerres (Between Wars) period, France played a leading role in the avant garde movement, attracting artists, musicians and filmmakers from around the world. 1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte leads coup to overthrow government; consolidates position with new constitution. 1871, indicating the end of monarchy in France. 2012 March - French Islamist Mohamed Merah shoots dead seven people, including three Jewish schoolchildren, in Toulouse. 1936-38 - Rise of the Popular Front, an alliance of left-wing forces. Paintings at Lascaux, Barbarian It would end in 1763 with France losing New France to Great Britain. France is invaded by Germany. The result prompts a political shake-up, including the resignation of Prime Minister Raffarin. 2010 August - France begins to dismantle illegal Roma (gypsy) camps and to deport their residents back to Romania and Bulgaria, as part of a package of new security measures. of Nantes, Leonardo da prepared for:  2012 January - France loses its top AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's along with Spain and Italy. 1944 - Allied forces land at Normandy leading to liberation of France. Robespierre is arrested and guillotined in 1794, and a new legislature, called the Directory, is established. 400 - Celtic tribes begin to settle in the region. Jean-Pierre Raffarin's centre-right government confirmed in office, marking an end to the "cohabitation" years when Chirac had to work with Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. 1756 - The start of the Seven Years' War. French police detain the last military leader of the Basque separatist group Eta, Oroitz Gurruchaga Gogorza, and his deputy Xabier Aramburu in a joint operation with Spain. 1919 - World War I comes to an end with the Treaty of Versailles. 1914 - World War I begins. He also welcomed to France many 1804 - Napoleon is crowned Emperor of France. early 16th century. 1778 - France becomes involved in the American War of Independence helping the colonies gain their independence from the United Kingdom. 1900 - Paris, France hosts the second modern day Summer Olympics. 2005 June - International project group says France is to host the world's first experimental nuclear fusion reactor at Cadarache, near Marseille. Primary resources:, Media 2002 - The Euro replaces the French Franc as the official currency of France. 1811 - The French Empire under Napoleon controls much of Europe. Bonaparte, Rosetta 1907 - France enters into the Triple Entente, an alliance with Russia and the United Kingdom. War, Lumière Napoleon Bonaparte was renowned for his military victories across Europe, Defeated twice by British forces - at Trafalgar and Waterloo, Notre Dame, Paris: "City of light" has inspired artists, thinkers, Named after Parisii, Celtic tribe who lived on site, City planner Baron Haussmann laid out much of modern Paris in 19th century, De Gaulle formed a wartime government-in-exile, Paris-born Claude Monet led the impressionist movement, Founder of the Socialist Party was president for 13 years, 1981: Elected as president at third attempt; re-elected in 1988, Ban on religious symbols provoked intense debate, Dozens of immigrants were killed in a series of Paris fires, Curfews were imposed to quell urban riots in 2005, How the world's oldest clove tree defied an empire, Why Royal Ballet principal Sergei Polunin quit, BBC News Updated every minute of every day, 2002: French wrestle with de Gaulle's legacy, On This Day 1959: De Gaulle becomes president, 2006: Monet water lilies see light of day again, 2005: Paris fires highlight housing shortage, Tourists flock to 'Jesus's tomb' in Kashmir. da Vinci, Renaissance 2011 December - Former President Jacques Chirac receives a suspended jail sentence for diverting public funds and abusing public trust during his term as mayor of Paris. 2005 October-November - Deprived, largely immigrant, communities in north-east Paris are hit by riots after two youths of North African origin are electrocuted in an electricity substation. By the 1420s, England possesses most of France north of the Loire River, and the English king Henry V is named heir to the throne. 1643 - Louis XIV becomes King of France. 2005 October - One-day national strike in protest at welfare reforms, low pay and privatisation plans causes widespread disruption. 2002 June - Landslide victory in legislative elections for centre-right UMP. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Edict 1995 - Jacques Chirac elected president, ending 14 years of Socialist presidency. Wars, Nicéphore Born in 1769 in Corsica. Denis Cathedral, Gothic 1992 - France signs Maastricht Treaty on European union. of the Rights of Man, Social of 1337 - The start of the Hundred Years' War with the English. Unrest escalates and spreads to other cities. Mr Sarkozy fulfils his pre-election promise to appoint women to half the posts in the new cabinet, and brings in people from across the political divide. Anglo-French Wars: a chronological listing. 2011 March - France plays prominent role in imposing and enforcing no-fly zone over Libya. The nineteenth century in France is also renowned for 122 - Southeastern France (called Provence) is taken over by the Roman Republic. and the war on the Western Front was deadlocked in 1852-1870 - Louis-Napoleon takes title of Napoleon III in Second Empire. This would later become the city of Marseille, the oldest city in France. Philippe, Emperor brothers, The constructed during the Universal Exhibition of 1889 in Five years later, general Napoleon I (1769–1821) returns from a campaign of the French Revolutionary Wars, overthrows the Directory, and rules France as emperor from 1804 until 1814. Jacquard, Napoleonic Richelieu, Louis 2011 May - French political establishment is shaken by arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who had been tipped as a strong Socialist candidate for the presidency, in New York on sexual assault charges that were later dropped. 1951 - France joins West Germany and other European nations in the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) - leading to the formation in 1957 of the European Economic Community (EEC). 2010 June - Government announces public spending cuts of 45bn euros in effort to reduce high level of public debt. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.