More than double this amount exists on offshore sites[12] where mean wind speeds are greater than on land. [8] Developments are thus slow at present and renewably powered vehicles very much the exception. Scotland has 85% of the UK's hydro-electric energy resource,[33] much of it developed by the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board in the 1950s. 69 0 obj <>stream 2. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland, Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support, Transparency and freedom of information releases. [65] The funding is part of a new £13 million funding package for marine power projects in Scotland that will also support developments to Aquamarine's Oyster and Ocean Power Technologies' PowerBuoy wave systems, AWS Ocean Energy's sub-sea wave devices, ScotRenewables' 1.2 MW floating rotor device, Cleantechcom's tidal surge plans for the Churchill barriers between various Orkney islands, the Open Hydro tidal ring turbines, and further developments to the Wavegen system proposed for Lewis as well as a further £2.5 million for the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) based in Orkney. It was a shore-based unit and generated power when waves run up the beach, creating pressure inside an inclined oscillating water column. Islay LIMPET was opened in 2001 and was the world's first commercial scale wave-energy device. "[110] A 2007 article by Renew Scotland claimed that automatic wood pellet boilers could be as convenient to use as conventional central heating systems. [12] The 2006 Stern Review proposed a 55% reduction by 2030. "[160], This happenstance of geography and climate has created various tensions. This does not include the potential value of Scotland’s oil and gas reserves, which are not counted as a Scottish export but rather a UK export not tied to a region. Carbon offsetting involves individuals or organisations compensating for their use of fossil fuels by making payments to projects that aim to neutralise the effect of these carbon emissions. [150], Although hydrogen offers significant potential as an alternative to hydrocarbons as a carrier of energy, neither hydrogen itself nor the associated fuel cell technologies are sources of energy in themselves. It should be borne in mind that electricity production is only part of the overall energy use budget. We don't publish click bait and we don't do favours for political parties or powerful vested interests. This is good news not only for Scottish businesses large and small, but also for employment, for product and service development and economic stability. Aberdeen. The publication Export Statistics Scotland (ESS) is based on the Global Connections Survey as well as other survey and administrative data sources. London. Ross, David (11 August 2010) "New tidal turbine creates waves".