This became part of the Co-operative Group in 2007. There were literally hundreds and hundreds of people and children dancing the full length of Merseyway, all deliriously happy to be taking part in the End of the War Festivities. They learn about:-. "On 3rd September 1939 I was six years old and was playing in Beech Avenue, Hazel Grove, when one of my playmates, Gordon Norris, came riding on his bicycle shouting "War is declared, war is declared!" The British way of life was to "get on with it" and this we did, but never ever to forget.". This collection consists of early records of the Stockport Great Moor Co-operative Society. Although those days seem far off, some of the neighbours (the Gerrards, the Browns, the Schofields, the Norrises and the Normans) still live in my memory. One of the groups became so large that they began renting the front room of a cottage on Buxton Road to use as a shop. As the war progressed, different situations arose which stay in one's mind forever. Finally the surrender of Japan came on 12th September 1945, four months after the surrender of Germany. His headquarters were somewhere around The Crescent on Woodsmoor. They had grouped together to buy items in bulk, such as meat, flour, butter, treacle and sugar, and then divided the items out amongst themselves. At a meeting 8 Feb 1873 it was decided that the society amend the rules and send them to the Registrar of Industrial and Friendly Societies for certification. Francis Frith The UK’s leading publisher of local photographs since 1860. I was very worried about him having to go where it was dangerous. Website & VLE by School Spider, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship, SMSC – Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural and British Values, Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain, Britain’s Settlement by Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Home. Britain was also at war with Japan, Singapore fell in Februaruy 1942. As early as 1831 a group of men in Stockport were working together in a co-operative enterprise. She used to bring some round to my Mum, who was delighted to have "good food" for a change. ARCHON code: 130. Find out how you can use this. In 1884 a butcher's shop was opened and in 1886 the grocery store was extended. This was early 1941 and by then, gradually, the children returned to their homes in Manchester. Children born during the war had never seen a party and they went mad, all they had ever known was ration books for everything, no sweets or chocolates, very few presents, nothing compared to today's standard - it was unbelievable. The members of the first committee were Henry Oldham, William Bowden, Peter Oldham, Peter Hewitt, John Smith, Samuel Smith, Isaac Williamson, Robert Wrigley, Thomas Hallworth and Samuel Williamson. By July 1844 the society was renting the back kitchen and upstairs rooms in the cottage. The society continued to develop and began trading in coal in 1907, acquired further land in 1908 and in 1927 there was a complete reconstruction of the premises. They learn about:-Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age; The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain Being an only child, this was an intrusion to what I believed was "mine". The members of the first committee were Henry Oldham, William Bowden, Peter Oldham, Peter Hewitt, John Smith, Samuel Smith, Isaac Williamson, Robert Wrigley, Thomas Hallworth and Samuel Williamson. 26 Store Street Stockport SK2 7HA 0161 4832140 However I later discovered the children were from Manchester (many miles away I thought) and that they had been brought to safer areas for the duration of the Blitz. and was given different veneus to go to each week. those of the BBC. referenced. Where the food came from - well I just don't know, but rows and rows of tables were put into many many streets with cakes, buns, sandwiches, jellies, everything in fact for continual celebrations, which went on for days and days. Henry Oldham remained Treasurer until 1885. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. public. Obviously it was to be a good few more years before I actually did know what those three words really meant. By 1874 the society was buying goods from the Co-operative Wholesale Society and the stock and fixtures were insured for £120 with the Co-operative Insurance Society . This farm stretched as far as the top of Torkington Road. In December 1876 a plot of land was purchased at the corner of Cherry Tree Lane and Buxton Road to build a new grocery store and cottage upon. Merseyway in Stockport, as it was then known, was the long road over the River mersey (now the shopping precinct) where the VE party was arranged. For a time we used them for air-raids getting up late at night or in the early hours of the morning, we kids thought it exciting. Search. Dads had put beds, paraffin stoves, candles, torches, rugs and just about everything in them to keep us happy, where we could "brew up" and have a biscuit. World War 2 had started just 20 years after World War 1 and so my parents, along with many more, although young, had witnessed two great wars by the time they were 45 years old. I lived close to a park in Great Moor and can remember men coming to take away all the steel railings which surrounded the park, all for the war effort! The club will be open on Saturday 4th July at 4pm See opening times tab for new restrictions. This story has been placed in the following categories. One neighbour, who lived alone whilst her husband was in the R.A.F., used to come round and sit with us during an air-raid. For any other comments, please Contact Us. Great Moor Club. Shortly afterwards in 1844, the other group joined up with them. National Co-operative Archive, Co-operative College, Holyoake House, Manchester, M60 0AS. Great Moor Junior School Area In-depth. Another time he was on duty at the school when an incendiary bomb was dropped and hit a house in Cedar Road; this was demolished with loss of life and bad injuries.