The United States and Italy are actually poles apart about a lot of things. Texas is 268,581 sq mi or 696,241 km2 vs Italy at 116,346 sq mi or 301,338 km2 making Texas slightly more (2.3) than twice the size of Italy. Italy is about 2.2 times smaller than Texas.. Texas is approximately 678,052 sq km, while Italy is approximately 301,340 sq km, making Italy 44.44% the size of Texas. 31 times more than Italy Area > Land > Per capita: 5.06 sq km per 1,000 people Ranked 168th. by Dave Stopera. The size of Sardinia compared to the United States. The island of Sardinia rises out of the Mediterranean to make a land mass of 24,100 square kilometres (9,305 square miles), which makes it just a tad larger than the US state of Vermont. Hand-crafted & Made with. about half the size of Russia; about three-tenths the size of Africa; about half the size of South America (or slightly larger than Brazil); slightly larger than China; more than twice the size of the European Union : Area > Land: 294,020 sq km Ranked 70th. Texas is 268,581 sq mi or 696,241 km2 vs Italy at 116,346 sq mi or 301,338 km2 making Texas slightly more (2.3) than twice the size of Italy. It's 268,596 square miles to be exact. Share. We need your help × Please take a minute to support us. I often feel that if one could simply combine both the countries you would have an almost perfect system. The water area includes inland waters, coastal waters, the Great Lakes, and territorial waters. Oh, so now it’s tiny. The best places in Texas So let’s look at the stats. Texas is enormous, but it’s hard sometimes to put its size in perspective: just listing the distance from, say, El Paso to Beaumont (824 miles! BuzzFeed Staff. I have found a New Yorker that has spent some years in Italy and he has been writing the cultural differences between US and Italy. Meanwhile, the population of Italy is ~62.1 million people (264.5 million more people live in United States). The Size Of Texas Compared To The Size Of Europe. Spoiler alert: Texas is pretty big. Meanwhile, the population of Italy is ~62.1 million people (37.0 million fewer people live in Texas). 9.16 million sq km Ranked 4th. We are experiencing a huge traffic load. If you've ever driven from a Northern Texas city like Dallas down to the Mexico border, you can appreciate just how big Texas is. Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above. Compare multiple countries Compare. The states that are closest in size are New Mexico at 121,365 square miles and Arizona at 113,640 square miles. Texas is about 2.2 times bigger than Italy.. Italy is approximately 301,340 sq km, while Texas is approximately 678,052 sq km, making Texas 125% larger than Italy.