Stück, ab 10 Some perennials are shipped as potted plants, some as perennial roots packed in peat. Lavender Hidcote (Lavandula angustifolia) is an English lavender that is valued for its hardiness, strong fragrance and ability to withstand cold Winters. Good variety for drying, as it holds its color well. von Bei der Sorte könnte es sich um Rosa 'Sea Foam' ® oder Rosa 'Diamant' ® ADR-Rose handeln. (‘Vera’ and ‘Pastor’s Pride’ are among the most cold hardy.) Hidcote can also be planted in the Spring or Summer without any problems as it is a hardy plant, however if you plant before the plant blooms, then the number of flowers may be affected. This lavender scent is strongest in dry, sunny locations. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Solange der Boden offen ist und Sie mit dem Spaten in den Boden gelangen, können Sie die Pflanzen im Garten einpflanzen. von It’s one of the most popular lavenders with its dense silver-grey foliage, covered in fragrant, blue flower spikes in mid-summer. This compact form is easy to grow and very versatile. (To learn how to water lavender after planting read my article how often do lavender need watering?). 3. von Im schlimmsten Fall kann es zu einem Totalausfall kommen. Lavenders originate in the coastal regions of Europe and appreciate somewhat breezy conditions with good airflow between the foliage which helps to limit the risk of fungal disease. Read my article for solutions to lavender turning brown. If you have any questions, please call us at (800) 925-9387. einer Kundin oder einem Kunden After planting, give the area a good water. Useful for perfumes, sachets, oils and medicinal purposes. Whilst Lavender Hidcote is a popular variety of Lavender hedging , we do also have the following additional varieties for sale - English Lavender , French Lavender , White Lavender , and Dwarf Lavender . Sweetly scented, this variety's dark purple, almost navy blue blooms, are aromatic and wonderful in arrangements. Hidcote Blue Lavender, or Lavender angustifolia, is a free flowering dwarf lavender plant that produces deep purple flower spikes in late spring and summer. In the Mid-West and Eastern US, sandy soils are a must, and planting on a slope or in a raised bed provides optimum drainage. The lack Es genügt, ihn einmal im Jahr zu düngen. Keep reading for how to amend soil so that it is suitable for lavenders. Lavender Hidcote grows well in pots and containers, in garden boarders or as a decorative hedge. The foliage may even turn yellow as a sign of stress due to too much Nitrogen in the soil. einer Kundin oder einem Kunden You have entered an invalid zip code, please check your zip code and try again. einer Kundin oder einem Kunden If the coldest winter temperature expected in your area is -15°F (zone 5) then any plants rated zones 3-5 will Plant in well drained soil in full sun. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ is a compact lavender, suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging. I have seen much better results in terms of blooms, pruning English lavenders in the Spring then in the Fall whereas French lavenders tend to prefer Fall pruning due to their earlier flowering time. Staunässe mag er nicht, seine Wurzeln reagieren auf zu viel Feuchtigkeit empfindlich. Lavender combines well with all sun-loving perennials, and we especially like it with other blue plants, like nepeta and 'Rozanne' geranium. The easiest way to avoid problems associated with over watering is to amend the soil with horticultural sand to ensure good drainage. Lavender Hidcote flowers in the Spring or early Summer usually in May or June and the flowers last for around 4 weeks. Cut back by a third in fall to prevent the plant from becoming leggy. Hidcote is low maintenance and does not require fertilizer. Why is My Hydrangea Drooping? Im Wachstum ist Lavandula angustifolia etwas langsam. , 30. einer Kundin oder einem Kunden Growing to a height of approximately 45cm (18"), its deep purple flowers and luscious scent can be found across many a garden in the UK. Prefers neutral or alkaline soil (up to pH 8) but will tolerate mild acidity (pH 6.5). Lavender plants will be taller and wider in mild winter, hot summer climates. Prune around 2/3 of the top flexible growth in the Early Spring or late Fall. Ein wenig Kompost ist genug. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it … However in climates with cold Winters or high rainfall, good soil drainage and soil that does not retain moisture is a priority as lavender does not like moist soil around the roots. The symptoms of root rot are drooping appearance with brown foliage. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. (This helps to reduce the risk of fungal disease). von By clicking "LOGIN", you are 636 Myers Cove Road In dem Fall empfehlen wir Ihnen den gewöhnlichen Lavandula angustifolia und auch die Sorte Lavandula angustifolia 'Dwarf Blue' (erreicht aber keine 50 cm). (The Solution). In the early fall the soil is warm enough and holds some moisture for the lavenders roots to establish quickly but the daily temperatures are not as high as Summer which reduces the risk of the lavender drying out. If you live in very warm winter areas (zones 9-11) plants with zones 3-4 ratings are not recommended. Einige Sorten werden auch als Solitärstaude in 2-3 L Container (Co) / Topf angeboten, diese sind mindestens 1 Jahr älter und deutlich größer im Durchmesser. Cut the top two thirds of flexible growth (do not cut into the woody growth at the base) off the lavender to form a rounded, mound shape. Keep it looking neat and trim by giving it a prune in the autumn and it will grow its wonderful flower back the following summer. There are several things you can do to ensure a good display of flowers such as annual pruning in the Early Spring and dead heading the flowers when necessary, as well as ensure the lavender is planted in the optimal soil, with enough light and infrequent watering. 2. Perennials and spring-planted bulbs are shipped at the proper planting time for your hardiness zone. Generativ vermehrte Pflanzen können in der Blütenfarbe, aber auch im Wuchs etwas abweichen. There's nothing like Lavender for adding traditional cottage-charm to a garden. Compact and sweetly fragrant. Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Blue' Sku #0916 This versatile, fragrant evergreen shrub has many uses beyond the herb garden! Your plant(s) will ship to the garden center you chose within the next 21 days. Buy Hidcote Blue Lavender Plants Hidcote Blue Lavender, or Lavender angustifolia, is a free flowering dwarf lavender plant that produces deep purple flower spikes in late spring and summer. These Lavender Plants - Hidcote Blue are great for growing in borders, containers and beds in different aspects of your garden. McMinnville TN Der Lavendel begleitet gern andere Pflanzen, deren Schönheit er uneigennützig zur Geltung verhilft. Water frequently after planting and water once every 2 weeks once established from Spring to Fall, do not water in Winter. A great lavender plant for a dwarf hedge, edging, or for massing., edging, or for massing. Einige Pflanzen sehen sehr gut aus, einige mickern noch vor sich hin, Vielleicht, Alle 117 Bewertungen mit Bericht anzeigen, Halbstrauch, buschig, aufrecht, verholzend, schwach, nadelartig, schmal-lineal, ganzrandig, fein behaart, duftend, winterhart, gute Begleitpflanze für Rosen, Duftpflanze, trocken, nährstoffreich, durchlässig, kalkhaltig, 30 cm Pflanzabstand, 8 bis 10 Stück pro m², Randbepflanzung, Bienenweide, Freiflächen, Rabatten, Beeteinfassungen, besitzt ein angenehmen Blatt- und Blütenduft, ein Rückschnitt nach der Blüte bis zum oberen Blattschopf ist empfehlenswert. einer Kundin oder einem Kunden In moister climates mulching with gravel will protect the crown from excessive moisture and soil splashed onto the foliage. Wichtig ist aber in jedem Fall ein guter Wasserabzug nach Regenfällen, denn ein zu viel an Wasser verträgt der Lavendel schlecht. Supplemental watering can be greatly reduced the second growing season as the plants become established. Planting in pots or containers can provide more airflow then there is typically in garden boarders which will help prevent fungal diseases that are caused by higher levels of humidity.