PLoS Genet 11:e1004951, Lakich D, Kazazian HH, Antonarakis SE, Gitschier J (1993) Inversions disrupting the factor VIII gene are a common cause of severe haemophilia A. Nat Genet 5:236–241, Langner T, Kamoun S, Belhaj K (2018) CRISPR crops: plant genome editing toward disease resistance. Depending on whether the two DSBs are located on different chromosomes or on the same chromosome, the formation of deletions or translocations can occur. Of the To read the chapter of this research, you can request a copy directly from the author. resulting from the excision of the integrated vector sequences. Here we inject the circular plasmids expressing hCas9 and sgRNA into mouse zygotes and obtained mutant mice within a month. In: Zhang Y (ed) Chromosome translocation. Although the ideal approach to identify infertility causing mutations is to conduct studies in the human population, this approach has progressed slowly due to the limitations described herein. The revertants were examined by Southern blot hybridization Within HR, DSB repair can either be mediated by the single-strand annealing pathway when homologous sequences are present on both ends of the DSB, or by the synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA), or the double-strand break repair (DSBR) pathways, respectively, when the single-stranded 3′ end is able to invade into a donor molecule, resulting in a D-loop structure (reviewed in (Schmidt et al. Mouse lineage-specific regions contain 3,767 genes drawn mainly from rapidly-changing gene families associated with reproductive functions. The formation of CRs can be mediated by different DNA repair mechanisms. Correction occurred via homology-directed repair (HDR) based on an exogenously supplied oligonucleotide or the endogenous WT allele, with only rare evidence of off-target modifications. While lox sites need to be integrated into the genome, this strategy is quite time consuming and these sequences remain as scars in the genome. Different DNA molecules and different repair mechanisms can be involved in the development of CRs. Because chromosomal abnormalities are often correlated with different cancer types and other diseases in humans, the targeted modification of the chromosome structure is an important challenge in this research field. An impressive example is the occurrence of an oncogenic inversion on the human Chromosome 2, which leads to the formation of an abnormal fusion protein because of the fusion of the genes EML4 and ALK. Karger, Basel, pp 17–34 (Genome Dyn), Allen E, Xie Z, Gustafson AM, Sung G-H, Spatafora JW, Carrington JC (2004) Evolution of microRNA genes by inverted duplication of target gene sequences in Arabidopsis thaliana. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. It could be shown that in wild type, the majority of inversions and deletions were formed using an error-free cNHEJ pathway; whereas, only a minor number were formed using MHs. Correspondence to Meiotic HR is the origin of genetic diversity and enables the generation of new allelic combinations. aBIOTECH 1, 21–31 (2020). The reaction of alternative transposition is due to the invasion of two TE ends originating from separate elements located on the two sister chromatids (Gray 2000). 1D). Genome Biol 19:210, Zhou H, Liu B, Weeks DP, Spalding MH, Yang B (2014) Large chromosomal deletions and heritable small genetic changes induced by CRISPR/Cas9 in rice. Nature 516:423–427, McClintock B (1953) Induction of instability at selected loci in maize.